Sunday, April 5, 2009

cigarettes and jean shorts - for elite athletes only

week in review (3/30 - 4/05):
total miles: 47.51* (5 easy runs, 2 interval days)
time spent running: ~6 hours 40 minutes
avg hr: 162.57
abs & yoga: 2 ab days, 0 yoga (don't see this changing anytime soon)
off days: zero, zip, nada. needed to punish myself.

*slight improvement from last week's 14.63

ahh a much better week. i forced myself onto the treadmill everyday after work, and even got in a 'long' run today. feels good to be back to running decent mileage. next target: nutrition. easier said than done with my 32 sweet teeth.

saturday (4/4) pm run: 4 miles, 34:13 (8:33 avg pace), avg hr (161)

legs were mucho tired and a little achey from friday's intervals (and probably the fact that the intervals totaled 9.2 miles), so i just did a short and easy run. we tried going down to keeneland to watch some horse races but apparently they only take cash at the admissions gate and don't have an atm you can actually find. who carries cash ever? hello, american express.

view from the top of the carew tower

sunday (4/5) afternoon run: 10 miles, 1:19:14 (8:55 avg pace), avg hr (158)

finally, a 'long' run. a short-long run, but double digits are a rare thing in my training log lately. huge thanks to runner leana for the running-location recommendation! after hanging out in cincinnati for most of the morning/afternoon, j and i drove over to lunken airport to run on the bike/running path that leana recommended. it was a great path (98% pancake flat!) and the weather (72* and sunny) was gorgeous. (although, they are forecasting snow tomorrow.) there were a bunch of folks out running, walking, biking and rollerblading.

we saw a handful of people working out in jeans/jean shorts - not sure what was up with that. i mean a) jean shorts should not be allowed on a man period and b) hello chafing. there was also a dude smoking and biking at the same time, and near the end of my run i saw a guy run/walking who stopped for a smoke break. maybe if i take up smoking and wear jean shorts on my runs i'll get faster. anyway, if you are ever in cincinnati, the path by lunken airport is a great 5-mile loop for running and only a few minutes from downtown. it's not lit though, so don't go when it's dark. thanks again leana, this was the most enjoyable kentucky-area run thus far and will be hard to top!


  1. Ha! A man in khaki shorts (short ones) and a button down top (tied 80's style) wizzed past me early in the race today...

  2. That's better! Great week, girl. Glad to hear you found a great place to run.

    LOL at the jean shorts and smoking. What are people thinking?!

  3. You: Poor me, I have to run on the treadmill and I eat too many M&M's. I suck!

    Me: I'm such a stud, I'm running two workouts a day, I rock!

    Your weekly total: 47.5 miles

    My weekly total: 48 miles

    You're not fooling anybody. I'm on to you :P.

    Great job. Way to get right back into the swing of things. 10 miles is a perfectly respectable long run when you're not training for any race in particular.

  4. @brian - hahaha. you're right, i'm still being whiney and hard on myself all the time. 48 miles is certainly not shabby for 5k training, so i think you are hiding something...

  5. Man I can not wait to log 40 mile weeks. I am still building way up to that.

    I also need to work on nutrition. I have been making slight adjustments in my diet, but I really need to eat better than I do.

  6. Great job on your runs lindsay. It definitely does look like you're getting back into the swing of things.

    Totally agree with the jean shorts. Not exactly workout clothes

  7. That's great mileage, keep up the good work!

  8. Jean shorts! Hoe they weren't cut offs. What some people think. I guess you got to give them credit for being outside and not crashing onthe couch.

  9. Haha oh man seriously who works out in jean shorts...and then stops for a smoke break! LOL! tooo funny!

  10. Too funny about the jean shorts. I'm not sure I can think of anything more uncomfortable to run in. That is crazy about the smokers, get a clue people. And way to go on all your miles!

  11. Yeah, in Texas, we call jean shorts Jorts! That is goofy. Good mileage this week. 47 miles. How much of that was on the treadmill?

  12. lol I have seen people out running in jeans lately and always wonder what they are thinking!

    great job on your runs this week! 47 miles is awesome!

  13. Great job on your running!

    I just have no idea what the jean shorts and smoking is all about! Weird. Very werid.

  14. Yay, I'm glad you enjoyed the route! If you need any more ideas for out that way let me know. OK...who works out in jeans or jean shorts? That is nuts! It always cracks me up when I see folks biking to work in their work clothes here... And smoking on the bike? Blech!

    Sounds like you've got your groove back!!

  15. You have to be kidding? Smoking and wearing jean shorts while working out...we need pictures!

  16. You have to be kidding? Smoking and wearing jean shorts while working out...we need pictures!

  17. Looks like you're getting you mojo back. Nice work.

  18. Nicely done with the week!

    LOL at Brian :)

    Girl, running in khakis & jeans are all the rage on the boardwalk!

  19. omg, i saw a guy on the treadmill in tan denim bermuda shorts. what gives?
    are you running 7 day/wk? dang, girl. you=running animal :)

  20. I love the title of the post. There is a sign at my gym that you can't workout in jeans/jean shorts or boots. That is hickville for ya!

  21. Ouch! Jean shorts???

    What a week! You are really making up for your low mileage weeks. Way to go.

  22. OMG, running in jean shorts, is he totally insane? Of course, my gym has this elvis wannabe who works out in jeans, and a vest-like jean shirt. It's so weird, especially with his very-obviously dyed black hair.

    I read in one of my magazines today, though, that Bill Rodgers used to run in khakis too!

  23. I am so excited you found somewhere cool to run! I am definitely making me a pair of jeans shorts to run in... or not. Can you imagine what those things are like when you start sweating. GAH!

  24. looks like you've got your groove back! :D LMAO at the jean shorts. I can't even imagine the chafing!!! Yikes!

  25. Great week. And - there's nothing wrong with a step back week or two. I'm actually looking forward to my half marathon on 5/3 so I can take a few days off myself.

  26. Yeah, the jean shorts seems like they would be very..constricting. Anyways, I ran with a smoker once and I think the first thing he did once he was done was have a cigarrette!!
