Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i know it's winter but...

...even the squirrels are losing their tan. har har.

i saw one of these creatures on my run today for the first time ever and i was afraid i was hallucinating. apparently i wasn't since they do exist, just not typically in this area according to the albino squirrel section on wikipedia. i pondered over the existence of the white squirrel for most of run, wondering if i had imagined it and what symbolism it might have. you know, like how people dream about white elephants (or something) and then someone they know dies (supposedly). i don't think it's really white elephants but i couldn't remember what the "thing" is.

monday (1/16) pm run: 5.3 miles easy, 45:42 (8:37 avg pace), avg hr 162

tuesday (1/17) non run: normally monday is my off day but i knew in advance that it'd be tough to get my run in so i swapped with monday. it was a much enjoyed day of rest for ye olde legs. i also broke down and got m&m's... i'm not even ashamed. i made it 8 or 9 days, that has to count for something. i liked a lot of the advice you all gave - i gotta treat myself every now and then! however, treating myself on an off-day... i need to work on that.

wednesday (1/18) pm run
: 8.7 miles easy, 1:16:00 (8:44 avg pace), avg hr 161
i was only "supposed" to do 7 miles easy but i had a few reasons for drawing this one out.
a) i think i was feeling motivated to burn off a few extra m&m's
b) i always read about other people enjoying their run and extending it, and it makes me jealous
c) i needed a good run to make up for last sunday's "long" run
d) i love my co-workers (had a bit of steam to blow off)
i was aiming for 9 miles but i guess i misjudged how far away i was from the car.


  1. HA HA! I love the opening line! Yeah, we have a few of them around one of the colleges where I teach. Some students have made "the albino squirrel" the unofficial school mascot! Good stuff!

  2. Maybe it will bring you good luck!

  3. i swear we had two of those little albino guys in my backyard when i was growing up. they were so cute.

    there were also black squirrels living in DC which totally freaked me out the first time i saw them. (for some reason, i wasn't scared when i saw the white ones.)

    nice runs!

  4. Poor thing does look like he needs some colour. Great runs!

  5. Hi Lindsay! I found you on Carlee's blog. So, here I am. I've never seen an albino squirrel before. All I've ever seen are birds and ducks and geese, oh my! Great runs. You make me feel slow and old. Umm, maybe I am?! Keep up the good work.

  6. I've never seen a white squirrel but when I went to school at Maryland there were black ones everywhere. Blew my mind. I had never seen a purely black squirrel before!

    Nice job on the workouts lately.

  7. @marathonman - welcome and thanks for stopping by! you can't be slow if you are keeping up with carlee! :)

  8. ohhh a white squirrel - how cute :)

    great job on the running!!!

  9. Cool! I have never seen one of those.

    Nothing wrong with adding on a little extra mileage if you're feeling up to it!

  10. I have yet to extend a run, maybe someday:)

  11. Great job, both on the runs and the M&M recovery. I hope the squirrel was a good omen.

  12. Maybe they're just traumatized squirrels with one too many run-ins with oncoming traffic.

    Great runnin' as always linds.

  13. You're funny. I saw one during a run a couple of years ago and I did the same thing--spent the rest of the run questioning what I saw.

    Most of our squirrels in Jersey are grey, though we do have some black squirrels too.

  14. It's winter...the poor thing needs some sun like the rest of us!

  15. I think I've found a Digital Running logo...ha! Actually, we've gone a little Celtic with it - kind of old school British football club type logo. It's coming along, but I'll keep the albino sqirrel in mind as a backup :P.

    Maybe you should ask M&M's for a sponsorship. There's a Team Jelly Belly in the Amgen Tour of California. I totally dig their jerseys. You could do something similar with the M&M's.

  16. Wow. That white squirrel managed to look cute!

    LMAO at Melanie's comment!

  17. I have never seen an albino squirrel either. I would have definitely thought it was a sign too.

  18. Maybe it was a British squirrel. Those folks always seem to be a little pasty looking from lack of sunshine, LOL. (hopefully I didn't just upset your UK readers).

  19. That thing would creep me out too! What if it had little red eyes too?!

  20. I've seen so many squirrels, but never an albino one. I feel like I'm missing out on something in life now. ;-)

    Enjoy those m&m's... you earn them!

  21. I want to see an albino squirrel. I wish my runs were as fast as your recovery ones! Great work.
