Thursday, June 2, 2011

may 2011

may 2011
total mileage: 107.24
time spent running: 16hrs 09min
days off: 13 (i am really good at taking time off)
avg temp: 70.68
trip of the month: wisconsin, duh. though i also went zip-lining in the north carolina mountains, but that was only a day trip.

marathon #10
another decent 5k
yikes i skipped a lot of days 

no cookies this month, but i did make a lemon ice box pie. i'm told it tastes good - i can't eat it because i'm allergic to everything in it. it's an extremely easy recipe (although not very healthy): 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1 tub cool whip, 1/2 cup lemon juice; mix all together and plop on top of your crust (i use nilla wafers, that takes way more effort than a pre-made crust). chill in fridge/freezer until set.


  1. ha ha... those nilla wafers do take time to line up just right :)

  2. oooh, I SO want to go zip-lining!

    ...and the pie looks so good too!

  3. Lindsay, give me a piece of cake!!! Please I'm hungry now... here in Spain is 15:20 pm and I haven't lunch :(

  4. That is a LOT of mileage with that many days off! NICE!

  5. Oh yeah I love looking at the total number of hours spent running, it makes me think how it would be funny to do that all in a row.

    I'm sure some people actually do that in a row, but not me.

  6. Any month hitting the hundo club is a great month in my book. :)

  7. Why oh why would you subject yourself to making a pie when you can't eat it???

    And for a second the thumbnail pic of that pie looked like an ultrasound pic. Don't ask!

  8. I can't believe May is over with already! It seems like just yesterday I threw out the offer to come Lambeau Field!!
    I hope we get to run together again! Okay, you're super faster than I, but I'll meet you at the finish line!

  9. PS:
    And I promise I won't kill your hammies next time!

  10. That looks super yummy!!! Great month!

  11. Congrats on Marathon #10, and congrats on the "no cookies." I have yet to go a whole month sugar-free :(
    ps. more than 100 miles! That is great :)

  12. I like your trip of the month idea. I better start traveling so I can do this too. Ha Ha maybe Emily is adopted. I still haven't registered for anything.

  13. Um, GREAT May to me! I'm with Marlene, why make a cake you can't eat? If you go to the Eagle Brand website, they have loads of great deserts with condenced milk that are just a simple (if you need something else quickly ever again!)

  14. Oh yummo on that pie! You had a great month!

  15. Still a good month even with the off days, well done! I'm a sucker for lemon pie or anything with lemon in it. If I ever come that way you know what to keep ready.

  16. oh no you have a lot of allergies??? bummer!!

    i can't believe may is over. was the marathon a high note for you this month? what was the running "high" of may?

    i am also good at taking days off. i think it builds character :)

  17. I'm not sure how you can make something and not eat all that yumminess. I guess if you go into anaphylactic shock that might be the motivator...

  18. That pie looks delicious, I love the idea of a nilla wafer crust. Those nilla wafers are good stuff. I'm sorry you couldn't have any, though. Damn food allergies!

  19. How can you cook and not eat any of it?! I bet you're queen of self-control. I would so be sneaking licks and end up in the ED.

  20. mmmmm dessert!

    And nice job on a solid May!
