Tuesday, June 14, 2011

from er to pr

ok so... don't be mad at me, but i ran a race saturday (i was already registered for it).

prefontaine suicide pace
my racing heart episodes were less-frequent tuesday (post-er) and wednesday. i didn't have any episodes thursday, so i tested the waters with an easy 30-min run friday morning. i ran with josh and took my cell phone just in case. it was slow, but otherwise uneventful. i've gone coffee-free all week and started a magnesium supplement. i'm hoping that fixing my magnesium level is all i need, but i suppose i'll find out more with the cardiologist.

i decided to go ahead and run the race because i had no episodes on thursday or friday, and i had felt fine during last sunday's mile repeat workout. i was also telling myself that the doc ruled out the "bad stuff" and told me i could continue my "normal activity". i need to find my confidence so i can run without fear again. i needed to "get back on the horse".

my alarm went off at 4:30am saturday morning and i was wishing i hadn't registered for this race; soo early. the race was at 6:30 with packet pick up starting at 5:30, and it was a 20-30 minute drive away. i peeled out of bed, poured some cereal in a bag, and we hit the road.

i was debating between running easy and going for it. you know me, i'm hard-headed/stubborn/competitive with myself so i decided to go for it. i checked my pace in the first quarter-mile and eased up slightly, letting other females go, knowing i needed to run smart. my patience paid off soon when i passed a lot of those women within the next mile. i settled in with a woman in a pink and black skirt who was holding a similar pace for about two miles until she abruptly stopped right in front of me at the water station. just stopped! i scooted around her, took a few sips of water, dumped the rest on my head and continued on.

the wheels started to fall off in mile 4 and my mental game wasn't strong enough to fight back. i passed a chick who can run in a sports bra and not scare people (jealous) and gave a half-hearted thumbs up. it's what i try to do in races since some people run with headphones but now i am thinking maybe they can't even tell i am giving a thumbs up and my hands just look floppy. my sports-bra-runner envy turned out to be jen of fit360! we have similar pr's and have joked about battling it out in some local races, and now we actually were. she recognized me, but my brain wasn't functioning at the time. luckily we met up at the finish and went for a little cool down chat. i know! me, doing a cool down! i'm trying to be heart-smart and ease the hr down gradually, i figure it won't hurt.

running in to the finish
looking like rainbow bright in all my non-matchy-ness

jen and me with our awards
we both took 1st in our respective age groups
pic kindly borrowed from fit360

saturday (6/11) race: 8k / 35:33 (avg pace 7:07) / 68ยบ
9th overall female/1st age group
shaved 18 seconds off my previous pr

heart update
felt normal thursday, friday, saturday. "pressure" feeling in chest during slow run sunday. episode sunday night :(


  1. Great job on the PR. Sucks that you had another episode on Sunday. Hope you get more information from the Cardiologist!

  2. First!

    I ate m&m's for breakfast just now and thought of you. Be jealous.

    Way to go on the PR! I'm glad you were episode free except for Sunday night! Kind of curious to hear what's causing these.

  3. Congrats on the PR! That's so awesome, you are super duper fast and I wish I could run 7 minute miles... I just settle for 8 minute miles, but with this heat I'm sure I can take it up a notch when fall rolls around and the temps are better.

    I think it's amazing that you knew the person ahead of you, lol. Gotta love runner love and seeing the same people at different races :). And if I'd registered for it, I would've done it too even with the heart issues last week, just because I'm that stubborn, haha.


  4. WOOT WOOT!!! That's AWESOME!!!! And you could pull off the sportsbra-you would rock the sportsbra!! Maybe rainbow or tie dye or something:)_

    Congrats Lindsay-From ER to PR is right! Great race!

  5. Great result! I ususally just knock people down if they stop in front of me, but maybe that's rude?

  6. 7 mpm pace, and after your medical experience - You are good. And if not enough, a PR! Great job with PR and getting the confidence back.

  7. Ok Speedy McSpeedster! Way to PR and come in first!!!

    I'm sorry to hear though that the episodes came back....wah!

    Oh and I am ALWAYS jealous of those in sports bras! Just not me!

  8. I think you matched very well.

    Great time too!

  9. Hmmm...so we have to both scold you and congratulate you in one post! I'm glad you got out there and did it, and did it well! Fingers crossed the heart will settle down for you.

  10. Congrats on the PR. I still think you are crazy though :)

    Be careful!

  11. from ER to PR, too clever.

    Congrats on a faaab PR!

    What a bummer about the repeat episode on Sunday. I know it's difficult to answer questions in comment boxes, but I was wondering if you were actively having an episode when you were in the ER the other day, or was it after it had subsided?

  12. Congratulations! Really super run! I hope you get to the bottom of the heart issues soon. At least it’s not having a negative impact on your running ability. Take care!

  13. Congrats on your PR, hope you get your HR problem sorted out soon, take good care of yourself!

  14. YAY for the PR... BOOOOO for the heart episode. I hope you get some answers soon and please do be careful.

  15. I'm laughing and shaking my head at you right now... your post title really says it all. Nice work on the PR and the AG award. Now we just gotta get you some answers to the heart episodes!

  16. You did great! Congrats on the PR!!! I would have run the race also, in your position :)

  17. Woot! Congrats on the PR - nice race.

    And YEAH for passing Jen - oops, I mean, so fun to meet a local blogger. :p

    Sorry about the episode. :(

  18. Congrats on the PR.

    And I empathize on your condition. I had some issues a few years ago (ended up being stress related, if you know my story it should come as no shock). I got through it but there where some scary times. I hope you can cope better as you figure it out.

  19. Congrats for your PR! Great job!! And now I hope that we'll hear good news from the cardiologist today!

    And... No more episodes!

  20. Congrats on the pr and 1st place!!

  21. Nice PR. I am no where near doing low 7s right now on ANY run. Interesting that you've been off coffee so long. I think Id have the shakes if i was off caffeine. Hope your heart issues are as simple as adding more magnesium.

  22. haha, you are crazy! Congrats on the PR and awesome race!

  23. 7:07 pacing. I am very jealous. Congratulations for that PR Lindsay. You look stellar in that Photo. Very nice Form. Thanks for updating on the Heart issue, and awesome for doing the cool down at the end. I have never raced anything shorter than half Marathon. Might should give that a go some time. lol. take care and thanks for posting.

  24. Congrats on the PR (!!!!) but please be careful :( hope you are feeling better soon.

  25. Congrats on the race, but please ease off until the heart doc sees you. I thought your outfit looked great!

  26. Good job lindsey! Hoping for a good report from cardiologist...

  27. Congrats girl! You must be doing something right to run so well. Hope the heart issues fade away.

  28. WOOHOOOOOO!! Very happy for you. Let's pretend those ER episodes are behind you and you can continue on with your "normal activities"!!!

  29. First off, congrats on the PR.

    Though I'm with most people on here, I would ease off on running for a bit until you are given a clean bill of health. Your chest pains might be related to simple heartburn or something like that, but you want to be sure what you are dealing with before you go doing high physical exertion out there.

  30. You would be in the next Olympics if you trained. You are incredible.

  31. You're an incredibly stubborn runner. Must be the Filipino in you.

    GEEZ woman would you ease up for a little while until you're done with the cardiologist?!

    While you're at the cardiologist, see if you can wear a Holter monitor or cardiac event monitor - probably the latter would be more helpful so you can induce the episode with a run or something.

  32. So happy for you! Me thinks this might be a great distance for you. Love your outfit and you have great running form. Glad you got the PR:)

  33. Congrats Linsay!!
    You rocks!

  34. lol i don't know of any 8k's!!!!!!!!!!!!! to tell you the truth i probably would've done the same thing if i was feeling better... being signed up already and everything :) glad it went so well for you too!!!!! the whole getting back on the horse thing ended up working out for the best! the PERSONAL BEST wooooOOOo woooooo :)

    hang in there (which you are clearly doing) and i hope the episodes calm down. post info from the cardiologist?? not trying to be too nosy i promise :)

  35. Congrats on the PR, but sorry you had another episode Sunday night. Hopefully you can get it all figured out.

  36. Girl, you really are tough as nails! Congratulations on your age group win!

  37. Congrats on the PR and the age group win, but be careful! I hope you figure out what's going on soon!

  38. Wow I'm behind! I hope you're ok. Sounds very strange, but apparently you're running awesome anyway.

  39. Nice job, but be careful not to make things worse as you try to figure out what is going on

  40. AWESOME, Lindsay, just awesome!!!!!!!!
    Glad the ER is a thing of the past and the PRs are here to stay, I'm feeling it!!!!!

  41. Congrats on the PR! I'm glad to hear you're having fewer problems, and hopefully the cardiologist will be able to sort things out for you. Sorry about the episode on Sunday :( Take care, girlie!

  42. :( on the Sunday episode!!

  43. Congrats on the AG win, good to hear it went off without a hitch. And even if something happened, I'm sure there would have been at least one spectator kind enough to help, right? Hope this thing goes away for good!
