Wednesday, January 19, 2011


today i runched (noun - a light midday run between morning and evening; verb - to run during lunch).

ten minutes into my run, i started getting the shakes. i had eaten some (dry) cereal and homemade yogurt for breakfast around 9, so i don't understand where they come from (it's happened before).

i told myself that i had plenty of food stores/fuel in my love handles, and it sure wouldn't hurt to burn some of that. i did just devour a box of godiva chocolate hearts yesterday. it was a pretty good exercise in mental-toughness as i pushed through "the shakes".

for a second i was tempted to 'eat' some of the dirty snow from the side of the road. the shakes feeling eventually went away so i know it wasn't anything serious - just my stomach freaking out that i wasn't going to feed it every 5 seconds anymore.

after i (sorta) showered off i noticed my face was attractively flushed. i looked like a hot mess. hopefully this is somewhat normal.

wednesday (1/19) runch: 6.5 miles, 56:18 (avg pace 8:40), 53*


  1. wow, be careful, you wouldn't want to faint under any conditions especially into a pile of gross snow.

  2. Maybe try grabbing something light right before you head out? Runching...I like it!

  3. I wish i could runch but I never have enough time to eat let alone runch. Although it sounds like you should eat a bit before you go out. I doubt dirty snow is very nutritious

  4. i wish i did, but i never have time for a runch.

  5. A small snack before heading out is probably a good idea. Hopefully the next runch will go better!

  6. Rack: to run during a snack. You run too fast to utilize any energy stored in your body - that only happens when you are slow. Sorry.

  7. Runching with illustrations - I like it!

  8. Your pictures are so cute I can't concentrate on the text. I'm sure it was profound.

  9. You are going to have tostart a vocab section to your blog. Runmuting, runching, etc.

    As always, love the drawings!

  10. Lol. I can't handle running on an empty stomach! I eat before EVERY run, even if it's only a 3-mile one!

  11. LOL, glad you didn't eat the snow!!

  12. I always carry a few jelly beans or blocks with me on a run. Sometime a little sugar, like a couple of jelly beans is enough to trick your brain into thinking it is getting nutrition. I like to save my calories for something yummy, like the godiva chocolates you mentioned:)

  13. your body can definitely cruise through the calories in some cereal and yogurt within a few hours. snacks are good!

  14. OMG the illustrations LOL.

    I HATE when that happens. Sometimes even if I have eaten plenty it happens so I always bring a gu with me just incase. Sometimes I need it on a 5 miler when I dont need it on a 12 miler? Who knows.

  15. It's nice to see you replaced M&M's with Godiva hearts...the hearts will be gone after Valentine's Day! Oh...but then the Godiva chocolate eggs will be out. So after Easter, you're home free from chocolate!

    I don't have a lunch hour so can't runch...instead, I eat all day so I reat.

  16. I love the drawings! I'm glad you didn't pass out. I always get the shakes if I don't eat lunch right on time.

  17. Ive had that happen a few times... I prefer to run before eating.. If I run right after I eat I get stomach cramps, but would about munching on some candy before running next time? Candy is always good!

  18. Runch makes me think of a raunchy lunch BTW

  19. Love the pictures! Bananas work for me.

  20. I love love love the pictures. Very creative Lindsay. Was that a little bit of green and yellow snow? nutritious. Don't you have to run for 90 minutes before you tap into your fat stores? False>

  21. When the snow looks appetizing you know it's bad! I've been fueling with cookies the last two days, works like a charm.

  22. Love love love your computer art! I used to do those all the time when I didn't have a mac. :)

    Nice job on your runch.

  23. That's why I keep my love handles also!!!!!

  24. Nice runching!!! Too funny, Lindsey!!

  25. Our snow is finally all gone- so happy. But over the weekend it was still there but still warm enough to run wearing shorts. So weird!

    I always eat a banana or something like an hour or so before a long run (which for me is like 6-8 miles right now). It usually helps, maybe you could try that? Instant oatmeal is another thing I eat, it's so quick.

    Amy Lauren

  26. I've maybe raunched but never runched. Interesting!

    Love the illustrations! Really got a good laugh out of those. I'm struggling to run in the morning these days. Not sure if it's my blood sugar or what but the "shakes" just like your describing. I haven't yet thought of eating dirty might have to run with a stash or some donuts!

  27. Somebody would have to pay me money to exercise over lunch... All I have ever accomplished was a couple of yoga classes and a couple of weight lifting classes, but those were a total fluke. If I don't get food around lunch time, I get really grumpy really fast. So thumbs up for you to battle the hunger... Those graphs are FUNNY!

  28. Always good to burn something off but when you get the shakes you must take it easy and fuel up a bit. Love the pictures!

  29. I runch a few times a week and I'm always starving mid-way thru it no matter if I've ate or not. Totally normal to debate eating the snow too... or maybe it's just us. LOL! As always, love your paint skillz!

  30. I love that word, runched. I've never heard it before.

  31. picasso returns :)

    i hope by now you've eaten something.

  32. HAHAHAHAH.. this post is FANTASTIC! Such an artist you are. I MUST eat a snack at 10ish in Runch days..

  33. Do I see a children's line of books in your future?

    They could be about eating dirty snow by the side of the road, devouring chocolates, and looking up the symptoms "flushed" on WebMD.

    You are awesome.

  34. I love your pictures!

    I do have to eat right before I run. I know I can't make it through a run between lunch and dinner if I don't eat something about an hour beforehand.

  35. And nice paint skills to you as well!

    I hate runching. It's hard to run hungry!

  36. after we meet, I want a detailed post, with photos like this, explaining our amazing time.

  37. HILARIOUS!!! I love the idea of runching ha!!! You do not have enough extra storage girl!! Loved the pictures!

  38. Eat, girl! Love the pictures! Marvelous! LOL

  39. Bahaha I love the pictures!

    And yea sometimes the hunger monster strikes like crazy during midday runs, even if I've eaten a suitable breakfast.

  40. I love the illustrated posts. I've always heard that being flushed after working out isn't a bit deal. Just make sure you stay hydrated and all. It happens to me a lot.

  41. Love the picture with the snow saying "eat me!" Awesome. For some reason, the voice the snow has (in my head at least) is that of the grouchy guy on sesame street, who lives in the garbage can.

    Yeah, i'm so mature....part of my charm, if I do say so myself.

  42. I am a regular runcher but I never have these adventures!

  43. Sorry, I've already coined the term "runch" and it refers to a run followed by brunch (mandatory).

    I like your drawings, though. :)
