Wednesday, May 18, 2011

product review + giveaway: sony w-series mp3 player

although the completely revamped sony walkman has popped up throughout the blogosphere recently, i can't help but think of the original walkman. i didn't have a real walkman, but i did have a few discman's. i remember when i upgraded to the super cool, "no-skip" version. i would use it when i "ran" and by ran i mean maybe a mile. i don't think it had skipping problems until after i dropped it 50-bajillion times and then it may have had a few issues (can you blame it?).

thankfully, technology has evolved and sony now offers a cordless mp3 player, the w-series. it looks a lot like a bluetooth (or as my old boss would say, a bluetoob) so it can make you look important but you won't be able to take calls on the run.

key features
  • cordless
  • water-resistant (to an extent of course)
  • quick to charge (takes 3 minutes to get about 90 minutes of action)
  • only $49.99 (originally 59.95 but currently on sale)

how'd it work for me?
i prefer to run without music when running outside, but i need entertainment when running/exercising indoors. i first used the 'w' on a 10-mile treadmill run. i had difficulties getting it to stay in place and after texting with morgan i tried her backwards method. i guess my head is shaped funny because the backwards method worked after a few attempts.

the second and third trials were both 5-mile treadmill runs, along with some abs and weight-lifting. i had no trouble with the w-series on either of these two runs and can admit it was probably user error on the first run.

the on/off and volume up/down controls are very easy to use and the sound quality was good as well. i really enjoyed not having a headphone cord flap against my arm/torso during a run or having to untangle myself from any weight equipment.

sony provided me with two w-series mp3 players to giveaway.

to enter
leave a comment below and tell me what your first (or favorite) cassette tape was.
- mine was the free willy soundtrack. jason james richter was such a hottie.

for 4 bonus entries: tweet "i want to run to the beat with @sony's w-series mp3 player #ctkrocktherun" (if you don't include the #ctkrocktherun, i won't know you tweeted)

if you hosted your own sony giveaway (ahem morgan, aron, kevin, jess, and others) - spread the word to your readers and have them tell me you sent them! if your 'referral' wins, you'll win a special personalized prize-pack from me.

disclaimer & fine print
sony sent me a w-series mp3 player for review.
sony also sent me two additional w-series mp3 players to giveaway.
the special prize-pack(s) for referrers will be provided by funds from the ctk bank (aka myself).

there will be two (2) winners chosen via random drawing.
you do not have to be a resident of the united states to enter.
giveaway ends friday, may 27th.


  1. I would say my Bon Jovi slippery when wet...

  2. I'm pretty sure it was Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet... Funny that it's the same answer as the previous comment from Running Librarian!

  3. I would be totally dating myself if I told you what my very first 8-track cassette was!
    My first "cassette" was Culture Club's Colour By Numbers. Still have it actually!
    This player would be so sweet for a kettlebeller like me-no cords for those heavy snatch days!!!

  4. My first cassette tape was Black & Blue by BSB.

    I tweeted here:!/EdwardCNN/status/71063537031712770


  5. The only cassette tapes I owned were mix tapes I made by recording songs off of the radio. Yup, I was cool enough that I would sit by the radio all day, and hit 'record' everytime a new song started. If it wasn't a song I wanted, I would stop it, rewind, and wait for the next one to start.

  6. Do I still get 4 bonus entries if I tweet the giveaway, but have no twitter followers, since I never use my account? :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My favorite was probably Hysteria from Def Leppard :)

  9. Wilson Phillips!!

    I tweeted. @atomickandi

  10. My favorite cassette tape...oh there were so so about that "well-known" band called A-Ha!! Didn't they sing "take on me"...loved that!!

    I tweeted too!!

  11. Oh wow... I think my first cassette tape was like, MC Hammer or something. I used to dance to his music in dance class... hahaha. Would love to win!

    Amy Lauren

  12. I don't think that I ever bought a cassette tape... I had a couple of mixed tapes and then went straight to CD's... My very first CD was The Best of The Bee Gees... Don't judge!

    I tweeted too! ;-)

  13. My first tapes were a Columbia House deal. Let's say I bought Use Your Illusion I and II as my first tapes. Man, I still love the GnR!

  14. Last tape I listended to was a Jack Welch adio book.... I always love running to those!

    Red sent me

  15. This is probably one of my first and favorites because it's the only thing that sticks out in my mind that I can definitively say I had on cassette... Real McCoy's Another Night. The music was upbeat and catchy. Hmmm, now you've got me wondering if it's still sitting around my parents' house somewhere.

    By the way, thanks for pointing out how awesome these headphones would be for strength training. Right now I just stop listening to music for that part of the workout. After reading a gazillion reviews about it, I still haven't quite convinced myself that going cordless is worth $50 when I have 2 perfectly good mp3 players already. But now I'm thinking I'll at least put this on my birthday/Xmas wishlist.

  16. I think mine was the toy story soundtrack!

  17. my favorite cassette tape was a bunch of nursery rhymes lol... i was a little girl ;)

  18. ROFL my first cassette was Tina Turner 1984. Guess how long ago ;) I loved it and knew every word to every song.

  19. well, thank goodness you didn't ask me my first album because that would have been a totally different answer. LOL (I think it was the Chipmunks Christmas Album). Cassettes... who knows. I remember ordering a bunch from Columbia house for a penny. Really, the first one was probably Def Leppard. I used to be cool ;)

  20. Mine was Cyndi Lauper's She's So Crazy!! And I still love her music :)

  21. Can you just give them to me? I think I earned them.

    Okay but my favoUrite cassette tape was "Dance Mix 92" - a mix tape put out every year by Much Music (Canadian version of MTV, kind of). Hot stuff.

  22. Paula Abdul, "Forever Your Girl"! We would play it on our My First Sony and make up dances in the backyard. Hooray for the 80's!

    Oh, and I tweeted!

  23. My first cassette tape was Tiffany! :)
    I would love to win one of these Sony mp3 players. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. My first cassette was The Judds, LOL!

  25. Cassettes? Okay. I'm showing my age here. 8 tracks maybe, but cassettes? Actually, it would have had to have been "The James Gang Rides Again" back in the late 70's when I bought a stereo for my car with a cassette player in it.

    Tweet coming!

  26. I think my first cassette was McHammer!

  27. I think my first tape was Reba's greatest hits! Lol. I think I was 9 years old!

    I will tweet- @MegganFranks

  28. I may be dating myself here but my favorite/first cassette is "Bob Dylan K7 Greatest Hits"

  29. I know that there's nothing quite like reading an adventure off a book, but, one of my most favorite childhood memories was listening to all 13 cassette tapes of Lord of the Rings!

  30. Michael Bolton's "Soul Provider"! (I swoon over love ballads)

  31. i totally rocked the real walkman. yikes!

    my first fav cassette was the spice girls...yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah i was cool like that.

  32. I already left a comment to enter above, but I forgot to mention that I was referred to you by Morgan, haha

  33. Hi guys!

    Mine is Stevie Wonder's Hotter Than July - it has always been a great "pick me up"

  34. Gosh my first cassette tape??
    I dated a deejay back in the day and he made me custom mixed tapes. I don't think I actually ever bought a cassette tape.

    I had the yellow discman!

  35. I am more than happy to post about veggies/recipes etc. Great idea!

  36. I enjoyed reading all your contributions, however, the BEST cassette tape EVER, in the history of all cassette tapes, was the mix tape I got for Valentine's Day in 10th grade. Anyone remember Memorex? Side A was all slow, romantic love songs. Side B was whatever fantastic crap was in the Top 40 at the time. I listened to it on the bus for every away Cross Country meet.

    I didn't tweet. I don't know how. I don't even really understand what tweeting is.

  37. My first was vintage Jeff Beck, a gift from a friend. Cheers!

  38. I don't remember my first but I do remember that I loved Madonna's tape with Material Girl on it - I listened to it over and over and over FF, Rewind, FF, Rewind. And I made my own mixed tapes all the time. :)

  39. Michael Jackson's Thriller. Yes on cassette

  40. I remember listening to Erasure while sitting on the beach in Bournemouth (England)

  41. My first tape was Gloria Estefan greatest hits I think... wow long time ago!

  42. I had a Madonna tape. It had the song "True Blue" on it. I think I got a Cyndi Lauper tape at the same time :)

  43. I uh can't remember my first tape. Is that sad? That's how old i am.
