Thursday, April 14, 2011


or, what josh will want when he sees this post.

exhibit a - november 2010:

josh then replaced the glass with a new non-shardy piece.

exhibit b - last week:

i wanted to hold out for the iphone 5 but of course this would be the summer apple is slow. josh will probably make me get whatever phone they give out for free anyway.

anyway, this is a running blog isn't it...

after a great 5k pr i seem to have gotten on the emo roller coaster again. i got up early to run today and hated it the whole time (and cut the run short). i don't know what my problem is. i'm pretty sure i have the 'take it easy after a race' part down:
saturday - race, sunday - easy 7mi, monday - off, tuesday - easy 5, wednesday - off, thursday - easy 5.

ahh well. it is what it is.

hey boston people. i'm thinking about a tuesday brunch. i want to see you in your pr glory!


  1. I am with you on the emo rollercoaster! Hopefully we can break out of our funks soon!!!

    Ouch with the phone!

  2. I forgot to ask....are you coming to Boston??

  3. My original Iphone cover, well I had to super glue it back together..I'm amazed my phone is still in one piece

  4. How is 7 miles the day after a race taking it easy?

  5. Tuesday, I will be back at work!

    Find me Monday!!!!!

  6. What have you done to this poor phone? ;-)

    You'll be out of your funk again soon... I am sure!

  7. This is contagious! I'm not feelin' the love this week either. I have all the time in the world and everything seems a bit forced....Hoping for a better today! Ouch on the phone. I'm holding out for the Iphone 5 too!!!! My last Iphone caputzed so I've got a Droid temporarily here.

    My crystal ball sees some big PR's in Boston! I'm so excited for Monday!!

  8. yeah so my mom told me you're coming to boston,. that's pretty awesome! what shit are you going to be at?!

  9. Smooth.

    Is there at least a good story to go with it? Like you were out running, saw someone in distress, intervened by fending off a half dozen bad guys during which point one of them shot you. Thankfully the iPhone was in your pocket and stopped the bullet.

    Or were you just being clumsy? :-P

  10. Just get a BlackBerry. Those things don't happen to them. I should know I have one and drop it everywhere.

  11. Lord almighty how on earth did you manage that?!?!?

    If this is how you take care of your phone I cringe for your future children...

  12. my week is off too! Just not feeling it so much. Sorry about your phone...looks like my Garmin. :(

  13. Ouch!!! Don't they make protective cases for those things??

    YOU'RE going to Boston too?? Gahhh so jealous!

  14. poor poor phones. josh should get you one of those jitterbug phones ;)

  15. Oh no!! I hope the phone gets better (or you find a new one!)

  16. Re: Wedding dress. Try the iDye poly if you want. It's formulated for polyester but I only have experience with the blends. It works well on blends, so I say cross your fingers and go for it.

  17. I didn't know you were headed to Boston...jealous. have a blast!

  18. Oh Gosh, what did you do with the iphone? It is a tragedy, I couldn't fix my eyes on it... I have just bought my first iphone (they are just in here) and I'm so excited with mine... but yours... divorce, sorry, for sure.

  19. when i meet you this weekend you are not touching my iphone ;)

    and yes to brunch! let me know so i can plan my travel back to RI. i'll likely swing through boston as i drive home

  20. Looks like you need to get an Otter case.... helps break the falls, and keeps the phone in 1 piece.

  21. aww! so sorry! I want an Iphone but I'm waiting to be able to get the little discount.

    doing some catching up and wanted to say AWESOME 5k PR. Girl - you "rocked it." Super FAST!

    I need some tips because I MUST go sub 23 before the end of 2011. I MUST!

  22. I have many parts of broken iphone covers-always put it in my back pocket and then sit on 'em....

    I bet my "I don't wanna run" funk is bigger than yours.....!

  23. Emo rollercoaster is such a good name for it. I've been on a bit of one myself lately, and it's only improved by the amount that my stomach keeps me from getting up and doing just about anything!

    RIP iPhone! I hope you can find something good for free!

  24. I know all about that roller coaster. I keep getting in line and chickening out at the last minute. It's taken a year, but I think I may finally have both feet in the car...

  25. 3GS $50! He'll love you for that!

  26. at least the shard didn't fall into your eye this time!

  27. oy, heartbreaking on the phone! i'm stunned i haven't yet destroyed mine, although i kinda want to just to get the 4. congrats on that 5k PR btw, that's amazing.
