Thursday, April 7, 2011

5k tune up

in brief: my legs are even less in tune than my vocal chords. (world premiere music video drops tomorrow. get hyped.)

the planned workout: 4x200 (:30 rest), 3x1000 (1:00 rest), 4x200 (:30 rest)

what i actually loaded into garmin: 4x400 (:30 rest), 3x1000 (1:00 rest), 4x400 (:30 rest). go me.

200 vs 400, not a huge deal right? it becomes a minor issue when you don't double the goal time while doubling the distance. mmyeah. cause i can run a 400 in 0:46, no problem. that only rounds up to a 3:10 mile, totally doable.

needless to say, it was disheartening to constantly hear garmin beeping at me to speed up and i basically flaked on the whole workout.

4x400 - 1:31, 1:41, 1:47, 1:50 --> not quite the 1:34's i was looking for
3x1000 - 4:49, 4:31, 4:36 --> nowhere near the 4:11's i wanted
4x400 - 1:42, 1:39, 2:10, 1:45 --> still not 1:34's

i don't know if i was mentally checked out or if my legs are still recouping from sunday's 19 miler, but this isn't quite the confidence boost i was hoping for.

(photo is unrelated)
i found a new use for my garmin charger


  1. Chip clip! Ingenious!!

    Laughing at your workout. My workouts aren't going so well this week. I think it's because I'm running a race and my brain and body like to fail me the entire week before....They'll show up race day I hope!

    Not so good runs make the good ones even better! Nice job with the 19 last Sunday!

  2. Yes, I really love to set up workouts up on the Garmin, but I actually really suck in doing so.

    I was supposed to run 3x 1000 (among other insults) yesterday, but 1000 meters are no 0.75 miles... I noticed it after the first one, I am quick like that.

  3. Sorry you had a crappy workout. Thats basically what my Tuesday evening track workout looked like, total suckfest. But then I had a great run the next day. One bad run doesn't mean anything!!

  4. Nice workout! I have a 5K netx weekend. Hmm, maybe I shoudl steal it. ;)

    And SORRY I know I owe you another one. Soon, I promise. I'm recovering! :P

    Not sure how "useful" that Garmin charger is... I usually don't have a need to close the bag once it's open. :/

  5. Don't let it shake you...sometimes we are off, for whatever reason. Dust off and get back at it!

  6. I've been slacking on the running and all my runs feel horrible. This might also be related to the fact that all my shoes are pathetically sole-less and clinging to their last breaths. I either need to go wild with the shoe goo or fork over another chunk of cash for a new pair!

  7. Long runs will do that to you. Don't let it derail you, or make you think your training is getting worse. Just the opposite - You got the speed workout in and all the benefit it has to offer. If done on fresh legs, your time would look faster, and the benefits the same. Sometimes you got to ignore the numbers and trust your training.
    Nevertheless, those are some impressive fast repeats.

  8. I'm sensing a pattern. I think you need to start double checking your workouts BEFORE You do them.

  9. OMG the chip clip is genius!!!

    Its funny, even though the 5K is over before you know it, it hurts WAY more than a half marathon. I guess I like the sustained pain more?

  10. world premiere music video drops tomorrow. get hyped - OH I'M HYPED -

    200 vs 400, not a huge deal right? - JUST 100% ...

  11. Repeats are always hard after a long run, especially when you're trying to push 'em!!
    Thanks for the chip bag idea, I always run out of clips and just decide to eat the whole bag. Thanks okay too, right? Next time I'll use some will power and us the Garmin. It sits right there with the chips anyway!!

  12. Loving the new chip clip, since I can't run I may as well put a use to my Garmin somewhere.

    I hate to give advice on training so will hold my tongue (me?? :)) so will just say hang in there...19 last Sunday was awesome and just think back to that puppy for the confidence!

    (I still love you, too - even if you haven't changed your blog to what Matty and I suggested!! :))

  13. I still think you're a rockstar. Love the chip clip!

  14. Um, well, hmm.. 19 miles on Sunday? I think your legs are still wiped out.

  15. very hyped for the world premiere.

    because your workouts and the number just fly over me and i somewhat understand the numbers but dont comprehend because im not at your level ill just say 'great workout'!

  16. You need to give yourself more rest between intervals, particularly since you have not done much speed work lately. When I first start out I give myself plenty of recovery (3 min for mile repeats) and then decrease the recovery time as I get stronger. Also, do you warm up well by running reallllllllly easy? This is something I learned recently and it works really well. I warm up at 9+ pace for about 3-5 miles. I think this is a good start. Track workouts always suck when you first get into them!

  17. Clearly you haven't been eating enough chips. Those are the key to speed and success. Unclip that Garmin and dig in!!

    Blargh, I'm sorry to hear about how disheartening the workout was. I bet the 19er DID have something to do with it... I usually don't feel the load from a long run until a few days later -- Wednesday or Thursday sounds about right.

  18. seriously track workout after a long run? always mother effing tough. don't sweat it.

  19. yeah, i bet it's the 19 miler to blame... lol at the photo.

  20. Someday I need to try a real speed workout...

    I bet your legs were a little spent from 19. :) Still rocked it!

  21. Still some decent times on the repeats, I'd say the 19 miler cost some seconds....I wish those 1,000's were mine!!

  22. were just "working the chip clip" thing? You ARE clever like that, aren't you?!

  23. Those chips will be really fresh. Where did you get that cheap clip? Listen to everyone and give yourself a break.

  24. Love the chip clip! I can't believe you did a track workout after a 19 way....of course I've never even done a 19 miler so this is really hard for me to comprehend.

  25. i don't think i'm going to be able to sleep tonight knowing the music is coming tmrw.

    bummer about the sucky run. you'll bounce back. you're legs are still there. i promise.

  26. Excuse me- world premiere? And you didn't run this by your agent?

  27. A WORLD PREMIERE!!!!! WHEN!!!!! This is going on YouTube right? Oh I can't wait.

    And a 3 minute mile....I hope your videoing that so that we can show Roger Bannister's family that a 3 minute mile is possible.

  28. Dooood. Trying to do your 400s in your 200s time? Are you trying to have a heart attack?

    I can only program one interval into my G, no ladder stuff. Do you do it through Garmin Connect?

  29. I'm sure it was the 19miles. Great workout nonetheless!
