Friday, January 4, 2013

More or Less in 2013

I never set goals in 2012 because I wasn't sure how much running I would get in with all that was going on health-wise, and by the time I thought about making goals it was March. I enjoy setting goals for myself, even if I don't attain them all. I don't think the point is to get them all, because then shouldn't you have set some harder ones?

In 2013 I aim to:
Stretch/roll more / sit less - This should be easy enough since I tend to ignore all mobility work. Be able to downward dog and grok squat with heels on ground (currently they pop up thanks to tight muscles and joints). There is no reason why I can't roll out while watching TV instead of sitting on the couch.

Donate more / clutter less - Continue to get rid of things. I say this every year, and I do get rid of bags of things, but I still could declutter more. I admit that I'm a bit of a hoarder - wearing pajamas from my freshman year of college and still owning t-shirts from 3rd grade field trips. My problem is that whenever I start going through things I do not set 'those' rules such as "if you haven't used/worn it in a year". Yep, hoarder.

More hard work / less excuses - I am entirely too good at making excuses. No more! I will do what I can and own it - whether I finish first, last or somewhere in the middle.

Be more uncomfortable / worry less - Already working on stepping out of my comfort zone, in baby steps of course. As for worrying less, guess I'll have to soak in the tub a lot more!

And specifically:
Run a lot.
Improve my pullups. (10 in a row)
Get a muscle up. (Preferably on rings)
Focus on posture. I'm on the fast track to hunchback.
Eat clean. (Veggies, fruit, lean protein; occasional romances with pasta/chips)
   - Can't decide if I should allow for 2 cheat days per month or 1 cheat meal per week?
Run a marathon. (But only if I actually train for it)
PR in said marathon.
PR in the 10k and half too. (All three of these PRs are from 2009 and practically irrelevant!)
Do what I enjoy and enjoy what I do.
Use capitalization.
Bonus goal:
Run a 2nd marathon.


  1. I'm with you on the less clutter! I feel like everywhere I turn there is clutter...silly kids and their toys! Ha!! I'm shooting for my 2nd marathon this year!

    1. I'm certainly not as bad as those on the "Hoarders" show (you can walk throughout my house!) but I do hate seeing the least bit of clutter in my house. I need to just admit I haven't used it since the past 5x I've looked at it and said I would - and get rid of it!

  2. I'm with you on the more hard work less excuses one! Here's to 2013!!

  3. Use capitalization made me laugh! I think I prefer under- usage to over-usage! I'm really glad you are feeling well enough to make plans for 2013. That's the best part of all!

    1. I can't remember why I started out with all-lowercase when I started blogging four (!!) years ago. Time to "grow up" and use proper capitalization.

  4. These are awesome goals. All doable...minus the capitalization. That's hopeless! :p

  5. Lindsay, your goals look very similar to mine! Here's to being faster and more flexible in the new year!

  6. I'm totally a hoarder too. Drives my husband crazy LOL. But I might need it some day... ;o)

    1. I know this feeling! Does it still work/is it still functional? Obviously must keep item if so! LOL. Just because I haven't used it in the past 5 years doesn't mean I won't need it in 2027!

  7. I love donate more/clutter less. That's definitely one I need to add to my list. Sounds like some great goals. I wish you a HEALTHY and wonderful 2013!

  8. It's so great that you're feeling good enough to make goals! Yay! Here's hoping you get to run gut busting fast. ;)

  9. A lot of your main goals look really similar to some I've been thinking of. I laughed about "be more uncomfortable" because I think one of mine will be "fall more"...I think we're kind of on the same page. I tend to play it safe way too much on the mountain bike. I really would like to get past some of the fear.

    1. It sounds like we're definitely in a similar mindset for that one. "Take more chances" - smartly, but still, I should quit holding back so much and being timid!

  10. "Use capitalization." -- way to set a stretch goal! :)

    I am mighty impressed with the 10 pull-ups. Unassisted?

    1. Yes, unassisted. I'd like to get 10 in a row without having to drop off the bar. Currently I can do 3, maybe 4 (kipping) and 1 strict.

  11. I definitely need to work on the excuses. I come create those in my sleep! I still think you kick major ass especially with 10 pullups good lord!

  12. Love the goals Lindsay! I hope 2013 is an awesome year for you in every way! :)

  13. Awesome goals! I'm doing the declutter as well. As soon as the rugrats go back to school and I'm uninterrupted. But it's hard. I don't know how many tshirts I need laying around anymore but if it's one I got from a concert 10 years ago I'm all like I need that! LOL

    1. Oh t-shirts are a tough category for me since I wear them to workout in - "obviously" I will use them but do I really need 49 (or however many) t-shirts when there are only 7 days in a week? :)

  14. Hope it's a great year for you.

  15. Why not start with one cheat a week and then work down to the two cheats a month. Then you don't feel like the delicious goodness of life is being ripped away from you. :)

    Happy Freaking Fresh Start girl!

    1. Good idea. Thanks! I typically get into a cheat meal/day and then it stretches into 3 months. Ha. But I've definitely found myself needing to ease more into eating better. I know I feel better when I eat well but danggit - chocolate chip cookies are so delicious.

  16. I think Pikes Peak in 2013 would be a great 2nd marathon! Just sayin'!

  17. I'm an anti-hoarder, lol, I throw out things I still need! Ha! But I am with you on the foam rolling. Now I do squats at the computer and foam roll in front of the tv.

  18. I try to be a minimalist too. 10 Pull ups, I like that one!

    1. I like the idea of it, but I know I don't want to take it to the extreme. I do like to have a few non-necessities around (mostly as in house decor), or like how I own way more running shorts than I truly need. Still, I have plenty of things I can pare down on and I probably should just go ahead and part with anything from pre-2002 (if not more recent).

  19. Be more uncomfortable is good! I'm stealing one of yours....

  20. looks like a great line-up for 2013. I'm excited to read about your journey in 2013 working toward reaching the goals. Good Luck !

  21. Great post!
    I have so many things planned for this year.

  22. Last sentence of the first paragraph – vigorously nodding my head!

    Good luck with 2013!

  23. Hi. I am going to blog again. Try to contain your excitement.

  24. more and less.I like it!

    I want to let go of stuff as well...and worry less....much less..
    happy 2013

  25. WTF is a muscle up? Is that a crossfit word?

    Good luck on chasing your goals and dreams and just remember I am only a text message away to kick your ass back into gear.

    Tajh is coming back....DeAndre is not. Sammy needs to be BIG next year or is it this year?

  26. Happy New Year! I say one cheat meal a week! Hell I have at least one a freaking day. MAybe that's why I don't muscle up. Now if there were a fat up, I'd be all over it.

  27. Thats a coincidence. My focus word for this year is Less. It was More before.

    I like your bonus goal.
