Friday, February 6, 2009

more miles and a cheesy award

i have fallen a bit behind here, but i'm going to blame it on all the reebok emails i had to respond to. :) just kidding, i hope you all hear from them soon, unless they quit sending me stuff and then we will have issues.

not much new going on... just the usual. legs are cooperating, runs are going ok, and i'm even sticking to my yoga/ab "resolution". i need to step up my game with the abs though. i'm rarely sore (i love a sore core!) and i need to start making some real progress. aka: nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. i'm telling myself that i am starting next week (monday, 2/9) with a better diet (no chocolate) and more/more varied ab work, so we'll see. i've already gotten a kettleball idea from chris @ gibtown runner!

tuesday (2/3) am run: 8 miles with kt, 1:08:50 (8:36 avg pace), avg/max hr unknown
my old pal kt was in town for half a day so we met at the lovely hour of 5:15am for a hilly 8 miler. this was my first morning (pre-8am) run in a long time. it was nice and i do miss running in the mornings... but for now i still have time (and reasonable temps) to run after work so i'll continue to be a morning slacker. for the record, i did get up to run at 3:30am awhile back, but normally i was more of a 5am kind of runner. for now, my nice warm bed is quite lovely.

wednesday (2/4) pm run: 6.3 miles, 58:15 (9:14 avg pace), avg/max hr (161/182)
hooray the sun is hanging around longer. i hit the streets around 5:45pm and got in almost 5 of my slow miles before it was 'dusky'. can't complain there. my face froze (~30*) and my left arm/elbow/hand was going numb again and i thought hey, doesn't your left arm go numb when you have a heart attack? i recalled reading some email forward i got at work about signs of a stroke, but i could only remember smile, talk and raise your arms. i could do all three of those so i ruled out the fact that i was having a mid-run stroke. so maybe i don't have the clearest logic after a long day at work...

thursday (2/5) nothing: umm this was supposed to be cross-training...
i didn't really feel guilty for skipping it on thursday but boy was i moody (and feeling fat) on friday and ready to run. after work i headed over to the local track club's monthly meeting which was also the awards ceremony for the 2008 racing series. i was curious to see what the track club was like and i wanted to get my '08-series-first-place-age-group-award. last year was my first year as a member and i wasn't involved at all other than running in various local races. there was a solid turnout, apparently there are like 800-something members which is pretty good for the area. i was a little piggy on the sweet potato chips and pita/hummus at the meeting/social/banquet, and was not exactly in the mood to workout when i got home. i didn't feel too bad since i wasn't missing any mileage and i figured i can get in my non-running workout over the weekend.

friday (2/6) late afternoon run: 7 miles, 1:04:29 (9:12 avg pace), avg/max hr (157/182)
my m&m iv hasn't been removed yet, and i am feeling the jiggly-ness in my hips, thighs, rear, belly... blech. i've been a little more liberal with my eating habits ever since disney (so, a month now, terrific) and i really need to clean it back up and get back on track. it was a beautiful 60 degrees out so i decided that this should definitely be a marlene run.


  1. awww, that's so sweet dedicating the run to Marlene! :D M&M iv, too funny. have a great weekend!

  2. What a cool award. Sounds like another busy week!

  3. I really need to work on my eating habits too, getting "too liberal" is a great way to describe it. I think maybe you'll inspire me to get on myself about this more.

  4. Awww! Thanks so much, Lindsay! Now I don't feel so guilty about sitting on my butt for two straight weeks.

    I hear you on the M&M iv. Good luck with that.

    Congrats on your asward!

  5. I like how you dedicated a run to Marlene. That girl definately deserves it! And you deserve a bit of a break, you trained so hard for Goofy, you probably need to take it easy for a couple of months, but I totally get why that is tough! Have a great weekend!

  6. Great idea having a Marlene run!

    Did you ever get that left arm thing checked out?

  7. Sweet award. No chocolate. I need to jump on that. Great job on the running fron. When is your next race?

  8. Wasn't there an article about why you need chocolate in Runner's World this month? I haven't read the article yet, but I'm interested. I frequently add chocolate to my homemade energy bars in the form of organic dark chocolate chips.

    I'm not sure M&M's are the way to go, but then again you're faster than me so perhaps I'm missing out on the perfect fuel. ;)

  9. nice job on the miles! and very fun on the award :)

  10. Congrats on the award! :-)
