Sunday, September 13, 2009


traveling (just about) every weekend is really getting to me and making it rather difficult to run like i know i need to be. i know i *could* be little miss super productive and schedule everything down to the millisecond but i'm just not that kind of person. i need chill out time, i need unscheduled time, i need to relax. i know i don't do a whole lot during the week other than work/commute, but by the time i get home i can only squeeze in an hour run before dinner and then bed. i always feel pressed for time and continually cut running short to ensure i get other things done too. is there a way to put more hours in the day?

week in review (9/07 - 9/13):
total miles: 40.45 (28 miles short of planned)
time spent running: ~ 6 hours 26 minutes
avg hr: 152.00
avg pace: 9:42/mile (avg temp: 74*)
off days: 2 (1 scheduled)

i missed my saturday medium-long run because i chose to travel with the high school cross-country team for a meet about two hours away. i would have had to get up at like 3am to get the miles in before meeting up with the team. after spending half of friday on the road, getting up at 3am was not too desirable. the meet was awesome though, and it was very inspiring (/humbling) to see all the high schoolers run faster than me. (last summer i helped out with my high school's girl's xc team, and when i'm in town i try to run with them/go to their meets). the girls placed 6th, only running 6 girls because one was sick and another is having foot troubles. it's kind of funny (because i can relate) to see them beating themselves up after a race if they didn't perform/place where they wanted to. of course, i thought they all did great, but it's much easier to say that as a spectator.

sunday's long run was supposed to be 22 miles easy. i haven't done a long run since august 23rd, and that was a 20-miler turned 18 due to some funky dizziness. my long runs in this training period have not been where they need to be, and i'm disappointed in myself. i thought i'd knock out the 22 without any issues since i didn't run saturday, but once again i was just 'off'.

it was 66* and 70% humid when i set out on my run according to my splits were a solid minute behind my usual long run/easy pace. my heartrate matched that of my usual pace, and yet i was running a full minute slower. a small headache came on at mile 3, but wasn't persistent (i had water with me and drank a little every mile). i thought of morgan around mile 3, as she had wished me luck in this weekend's long run and was supposed to get in her last long run before chicago this weekend too. for my redheaded friend, i continued on... for half a mile. i semi-threw up at mile 3.5. i figured that wasn't a good sign with 19 miles yet to go, and re-routed myself back home. at mile 5 i felt nauseous again and walked the remaining 0.9 miles back, trying hard to not puke on the side of the road. i checked my temperature when i got home (3 times) and it read 94, 95 and 96. probably not the most accurate thermometer, but wouldn't your temperature be elevated after running?

anyway, so i'm not sure what's going on. my legs felt fine and the motivation/urge was there, but my internal parts were being disagreeable. there are seven weeks until nyc (if i'm doing the math right), and i'm hoping i can get 5 solid long runs (18+ miles) in before then.

not only am i behind on my own miles, but on catching up with each of you as well. i'm working on that too. if only i could do all my reading/commenting during work...


  1. OH no!! That is sooo hard when your mind wants to RUN so badly but your body is not in it. Hang in there!! That is FUN that you went with the X-Country team. I ran a race this weekend which benefitted the local high school team...those KIDs where stinkin adorable..seriously I was not that cute or well-dressed in high school.

  2. Hang in there! I sometimes need to remind myself there is more to life than running.

    You will get those long runs in. Just hang tough!

  3. It's a new week! Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like fun hangin' with the Xcountry team.

  4. I hate it when my mind is in the game, but the body won't help! It's fall, the body starts to wind down-geez, 40+ miles is still way more than I'll ever do in a week!

  5. Sorry that you had such a tough week and a disapointing long run. I know you'll get back there, cause your mind's in it and that's the hardest part. Like everyone else said, it's a new week.

    I like to help out with our middle school's CC team too. I wasn't a runner in MS or HS but it's still fun to help them and talk to them about running.

  6. sorry to hear you've had a rough go lately. Stay strong, you will get the necessary runs in, and will be ready for NYC :)

  7. Alright girl together we had a crap weekend... no time for dwelling... we're going to get back on track this week, we're going to rock the hell out of Saturday's long run and then we're going to celebrate success with a non-alcoholic beverage and laugh over our mutual fail of this past week's run. We had an off day that's it, nothing to cry over (it's ok if you did though because I did... just saying...)

    But seriously, hope you get to feeling better!!!! Hit me up if you need to vent or whine! :)

  8. Shoot! Sounds like your body was rebelling against you for some reason. Your next long run will be better. It just WILL.

    Wouldn't it be great if work didn't get in the way or trianing/blogging?

  9. You're a stronger person than I to be travelling so much and still manage to get in 40 miles (even if you had hoped for more).

    Glad you enjoyed the Cross-country meet.

  10. Ugh I know what you mean about all the traveling and not having a second to yourself. I haven't had a weekend to myself since sometime in July (unless you count the weekend I was sick in August...but I don't!)

    Hang in there girl! I'm sure things will calm down sooon!

  11. Ahhh, sorry about this, Lindsay. It suck. Try not to overanalyze and just move on to this week. You have plenty of time to get ready for NY. You are not drawning, just swimming through some chopped water!

  12. man, i'm sorry you aren't feeling well. it's a good thing that you didn't push too much. cutting things short and listening to your body was the right thing to do. that said--you still ran 40 miles last week! wow! be proud of that :)

  13. how fun to help out with the cross country team!

  14. Good work! I also need to catch up with all my blogging buddies :)

  15. You'll get your mojo back soon, I just know it.

  16. Maybe you could take a lesson from the cross country team. They were beating themselves up for not achieving their goals but you thought they all did great. You are beating yourself up but if you were a spectator to your own running 40 miles is good for the week. You've been doing so many miles for so long, you are really doing well. Don't get down on it.

  17. that is cool you went to their meet. i am sure they appreciate having you.

    sorry about your long run. you will be fine. you have a strong base and i certainly know how you feel. chin up girl! you are gonna do great!

  18. OK, if you find a way to get more hours in the day, can you send your magic my way? 'Cause I need some.

    You know, sometimes our bodies are just weird and don't want to cooperate. Don't know why.

    Keep your chin up and focus on staying positive for this week. Maybe the lousy run will actually make this week really good! I hope so!

  19. Sorry you had a rough week. It's good you turned around though when you didn't start to feel well.
    I hope you feel better.

  20. hang in there girl... you have SO much going on, i cant even imagine trying to fit in the mileage you are trying to fit in, in the middle of everything else. you still have time and are doing great on your runs!!! maybe cut back the total weekly mileage goal a bit so you dont feel so overwhelmed? good luck with the rest of it all... YOU CAN DO IT!!

  21. Ugh girl, I'm sorry you had such a rough one. Traveling will throw you out of whack in a heartbeat! Keep your chin up, it'll get better!!

  22. Oh, I sure hope whatever the problem is either goes away or you figure out what was going on. That would be frustrating. I am having a similar problem, but mine is the leg & foot pain that is stopping me.

  23. I totally know what you mean about putting more hours in the day, that would be great. I am sure you will bounce back. Last week was crazy miles so maybe less was a good thing. To answer your question I actually decided to run the Columbus Marathon.

  24. That sucks that you were so off and ill! Boo. I know what you mean about hours in the day. Either I wake up at 4:30am or run post 8:30pm - so I run at night. Hang in there. I'm sure you'll get the miles in before NY.

  25. I haven't had a long run in quite awhile either. 22 miles is an intimidating distance to undertake by yourself so kudos for trying. If you're already puking three miles in, you're better off getting some rest than trying to gut it out.

  26. It's really hard w/ traveling but take it all in and take it all w/ a grain of salt. Sounds like what you are doing is enjoyable, so have fun and you'll be fine w/ your training!

  27. I hope you are not coming down with something. My husband travels nearly every week too and I think just doing that really wears a body down. Take care!

  28. Interesting. Yes - your temperature should be elevated post excercise. There's obviousy something else going on there. Hope that it works out soon...

    Oh and more ours to the day? When you figure that out, let me in on the secret. Doesn't Einstein say somehing about speeding up your frame of reference?

  29. Thanks for the honest perspective on training as a real human being ... I struggle to balance traveling/having a life with my training schedule, too, so it's inspiring to read about others working through the same issues. Keep up the good work!

  30. Hope you feel better soon. I think 40 miles is excellent for someone so busy. Down time is definitely important to quality of life and you should feel bad for taking it.

  31. i am catching up on blogs too! I have been in similar ruts too, but you are still doing great (40 miles is nothing to sneeze at), plus you are wedding planning, which can make it hard to balance everything. Hang in there! *hugs*

  32. Not sure how the traveling works, but I HATE driving. If there was a way to teleport, I would do it in a heartbeat. One of the reason's why I don't visit my parents as often is bc I don't like driving from SD to LA. I don't see how I would ever drive from SD/LA to San Francisco!

    I went to some HS XC races after I graduated, but it was more to cheer on my little sisters. But yeah, it's fun to go back (not to see them run faster than me though!)

    Throwing up seemed kind of random, but I know a couple of people who have been sick, hope you're not one of them. Wow NYC in 7 weeks, it's creeping up! Feel better, you'll get those quality miles/runs in soon!

  33. Hang in there, and things will turn round I'm sure. Sending you all the positive vibes I can!

  34. That stinks! Obviously, something is going on. :( Your schedule is just insane! Take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself! :) You're doing amazing! I'd love to be at your milage! :)

  35. Wow, I actually feel obligated to be nice to you and feel bad for you. :-) There's still 46 days until NYC, so you have plenty of time to get back on track and kick some pavement ass. Is it possible that your body's still adjusting to the teeth surgery? Or maybe the 70% humidity was the killer. I know that the humidity always bothers me more than the temperature. Hang in there, feel better, take it slow as you build up your mileage again. Before you know it you will be running a ridiculous amount of miles again, and I'll be busting your ass for it!

  36. well the good news is that you are GAME for all the miles. maybe you do just need some time to chill out. you're body is going to know what to do! hang in there :)
