Monday, December 27, 2010

white christmas

ladies and gentleman, we had a white christmas in south carolina!! this hasn't happened since 1963. we got about 3-4 inches and it was half-melted by the time i woke up the next day. it covered up the un-raked leaves nicely though.

some dorks on craigslist.
apparently i should give craigslist it's own tag here on ctk.

my secret santa gift came! i got this sweet handmade bright yellow scarf from my buddy karyn. her note said it could be a safety feature for running, but she was unsure if it even got cold here in sc. we get a few days in the teens and twenties, but most of our winter "highs" are in the 30's-50's. when it started snowing i went outside to take a picture and of course you can't tell that it is snowing, but there are a few flakes on my hat if you look closely.

some dork who appears to have no idea how to pose like a runner.
as you can see we get real dressed up at my house for christmas.
why yes! those are my $12 sweats i couldn't part with at boston.

she also sent an "ornament" (power bar gel) for my tree. the scarf is awesome though, because i love to wear scarfs to work no matter what the temperature is (you know i'm always on top of the fashion scene).

even santa knows how fashionable i am. he brought me these stylish "compression" socks. now if recovery socks/sugoi/etc would get on the ball with such fun designs...

my secret santa gift arrived safely at ginny's last thursday. go check out her obviously awesome present.

week in review (12/20 - 12/26):
total miles: 31.55
time spent running: ~ 4 hrs 44 min
avg pace: 9:02
off days: 2
  • mon: total laziness, again! ugh.
  • tue: easy 3.5mi plus weights/abs
  • wed: easy 6.5 plus yoga
  • thu: runmute plus abs
  • fri: easy 3mi with josh plus weights
  • sat: off. completely lazy. ate my weight in cookies.
  • sun: easy 11mi
i was slack on mileage and i'm also falling (way) short of my december goals. i think it was really making me depressed/mad at myself towards the end of the week when i realized i'm failing them. i am trying to make the most of it and looking forward to a fresh start in a few days, but also trying to not wish these last few days of 2010 away.

hope everyone had a merry christmas! and if you don't celebrate, you should look into it. who doesn't like getting presents from santa a stranger?

edited to add: check out my new post about the privilege of running on the honeymilk blog!


  1. woohoo, great gifts.

    i love perusing craigslist when im bored, some people are pretty amusing and others...well just down right idiotic.

    we got a short burts of snow yesterday..totally unexpected and i got stuck at the mall...woe me :)

  2. Those are some great gifts!! Love the compression socks! No snow here in Colorado Springs but it will be low 20's for my long run Saturday.. brrrr

  3. We got a fair amount of snow but it is to be expected. I do love gifts. I don't care if I know the person or they're from strangers!

  4. I recently started wearing scarves and just LOVE them, too. :) *Also a fashion diva, here! Ha Ha The socks totally ROCK! No snow in Orlando (yet), but certainly cold enough for it. Mid 20s this morning and high 20s tomorrow a.m. ~ snowball contest, anyone???

  5. Um, guess I meant 'snowball FIGHT'...oops! Forgive me - not a phrase we use here much! LOL

  6. i think you should wear the socks and the scarf at the same time. sexy lady! ;)

  7. Glad the snow went to you and not to me! We dodged the bullet, barely, outside of DC! Cool gifts too...

  8. 3-4 inches of snow is more than we got in Michigan! Impressive :)

  9. I went to school in Savannah and I remember getting one snow storm. 3-4 inches in SC is a LOT! I heard Alabama got like 6!

  10. Hey,
    I laughed when I read your post, your way down south and I'm up here in Cold had a white christmas and I hd a green warm one.....
    Global warming anyone? lol

  11. That yellow scarf will fit in perfectly up here in Green Bay! After all, the Packers colors are green and gold-so you'll fit in perfectly, no one will ever know your from the south! LOL!

  12. I'm in Michigan, where it never stops snowing, and it didn't snow! There is snow on the ground, but nothing fresh since I've been here. I'll be flying into the NYC blizzard later this week if the airports open back up!

  13. It's funny because all I wish for is no snow so I can keep running! LOL!

  14. I do think I see a snowflake! And that yellow scarf is great!!

    I think you're doing a great job running. Just think of what you can run and what some people aren't running...yet (like me). It's about perspective. I mean eleven miles? Not just anyone can do that. And, I, too, have been eating too many cookies. But I have started running again and it feels great!!

  15. Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay, you need a little work "posing" as a runner. Girl, you also need to take off the slippers and put on some running shoes...unless you actually wear those slippers when which case, I should warn you that they seem unsafe for the road or trail. Or are you barefoot running/slipper running now?
    Cute blogger presents!! You should have gifted those Boston Sweats. Those might be worth something on Craig's list some day...

  16. Aww I can't imagine having a non-white Christmas! Glad you got a little bit of snow at least ;)

    I got recovery socks for Christmas too but mine aren't all cool and seasonal like that! Love it!

  17. I really love those socks!!! Happy New year!!!

  18. Love the socks! If I knew I could sell snow on craigslist I would have done so a long time ago! We got 15 inches this weekend!! I have been a lazy bones this week mostly because I was sick but I do think I like the rest! Definitely ready to get going this week since the spare tire around my waste is growing! I guess rest plus Christmas cookies for breakfast is not a good combo!

  19. I think I jinxsed the Carolina weather....snow in Charlotte? I wouldn't have guessed I'd run in snow over there...LOVE the socks! What brand?

  20. Love... "You should look into it"!! Hope you enjoyed your snow. We don't get much here, in Texas. Love your socks! I need some of those.

  21. Love... "You should look into it"!! Hope you enjoyed your snow. We don't get much here, in Texas. Love your socks! I need some of those.

  22. You had a great secret santa!!! Way to hook it up there! I love scarfs too, it's one of the few things I've loved adding to my wardrobe living up here in the frozen tundra.

    Don't get upset about falling short of your goals, at this point just make peace with it and focus on a great 2011! (Or at least this is what I keep telling myself when I see how short I fell on mine. Misery loves company!)

  23. we had tiny snow flurries on the 26th for about 5 minutes. That's really enough for me. :)

    I am terrible at posing in pics. Love the runner's pose.

    don't be sad. You're still in the game, and that will set you up to start 2011 off right. you did get in the running, the yoga, the weights, and the lifting of the cookies to the mouth, hee hee
    I am so cold-natured that I am often wrapped up with a scarf around my neck. I even start some runs with it. (weird thing about me, I totally LOVE the cold weather for running, but the rest of the time, i'm pretty much miserable in the cold)

  24. We also got snow on Christmas day for the first time in forever in Atlanta. We still have some hanging around even today since it has yet to get above freezing since then! Today it will be gone.

    I guess us low in the states dwellers have to take it when we can and enjoy it!

  25. Wow, now every time I hear the word 'fashion' I'll think of U! HA.......

  26. yay for a White Christmas, fun socks, bright scarves and a Merry Day! Love your bloggy gift you sent to Happy feet! :) So cool. And I am way behind on your blog...forgive me...I've had a hard time keeping up and still keeping up my three kids too. :) but I always love reading when I do. :)

  27. Is that your house?! Such a pretty picture!

  28. Ahhh, so it was YOU who took my white Christmas away! Oh well, since I've gone this long without, I'm thinking maybe you should just keep it, I don't really want it back!

    And well worth the 300 trips to the mailbox to check for your secret blogger gift, huh????

  29. Once again, I enjoyed your guest blog on HM, super cool Rick quote.
    I'm thinking you might want to add a running list of CTK-Words-of-the-Year to your blog because Merriam Webster is gonna be contacting you about runmute and runbattical among others for their next edition.
    It kinda frightens me that you get that much snow down South, I'm kinda counting on it being warm and pleasant in a few weeks.
    And don't sweat those december goals, from my perspective you've still had a very good training month.

  30. Snow-craziness! Did the whole city shut down! Love the running pose! I gave up my favorite sweats in Boston and I'm still kicking myself...

    Glad you had a good Christmas!

  31. Great presents! So, are slippers the new running shoe?

  32. Loooove your holiday "compression" socks. They are freakin' awesome!!!

  33. Yay for a white Christmas! I hope I can one day experience a white Christmas somewhere.

  34. I love that the south had a white christmas!!!! Exceptional!!!! I hope you had a great Christmas!!!

  35. LOVE THE SOCKS!! I am so happy you had a white Christmas. Girl don't get down on not reaching your still did a ton and most people didn't even work out during the holidays.

  36. awesome gifts, I love the scarf nice and bright :)

  37. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Yeah, I'm a little behind on posts here. I took a hiatus from reading/commenting for a week. I'm only getting caught up on my FAVES tonight so consider yourself SPECIAL.

    Sweet scarf and socks and YAY snow! I sent it from Canada... just another little gift from me to you.
