Tuesday, November 30, 2010

shake your derrière

i came across this article on monday and it was a little frightening. granted you have to take men's health magazine for what it's worth, but still - it definitely inspired me to get up and move more often throughout the day at work. i am pretty sure i have "caught" the chair-butt disease from my desk job (you know, where your butt starts to fill out the chair).

in further derrière news: tonight is the victoria's secret fashion show. yes, those women could afford to eat a hippopotamus or two, i won't deny it. i still love watching it though. i *used* to practice walking around in high heels like i, too, was prancing down the runway in my underpants with enormous wings on (except i had clothes on over my underpants and no wings of course). i'll see you there - 10/9 central on cbs; i'll bring the water, you bring the ex-lax?

november 2010
total mileage: 128.08
time spent running: 18:11:25
days off: 12
abs/yoga: 11 ab workouts/4 yoga sessions
avg temp: 59.52*

november goals: A
30-min everyday: 29/30, A
bike: 64.55/90mi, C+
tempo runs: 4mi, 5mi, extra credit for 6mi, A+ (no extra credit)
speed work: 6x800, 3x1600, A+
long runs: 12mi, 13mi, A+
abs: 12/15, B+
yoga: 4/5, A
weights: 7/7, A+

i wish i had been better about getting out and biking this month, but i was wimpy about 50 degree weather on the bike. i squeezed in one last "ride" today on the trainer during the flash-flooding and tornado watch (not like i was gonna get out for a run). afterwards, i had some pretzels dipped in chocolate-mint gu. not quite the supermodel diet but it was actually pretty good.


  1. Look at all those A's!!! Great job this month!

    Trainer??? So did you end up getting that bike??

    I can't say that I have ever practiced strutting around in high heels - at least not that I'll admit to. :)

    BTW- I would kill for 50* biking weather right about now. 35* and falling rapidly currently.

  2. you were pretty darn good with those goals :) yay!

    ummmmmm can i say how much i wish that i had cable so i can watch the VS fashion show?! i've watched every year for the past billion year.

  3. What a disturbing article! I'm going to start standing up while talking on the phone at work. I'm so glad I have a 4-day week after reading that!

  4. I like the goal report card. Might have to steal that idea.

  5. Oh boy. I'm going to stand up and walk around more on my office-y days now so I don't develope a shortened-hamstring forward lean when I walk...

    Speaking of walking... or strutting... I am def watching VS tonight!

  6. I think you passed november with flying colors! Hope the vs fashion show was fun...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That article makes me thankful I've started running during the afternoons!!!

    Missed your smartassness while on vaca!!! I promise I'll be around moving forward! xoxo

  9. Interesting article, thanks for sharing.

  10. I think that this girls don't run to much.

    See you Lindsay!

  11. Sorry, I'm going to print the article to read slowly. Thanks!

  12. I'm going to get a pair of those over the thigh boots to wear over my scrubs at work! That should get people to "breath" better!!! Hahahaha!
    Pretzels and mint choc gu??? Damn, woman, just eat the real ones! I can't even imagine how that tasted!

  13. Hey, I love my Men's Health...........

  14. My hubby "stumbled upon" the Vicky's fashion show last night! His excuse to keep watching..."But I love this song!" I'm sure the goddesses stomping around in their underwear didn't hurt either!

  15. BRAVO! Great job in November.

    I missed the VS fashion show... Watched the other end of the spectrum... Biggest Loser.

  16. I personally think you look hot in that photo, the pretzel/gu thing is working!

  17. You are hilarious!! Way to go on your report card for the month :)

  18. Nice running report card!

    I find VS models to be a little scary. Sometimes I see the magazine pictures and some of them look like they're dieing. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to be thinner, but no so thin that I can't kick @ss. ;)

  19. I saw the advertisements for the Vic fashion show and was kinda scared. I was thinking about the first season of Weeds that I saw and the way the young daughter of the woman with cancer was constantly surrounded by her mother and her mother's horrible desire for her to run more, eat less, make herself pretty.

    Argh. They could stand to eat a hippo.

    Have a great day, Lindsay, and congratulations on all those As!

  20. I didn't even know VS had a show. What the hell rock was I living under???? Last night it was all the rage on FB status's and I was like what huh? Then I turned it on; I lasted about 3 minutes.

  21. Did you see me shakin my booty last night?

    Actually, I was fast asleep before it started... I have a granny bedtime!

    Awesome November!!!

  22. Way to kick November's butt (though I do feel bad for your poor neglected bike).
    Is it just me, or isn't Gu too valuable to be used for snack dipping? I treat that stuff like Gold because I hate paying a dollar or whatever per packet of sugar/electrolytes.

    Um, I read (well slowly skimmed) that MH article and had a nice reaction:
    Fuck Me.
    I remember a few months ago a doctor described my job as "sedentary" and I'm like, "ooooh, but I'm a runner."
    I promise when I find myself clutching at my heart, as the article predicts, I'll think of you first, Lindsay. Thank you.

  23. While you were doing that, I used to pretend to be Vanna White and turn the letters while watching Wheel of Fortune. Yes, I just typed that and I realize I just lost several cool points...

  24. look at all those A's!!! nice job on november girl :)

  25. Nice job on November! Can't wait to see you do some racing!!! Yay!
    I think VS models look so fake. I mean, who has big boobs and a skinny body, naturally. Like .1% of women?

    And yes, I worry a bit about my daily activity. I do walk 15 min to my office, but then I pretty much sit for 50 min and then walk for 2 min only for the entire work day. Certainly not enough!!!

  26. Yee-Haa for the somewhat Straight A student. Nice job. I am going to get on this bandwagon and evaluate how my November went in terms of miles and yards and times.

    Great job.

  27. nice month of running!

    pretzels dipped in mint chocolate Gu? BRILLIANT!!!

  28. Nice job! I see you're aiming for straight A's, teacher's pet :p

  29. Nice report card. Hope Dec. goes well too.

  30. Great training month, love the A's.

    As far as the Victoria Secret thing, yeah, not sure what to say about that kind of stuff.

  31. Chocolate mint GU, ex lax, chocoturds, I can see were all of this is going. Right down the tube. Great performance on the A's and all that. Don't worry about the not biking thing in the colder months. Screw the cold weather. I hate the cold weather. Makes me mad. Why??? So don't worry about it. I wonder how much those unhealthy little models eat anyways in one day? They would not be good runners I wouldnt think. Well, gotta go crap now thanks to your ex lax talk and chocolate gu time.

  32. OMG, pretzels and gu?? BLEH! But I'm glad you liked it :)

  33. Wow! Actual letter grades! I think this may have finally inspired me to make monthly goals — seeing your A's is pretty inspiring. Good job, and thanks for posting!

  34. Love those monthly goals...and of course achieving them!
