Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"at least you're trying!"

-- he yelled condescendingly as he drove by during my monday evening run.

am i running that slow? (yes, it was an easy day)

do i look that fat? (i didn't think so)

why are we so quick to judge others, be it in running or life in general?
  • he doesn't know that today was an easy run day, and that i hit my target hr zone like a champ.
  • he doesn't know that two days ago i did my first brick (/bike ride period) of the year, and my hamstrings are still sore from the effort.
  • he doesn't know that i've run 10 marathons and qualified for both nyc and boston.
  • he might think i have room for improvement here:
six pack abs

 and here:
runner's legs
  • but he doesn't know that these muscular legs beat a lot of thinner, skinnier girls in races.
  • he doesn't know that today i have another appointment with the cardiologist.

"be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." --[plato]


  1. Ok that just incites me. What an ass and that's way too kind a term. I'm glad you know how truly awesome you are and won't take one shred of that BS to heart.

  2. Well you know the truth. :P That you are all those things you wrote about above and that that person had no manners whatsoever.

  3. Maybe he knows what a stud you are and thought you were lollygagging.

    It'll be good news from the cardiologist!

  4. Seriously now???

    Good luck for your appointment today, I hope you come back with good news.

  5. Well you and well all know the truth! Good luck with the cardiologist.

  6. Are you freaking serious??? I really can't believe this. I've had the stupid cat calls....gotta a "work it" just last night, but I've never beenr randomly insulted by someone going by. That is crap!! I love the way you have taken it in stride though!!

    Hope all goes well with the cardiologist!

  7. WOW... people say the craziest things sometimes. Good luck with your appointment today.

  8. Damn straight! Love that it's always the sedentary folks that feel the need to comment on the active crowd.

  9. You are awesome.

    That is all that needs to be said!

  10. Very well written. Take that jerk on the lurk!

  11. What a jerk.

    This post has a really good moral story to it though, we shouldn't judge ANYONE for anything because we never know the full story.

    Hope your appointment with the cardiologist goes well!

  12. UGH!!!!!!!

    You know, what gets me is that it's not even the judging, it's the need to SHARE the judging. I mean, WTF? WHY say anything at all?? And then DRIVE ON, so that the person you're yelling to can't even respond?? At least, if you're going to insult someone, give them a moment to insult you back.

    It just makes me wonder what exactly goes through these people's heads... "oh, hm, here's a person running. Let me yell something to them. I'm having a bad day, I'll make someone else feel bad! This will be my gift for the day."


    Sorry, just makes me LIVID.

  13. What an ass. Sometimes you just have to laugh at what an ass some people make themselves. Looks like he was driving and too lazy to run. You are awesome, and never forget that!

  14. Some people are just douchebags!

    I hope your cardiologist visit goes well!

  15. Hopefully you get good news at the cardiologist!

    Any chance you got his license plate? Maybe you could get his address from the DMV and next time nature calls on your run, you could leave him a thank you present in the middle of his lawn :)

  16. Why would someone say that? You are right that we should always be careful both - what we think and say as who knows the full story. And why was "he" in the car and not running. How rude.

  17. Why is it always guys yelling stuff at girls? That has happened a couple times when I've ran with girls before, I wish that there was a stop light ahead for the car so we could give them a piece of our mind. If your going to say something to someone, at least say it to their face and stick around for the aftermath.

    Good luck at the cardiologist!

  18. great post ! and i love that plato quote.

  19. LOL........ I love it, at least he didn't holler get off the street. I hear that a lot.....

  20. You should get a shirt with all those disclaimers on it - then he'll know what an awesome chick you really are!

  21. infuriating! hope you get great news at the doc.

  22. Guys like this deserve the finger...I can be very generous with that, just need to make sure I do it when my son is not around, he has already expanded his vocabulary thanks to me. Good luck with the heart doc!

  23. hope the appt with the cardiologist went well :-)

  24. This is exactly why I have music blaring through my ears while I run!! To keep my pride from getting pounded down by those who can only dream about doing what I do!!!

    Hope all is well with the ticker!

  25. Amen!!! (Hope the appt went well!)

  26. Your "run in" with a moron sounds like my average evening on Twitter! ;0)
    just always keep in mind that chances are high you could totally beat this person to the finish line! By a long shot!

  27. I should write a post relating to all the things that sometimes people tell me!
    I love that quote!
    I hope everything went fine in the cardiologist.

  28. Good post, Lindsey....usually people are mean because they are hurting....hope the Dr.appointment goes well.

  29. I like that he yelled that from HIS CAR. You are so very right, and it's a good reminder to me not to judge based solely on what I see.

  30. great message Linsday. Just great.

    We don't know what others are thinking and/or doing. Where they are at in their training, etc unless we engage in conversation with them.

    By the way that is some 6 pack you got going. Where can I buy some?

  31. I hate it when people yell stuff as they drive by! Never mind the audacity to yell something so rude. You know, he's so stupid, he probably thought he was hitting on you. They can be that dumb...

    Funny that you mention how you've run faster than lots of skinnier people. I think that about myself sometimes too. I think you and I might be of similar build. (I'm 5'6 ish and 140 ish pounds.)

    Good luck with the doc!

  32. Who does this guy think he is? Pfffft....... some people are very rude.

  33. What a terrific reminder to not be so focused on our own problems - others have them as well.

  34. people are stupid. But I love your... abs :)

  35. JEALOUSY! That is the only reason someone would yell something so ridiculous. You are an awesome runner! Keep it up!

  36. You should have yelled back something about his lazy ass riding in a truck!

    You are a strong girl!!! Good luck at the doctor!

  37. I think he was just jealous. Isn't that why most people put others down? To try to bring them down to their level?

  38. I hope you flipped him the bird!

  39. I really don't understand people. Why the urge to be so mean, and for no reason?

    I hope the cardiologist is able to make some in-roads. *hugs*

  40. Oh my...that is all kinds of rude. What a jerk!!

    I can only imagine what he would say if he saw me running...probably "might as well give up"

    You are an amazing runner...but you already knew that!!

  41. I can't believe that anyone would do that. He's clearly not aware of how you could most likely kick his ass at a local race.


    Sooo... everything good with the cardiologist, I hope.

  42. The things people yell at you when they drive by...

    If only they knew what we think of them...but of course they drove away before we could respond...

    Not that we would lower ourselves to "shouting" at people going by whether they are in a car or using some other mode of trasportation.

    People who do that must have a lowere IQ to not realize how dumb they appear and should probably be pitied.

    But even that seems like too much emotion to hand them...so I usually just ignore them.

    Yes, I hope you appointment goes well.

  43. Thinking of you today! Hope that cardiologist appt. went well.

  44. So I yelled At Least Your Trying to a cyclist the other day, but then I realized it wasn't encouragement. Should I have gone back and gave him a pep talk? Kidding kidding, but seriously, it's on the tip of my tongue now!

    Please explain the context of that construction paper six pack. Was that strictly for your bullet points or did it fit into a real life situation?

    And finally, how is your ticker?
