Thursday, September 17, 2009

tiart: pick six

by the time the mid-week rolls around, i'm beginning to be tired from the long days and squeezing my life into place. it hasn't been the easiest to get into the groove of "take it and run thursday's" by runner's lounge, but i am trying!

this week's extra fun question is brought to you by jill at finishing is winning:
you get to run the last six miles of your next marathon with 6 different people. they can be dead or alive; famous or not famous. who are these people and why did you pick them? furthermore, why did you pick them for the specific mile you did? remember, you get an extra .2 miles with runner #6.
i've never ran a marathon with someone else period, so that would be pretty cool to begin with! ok, obviously i've ran with other people since races have a few thousand runners, but never anyone i knew. i've started with friends but lose them somewhere along the way.

mile 20 - hello! you guys are my peeps! you've all inspired and motivated me over the course of our "friendship". i'm totally recruiting each of you for this mile.
mile 21 - an m&m character-person. like i need to explain this one... unlimited source of m&m's for the mile. that may not make for a great race, but it'd be one delicious mile. plus, they do say that sugar is good for speed.
mile 22 - ryan hall. he's just awesome and seems like a really great guy. definitely a great runner and role model. on some of my less-fantastic days i'll replay his "ole" video in my head and feel the drive and determination pumping back into my veins.
mile 23 - my sisters. they each completed their first 5k this year, and my older sister also ran a 10k. i love that they are building up their own love for running and a healthy, active lifestyle.
mile 24 - my parents. because they are my parents! they've done a lot for me through the years and supported me at many youth-sporting events, college regattas, and now in my random running travels. they were there for me after my first marathon, and even though i told them "don't let me sign up for another one of these again" they knew better than to get in the way. ;)
mile 25 - gotta reserve this one for mr. j, my best friend, biggest fan, and future mr. chasing the kenyans. hopefully one day he'll run a full marathon with me, but for now i'll settle on the last 1.2!

i beat the snooze button today and got in an easy double for the day. i'm definitely feeling the effects of only getting 4-5 hours of sleep, and had a bit of a headache when i headed out for my second run. luckily it was only a super short one, as i am still in hopes of gently easing into doubles and they say to start out with a 20-30 minute second run. i also had dinner plans to get to and, of course, not much time. my legs felt tired and heavy on my pm run, but they did get up for a 4am run so i cut them some slack.

so... it appears that sock code is already malfunctioning. i am assuming that means the "availability" did not last long (it took me a few days to actually post it). sorry for falsely raising anyone's hopes. :-/


  1. Love your answers!!! And I love Ryan Hall- I plan to stalk him this Sunday at my half this Sunday(even though he will finish, have breakfast and take a nap all before I finish!)...he is TOO hot!!!

  2. Great list! I love our "friendship" and I would love to run with you sometime! :)

  3. I would love to run with you too...though you'll be far ahead of me! And future Mr. Chasing the Kenyans has his work cut out for him.

  4. Hmmm...30 miles MTW and then two today? I think you are coming back around nicely.

  5. That is a really awesome question! Seriously though, you'd totally leave me in the dust! But, I'd definitely share some M&Ms with you. :) Great job on beating the snooze!

  6. Love the M&M mile, very creative.. OK I saw a link to your First Marathon...I am OFF to read it, I LOVE LOVE MArathon posts..

  7. Funny because running six miles with six people is how I approach the last 10K of every marathon. I pick people ahead of time and have conversations with them in my head. Maybe that's dorky, but it gets me through.

    As for you, you need to get more sleep, missy! I'm finding it actually saves me more time to do singles instead of doubles even if it is a bit less convenient.

    You better not slack on the rest. More miles means more rest you know. (Okay, I am feeling totally guilty that I'm writing this way past midnight, but still...)

    Just looking out for ya...don't get sick like I did before you stop to take a breather...

  8. I'm with you on getting only 4-5 hours of sleep a night (most nights) and putting in all those miles, then going to work, and oh yeah, then dealing with life in general .. I don't think there is enough coffee or sugar in the world to make up for it (although the M&M you'd run with on mile 21 sounds like it could help).

  9. great little 6 pack... even with all the M&M's :D

  10. I love the 6kms thing! I tell you what, I need to read your blog when I'm not hungry. All I can think about is M&Ms post reading your blog :)

  11. awww!!! great 6 pack picks! it sounds like you have a super family, and really involved in running, too!!!! the future mr. is going to run a marathon with you?! that's incredible!!! very lucky :) elliot (boyf) ran his first ever half with me this past august in NYC-- def love having him there as a runner!!!!!!!

  12. Like your list - family, M & M's, Ryan Hall, friends!

    Hope that dizziness stays gone - doesn't look like you've got time to get sick!

  13. Well, we gotta work on the future CTK so he can still be alive whenhe runs a marathon with you.

  14. Love your answer! I love Ryan Hall--always read anything when I see its about him!

  15. I can just picture you running along beside a giant M&M dude scarfing handful of the chocolatey goodness.

    Hmm, hubby and I dressed uo as M&M's for Halloween one year. Maybe I could arrange something... haha

    Have a great weekend and good job on that double!

  16. Love it! I would TOTALLY run a mile with you -- and I would be trying hard not to slow you down the whole time :)

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Hey Lindsay, thanks for your kind words on my blog, you are such a sweetie. It was comforting to hear you felt the same about issues intruding on your fun/running/life...thanks so much.

  18. Just when I thought I was going to get some cool socks! :) So you would eat the person who ran with you for mile 21 or maybe the M&M character might just have some free samples?

  19. The M&M character brought a smile to my face... that's a good one!

    4-5 hours? Get some more sleep girl! It's important stuff!

    Loved your answers, this was an awesome TiaRT. I need to sit down and answer it (late). I've been slipping on my blog reading lately, had a lot of work!

  20. Love your list! I hear you on the M & M's! :) I've never really ran a race with someone either. I go back and forth between thinking it would be great and then also I do like my zone out time. But, the M & M's do sound like a good plan. ;)

  21. Love the M&M you know how long it's been since I've had an M&M?
    The sister's idea and parent idea was cool too. Although, I was thinking about how they'd feel about actually running with know going from a 5K to a marathon is a bit of a stretch.:)
    But I'm sure they love you enough to try.

  22. Wow, what a great TIART! Fantastic answers. Good luck running that marathon with Mr. J!
