Tuesday, February 3, 2009

my dirty little secret

ok, so they're not dirty.

i was tagged by carlee of chasing forrest gump forever ago with the recently popular list o' 25 things. its taken me the past few days to come up with 25 things about myself, so i'm sorry for the delay.

the rules here are to write 25 random things (facts, habits, goals, etc) about yourself and tag 20-something people (or however many) including the person who tagged you.
  1. i've demolished three-and-a-half 12oz bags of m&m's in the past 4 days
  2. yet i still wonder why the scale has crept up a tad
  3. i watch tv over an antenna (and now also a converter box); although i don't really watch much tv anyway, hence the lack of caring about channels
  4. it takes me ~10 minutes or less to get ready for work in the morning
  5. it would take a lot less if i didn't have to put on real clothes
  6. i bought a house when i was 21, four months out of school, and had no idea what i was doing at closing
  7. luckily i haven't had any huge emergency-repairs
  8. although painting walls got really old, really fast
  9. i don't want to get married until after april 19, 2010 so i can run boston under my name (not that i have worry about that coming up anytime soon anyway)
  10. i've never seen any of the austin power movies
  11. now that i'm an adult, i feel like the growing-up part of life passed so fast, and i'm trying to not wish any days by (you know, "i can't wait until the weekend")
  12. i once toured a jail facility and got holla'd at by the inmates
  13. i grew up with a kid who now plays in the mlb, and i sort of dated a guy who is now a starter in the nfl (and no, i don't feel i am missing out on the paychecks)
  14. i went to a pat mcgee concert in atlanta while sporting a du-rag. luckily mine was white, and not red or blue.
  15. i grew up thinking i was allergic to chocolate, milk, sugar and ketchup
  16. then i was told i was allergic to wheat (that diet really sucked!)
  17. i had testing done last year to discover i now have new food allergies, but at least i can have chocolate, and ketchup (and that wheat was safe)
  18. some days i wear a pair of $0.50 shoes to work, found them at the goodwill
  19. i ate ramen noodles almost every day from 7th grade up until last year
  20. if i could, i'd still eat them every day
  21. i ultimately want to run a sub-3:00 marathon
  22. that'd be just over an hour faster than my first (a 4:03)
  23. after my first 4 marathons, i never thought i'd bq
  24. i own high school musical and hsm2, but i haven't seen the 3rd yet so that has to count for something
  25. i'm really bad at keeping in touch with old friends

tag you're it! middle of the pack girl, joyrun, 5ks and cabernets, ramblings of a running addict, run girl run, run b*$%@ run (hey just keeping it pg here), kimpossible and tag-back to you carlee! i tried to not re-tag people i just tagged in my last tagging-activity so that you don't start hating me, but otherwise i would have! (i promise my feelings won't be hurt should you shamefully choose to not participate) ;-)

moving on...

now that you know the intimate details of my enthralling life, i thought i should answer a question for brian, terri, and glenn, and i'm pretty sure others of you won't mind this either.

reebok is looking to expand their product-testing roster! it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. periodically, a reebok representative will email you in regards to testing a pair of shorts, a running top, a sports bra, shoes, etc. you reply back (quickly) to get dibs on a sample, and they mail it to you with the test instructions. you then wear the gear for however long the test period is for (sometimes a few days, usually a couple of weeks), fill out the forms as necessary, and mail it back to them. you do have to pay for the return shipping, but what's ~$5 for a running top or shorts? after they collect their data, they will mail the garment back to you for keeps. shoe testing works a little differently, but you still get a free treat in the end.

of course, there are a few requirements you must meet:
men - clothing size medium (and/or) shoe size 9 or 12
women - clothing size medium (and/or) shoe size 7 (although sometimes they do 9's)
runners - must run a minimum of three (3) times per week
yoga-ers (women only) - must yoga at least two (2) times per week

so, if you're interested. shoot me an email and i'll send you the forms and reebok contact, and hopefully you can score some free running gear!


  1. I love that you want to run boston under your current name; that's a huge reason I want to qualify this year. I figure I can get at least 2 more in under my maiden name, hopefully 3 or 4

    We actually sound a lot alike.

  2. Wow, congrats on buying a house so young! That's awesome. Great list :)

  3. Crap! I wear a small and a size 13 shoe!

    I've never really cared for Reebok though. I also got picked to be a Brooks ID Member so I get 40% off all merchandise!

  4. Cool facts, Lindsay!

    Also, thanks for keeping up the mileage for me. ;)

  5. Interesting stuff, feel like I know more about you now, and good for you for buying a house so young!

  6. 1st house at 21??? Wow! That is an accomplishment. I bought my first house when I was 32, and still can't say I knew a whole lot!

  7. awesome 25 things :) i have been tagged on this on facebook a ton of times and really need to get on it!!

    i HOPE to be at boston 2010...seems like there will be A LOT of bloggers there too :)

  8. SO the real secret to running the Goofy Challenge is lots and lots of M&M's? Score!

  9. Thanks for the tag. I think it's really cool that you want to run Boston under your own name.

  10. Thanks for the tag...I'll get on that...

    M&M's...mmm...plain? They are the best.

  11. Aww, my body and feet are too big for the testing. Oh well. I enjoyed your interesting facts, and am glad that you can now eat M&Ms:)

  12. Hmmph. Clothing size medium. That's like my left leg.

    Great post Lindsay!

  13. Great 25 random things. I could easily demolish bags of M&M's...actually I have! Glad you aren't allergic to chocolate!

  14. Thanks for the tag!

    I'm gonna double-dip from my Facebook 25, because coming up with those already stretched my imagination as it is ;)

    And I totally totally hear you on #11.

  15. A house @ 21? Wow. Trust fund baby? Lotto winner?

    Cool list...still trying to avoid the temptation to jump into the fray. I'm so not interesting!

    And a sub-3 hour marathon huh? You're certainly well on your way!

  16. Love these random facts posts.

    Send me the Reebok info!

  17. This must be the week for m&ms. I've eaten a mountain of them lately! AH!

    That's so cool that you bought your house right out of school.

  18. Great 25 things! I also have a ton of food allergies. Too bad it is not to chocolate or junk food.

  19. Cool, I'll send you a note on facebook about the Reebok thing, and also about something else. I guess I could wear the medium size tops, anyway, and yes $5 is not bad for new gear!!

    Ok, now I really have to do the 25 random thing - about a half dozen people tagged me with it on facebook too, so hopefully no one will think i'm cheating by using the same list twice!

    And wow, I can't believe you bought a house so young. That's really impressive, honestly.
