Monday, December 13, 2010

runs with friends

i've realized lately that i don't talk about my daily runs much. i've tried putting thought into it, but mostly i feel pretty unbloggable on a day-to-day basis.

with the exception of this weekend of course, before terri (one of my longest blog-buddies) un-invites me from coming up for boston in april. terri came down to visit her dad me and in addition to being lazy/eating m&m's, we got to run together twice!

we got a late start saturday after a lazy morning and went out for an easy 5-miler in 50-ish degrees; a warm welcome for my boston friend. sunday's weather was not as nice to us as it steadily drizzled the whole time, but we got in another easy, gab-filled run. once back inside the house the rain stopped and the sun came out. go figure.

saturday 12/11 mid-day run: 5.02 miles, 45:41 (avg pace 9:06), 50*
sunday 12/12 am run: 4.5 miles, 40:58 (avg pace 9:06), 37*

three things you should know about terri:
  1. she makes delicious brownies.
  2. she is concerned about my heart-health and buys me dark chocolate m&m's.
  3. she's a running-sandbagger, always talking about being slow, and then she waxed me up the last hill on our run sunday morning. home field advantage i think not.

disclaimer about jill's gift exchange: i have begun to procure gifts for my secret santa but i still make no guarantees you get it before the post office shuts down for christmas. course you won't know this until you get it and find out i was your tardy secret santa, but you've been forewarned :)


  1. Very nice introduction to Teri and you hint at dark chocolate m&ms being your favorite, which would be good 'cause they're my favorite, too!

    I also don't really talk much about my daily running. I say what I did but usually pass-over it quickly because I don't have the adjectives or verbage to make it interesting.

  2. tufts 10k shirt! holler!!! it's nice to have a friend to run with, love long time blog buddies. we're becoming older and older as "blogs" it is interesting how the "age" also changes us/our blogs over time just like it does to us as people in real life as well.

  3. Laziness and dark chocolate M&M's... sounds like my kind of party. Can I come hang out with you guys next time? I can bring dark chocolate raisinets for fruit and added heart health...

  4. i'm going to second the tufts 10k holler! yay blog buddies :) will we get to make our friendship a real-life friendship too when you come up in april?!

  5. Dark chocolate M&Ms now that a switch I wouldn't have a problem making!

  6. Hi Lady! Those dark chocolate M&Ms are the best:) Teri sounds like a very cool person...makes you brownies...good Lord!!

    I sent my secret santa gift out on last Wednesday:)

    Take care!

  7. Reading this made me think two things:
    1) I wish I had friends to run with (this makes it sound like I don't have friends. I do, they just aren't runners);
    2) I'm jealous of the weather you had over the weekend.

  8. Love dark chocolate M+Ms because I am all about eating healthy at all times!

  9. when i come down to the south you should hang out with us and eat m&m's by our pool all day long :)

    thanks for introducing us to teri.

  10. They make dark chocolate m&m's? Where have I BEEN?

  11. Running with friends is the best! and better if she can do the best brownies!

  12. That's indeed a great information about Teri..great post!!!

    --I prefer running without shoes. My toes didn't get cold. Besides, if I'm in front from the start, no one can step on them. ~Michelle Dekkers - mountain hardwear

  13. A coworker and I were just discussing all the different flavors that M&M's now come in! I'm not a big fan of dark choc-I guess I'll just have to keep "swinging" to keep my heart in check!
    Top 5:
    They are just soooo pretty, they just can't be bad for you!
    I'm thinking of making the personalized ones after May!!

  14. Beautiful runners friends! Linday thanks for your kind words to me in my marathon!

    See you and run all!

    M&M? I prefer chocolate,jejeje

  15. Lindsay, this was such a nice post. You have no idea what it means to me. And funny, but I seem to have the same photo to put on my blog?! LOL. And hey, we need to emphasize the sexy leg-pop!

    It cracks me up that people recognized my race shirt - that's totally awesome. That is seriously still one of my favorite races.

    I absolutely loved our runs together this weekend, and yes, I did come down to see you and my dad. You were not just a convenient place to stay, but a part of my trip, and part of the reason I came down south. I truly feel very comfortable around you and have from the moment we first started talking "online" and in person.

    I miss you already.


    p.s. Glad you guys liked the brownies, even if they were a bit SMooshed. lol

  16. Dark chocolate M&Ms...yum! I love running with friends...something I'm missing now that I am in a new place!

  17. How sweet of you to introduce your running buddy. 50 degrees. wow, you are one lucky lady with that temp. I hate cold and it is nothing but freezing here. Here we go with the m and ms. lol. dark chocolate? Not having anything to blog about and not blogging about personal runs. I say blog about it Lindsay! Go for it. You might be surprised at the amount of people that might be interested. Take care.

  18. You are lucky to have such a close friend that likes to run!

  19. Awww yeah for runs with friends!!! :)

    So... um... I've been sitting here trying to think up something witty to follow that up with and I got nothing.




    GO M&M's!


    Yeah... terrible.

  20. I haven't felt very bloggable lately either :( I feel like since I am not running...and hardly working out at all, I have nothing to say. I mean, I have a lot to say, just not about what my blog is about. Make any sense? I have a 5k opportunity this weekend, and my one reason for doing it, is to have a reason to blog. Lameoooooo.

  21. LOL at heart health! Hey, if it makes her feel better. ;)

  22. LOL at heart health! Hey, if it makes her feel better. ;)

  23. nothing like runs with friends!!

    so did i see that you will be in boston in april???? or was that in reference to the past april you were already there?

  24. I LOVE running with friends! Bi-weekly runs with my neighbour are the only things getting me out there these days!

  25. just reading this gave me a craving, brutal time of the year.

  26. A good friend buys you Dark Choco M&M's. A great friend suggests you Google a study about visualizing eating M&M's which may help quell your cravings. Thank me later.

    And, how cool that I've already gotten my x-mas present from you. Those suckers that wanted material possessions, well, they'll learn.
