Wednesday, December 8, 2010

dear santa, bring me a trane

while mother nature was busy lowering the temperature outside, my 15-year old gas pack was doing the same inside.

yes, i painted the hallway and later got a new thermostat.
no, i didn't bother to repaint.

so it was out with the old

and in with the new

they better be right when they say "nothing stops a trane".

to my secret blog santa from jill's gift exchange, feel free to send a donation towards josh's christmas present.


  1. have you gotten your secret santa already? i haven't gotten an email yet...

    i wouldn't have bothered to repaint either. such a hassle.

  2. Your secret blog Santa will probably send you M+Ms! I can't wait to get my gift in the mail! I have my "person" now! I got a good one.

  3. I need to read up on my person now so I can get a good gift! Hope Santa brings you what you want this year! :) Our wall looks the same way since my husband put the new thermostat in...I have been too lazy to paint it.

  4. Brutal timing, but seeing that 48 inside, makes it worth the $$.

  5. Yikes that is cold for INSIDE the house!!!

  6. oooooo we got a new furnace this year, too!

  7. lol, in one of our conference rooms they installed boards and removed some paintings and lo and behold the stupid painters painted around the paintings! its was pretty hilarious.

    hope youre now nice and warm at home.

  8. Yikes!!! I hope you had some sort of heating device to make up for that 48!!

  9. I'm looking at the list - sorry, your SS is a tight wad!!

    I hope you got my EMAIL!!!???

  10. Our trane stopped after two years. Thank goodness for warranty - the parts bill would have been $800!

  11. Not repainting makes it look rally avant-garde or sloppy, haven't decided yet. Post-modern? Post-industrial?

  12. Hahahaha at your wall. Hilarious. And totally something I would do. Love it.

    Glad you are warm though cause 45 degrees inside is BANANAS!

  13. I wouldn't have repainted either... LOL! Hope the Trane does it's job, 48 INSIDE?? That's nuts!

  14. That is bad timing for sure. Glad that you are taking care of now!

  15. Glad you were able to get it taken caren of!

  16. When I lived in the midwest I put electric blankets under the slip covers on the couch - it was awesome.

  17. Don't paint it. Says you are an individual who won't succumb to society's pressures....or you are just lazy....but I go with #1.

  18. Ummm brrrr. Glad you got that fixed!

  19. COLD!!! I hate being cold especially when it is in your house....I am so happy you got a new furnace! Yay for secret santa!!!

  20. Oh lord, I do not envy you or any home owner when crap like this happens. Sorry bout your luck girl but at least now you don't need to worry!!! :)

  21. It's been crazy cold here lately, so I hope that new heating system helps! It's supposed to be even colder next week which is crazy bc this is South Carolina and it was 15 the other morning someone said!

    Don't worry about not repainting :). None of us have perfect homes, trust me!


  22. You always make me laugh!

    So, I have the wall painted behind my thermostat but I haven't nailed the baseboard to the wall downstairs. Just sits there laid up against the wall going on 5 years.....

    Congrats on the 2 miles lol!!

  23. Ok Lindsay Santa Claus is near Kentucky I see!

    But you have to run,je,jejeje

    Thank you for your kinds words to my race.

    You always make me see things under a different point of view!!!

    See you!

  24. Pft....who needs to repaint? It gives your home character :)

  25. hahaha at the paint job. Maybe I'm not the only one who should be busting out the brushes this weekend...

    48 degrees!!! GAH!

  26. Or you can just move to Southern California. It was 86 today at the beach. And no humidity....

  27. I am so glad your heater worked really well all weekend long, I was warm and toasty...
