Sunday, May 22, 2011

yoga research

research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does!

savasana - position of total relaxation.

balasana - position that brings the sensation of peace and calm.

setu bandha sarvangasana - this position calms the brain and heals tired legs.

marjayasana - position stimulates the midriff area and the spinal column.

halasana - excellent for back pain and insomnia.

dolphin - excellent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.

salambhasana - great exercise to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.

ananda balasana - this position is great for massaging the hip area.

malasana - this position, for ankles and back muscles.


  1. Wow... That is hilarious! I love it!

  2. hilarious. That has to be a BAC of .50.....

  3. Dropping yoga stat. Taking up drinking.

  4. Just when I thought I didn't like yoga...

  5. Well, in that case... I think I have to do more "yoga"! ;-)

  6. SO funny! Good reasons to do yoga, as far as I'm concerned.

  7. I am seriously laughing out loud! I don't always laugh out loud when I see something funny on blogs but with this I am. Too funny!! Bahahaha

  8. well i'm glad that my weekend can now be considered healthy.

  9. Hysterical. Think I'll go get a beer.

  10. OMG! I`d rather stay with yoga. :)

  11. Sadly savasana is the only pose I have mastered.

  12. Funny how all the Yoga poses were women and all the "non" Yoga (aka: drunk) poses were men!! Amazing how much flexibility can be reached when alcohol is involved!
    The last pose is one hell of a beautiful squat!

  13. I knew I didn't need yoga - just a few good drinks!

  14. I think that deep down I've always known this to be true. Now whenever Raffi asks if I want to go to Yoga with her, I can reply with "No thanks, I'll just have a Jack and Coke!"

  15. OMG!!! Super funny...totally cracking up here! Hey girl, how are you doing? Anything new and exciting happening in your neck of the woods? Take care!

  16. Great post -- I haven't tried running or cycling immediately after a bender, but something tells me I would end up looking like the guys in your post...

  17. Ha! And that would be exactly why I don't bother with the yoga.

  18. I KNEW IT. Priceless!!

  19. This is too funny..... Did you come up with this yourself? I laughed my butt off.
