Wednesday, April 6, 2011

three little speckled frogs

time for some long-lost daily run action. a few days late, but i thought i should actually talk about running for a change.

saturday - i was out of town in a ghetto area also known as gamecock country. shudder. i managed to make it out alive and without anyone keying my car.

(just kidding carolina fans. slightly. i am a clemson grad after all)

anyway, when i woke up saturday morning i hopped on the hotel treadmill and ran 10 miles. i had forgotten socks, so i ran 'barefoot' in my shoes. the weird part was i wasn't tired in the least afterward.

saturday (4/2) am run - 10 miles, 1:28:32 (avg pace 8:51)
    photo from the halfway point
    perhaps it was just delayed though because sunday morning i was slug to the ish for my 20 19 miler. i headed out around 8am; it was a little chilly in short-sleeves (about 41 degrees) but i knew it would warm up.

    it took me 6-7 miles to convince myself to run - i spent that hour arguing with myself over whether or not to turn around. i downed a gu (espresso love) somewhere between miles 7 and 8 and started fantasizing about starbucks.

    somewhere in mile 11 nature put me on speed dial. this wasn't that alarming as i did not have a pre-run-movement (prm). i was actually surprised i made it so far. the downside of having efficient bowels is that you can't clench cheeks for long. luckily there was a walgreens nearby, and i took a second gu (mint chocolate) shortly after the pitstop. i need to check the expiration on that box because i started hallucinating about three little speckled frogs. the kind that sit on speckled logs, eat the most delicious bugs, jump into pools, etc.

    yeah i don't know where that came from, but somehow it helped the last 7-miles pass by. i don't remember when, but at some point my right hip/glute something-or-other started aching a little. i've been rolling it with my foam roller and tennis ball and (so far) assume it's just achy from a 29 mile weekend.

    sunday (4/3) am run: 19 miles, 2:59:43 (avg pace 9:28), 41-61*


    1. You are hilarious!!! I love chocolate mint gu and hate to admit it but I even eat it when I'm not running!!! However I have never thought about speckled frogs!! 29 mile weekend....look whose badass!

    2. I'm reading Marshall Ulrich's book right now about his run across America. Trust me, lots of hallucinating going on there. You're starting to remind me of him! ; )

    3. I feel ya on the nature calling thing. Happens to me all the time. I wouldn't have done the espresso flavored GU though because coffee-esque stuff, well that triggers it. Plus getting that many miles in when you're away from home, AND without socks, that's pretty awesome :).

      Gamecock Country is awesome :). Not that Clemson isn't a beautiful campus too, I'm a USC fan but I don't hate.


    4. Great job getting those miles in! Some morning just teh act of getting out of the cozy bed should count for 2-3 miles!

    5. Very productive (and hilarious) weekend, all clenching aside.

    6. What are they putting in GU these days??

    7. prm? you are hilarious. please quit your job and get a new one as head inventor of awesome running acronyms.

    8. I sometimes have nonsensical crap floating around in my head during long runs, too. I think two hours is too much time for my brain to entertain itself.

    9. Hmmmm.... A 10-miler on Saturday and a 19-miler on Sunday... I am very impressed. That is double my current weekly mileage! ;-)

      I don't think GU and that stuff ever expires. There is so much crap in it - that doesn't go bad. Honestly, I tried to find expiration dates sometimes without success... So they are going to be used, when they are going to be used... Bulk buying rules! ;-)
      And a little hallucination here and they make the workout go over so much more smoothly!

    10. So clearly the extra weight of your socks is detrimental to your running. Easy fix I would say.

    11. Mint chocolate - I need to get some.

      Great job on the miles. Looking strong.

    12. Now the important question, did you linger in the Walgreen's bathroom?

      Great job on the long run weekend!

    13. Lately when i down a gu nature calls suddenly. What is up with that?! Lol

    14. that must have been an interesting conversation between you and you to make it go on for over 6 miles. at least you won over you and kept going ;)

    15. Big weekend!! The hallucinations sound fun... not so much the barefoot (in shoes).

    16. 29 mile weekend? Im lucky to end up with a 29 mile month! You go girl!

    17. brave soul heading into gamecock country.

      keeping it real on the cheek clenching too.....hilarious.

    18. Very cool. I know all too well about efficient bowels. You know why I enjoy trail running so much? No spectators in the bushes.

    19. bahahah! frogs. funny. great work on the running. it usually takes me several miles to convince myself that i should stick to the original long run plan and not peace out early.

    20. Har har. When my blood sugar drops sometimes I hallucinate when I'm running. This is usually simply entertaining, but once it involved a flight of stairs which I actually started to climb and fell flat on my face. So fun.

    21. You got some serious miles in. PRM is pretty funny. I missed your drawings though.

    22. Hallucinating through the last miles of a long run - sounds like an interesting strategy - I'll have to try that!

      So wait, so did you run sockless or barefoot on the mill? Regardless, 10 miles like that?!

    23. cutie pies!

      nice mileage my friend. I'm jealous! I know it's wrong, but I am. Ha!

    24. Speckled frogs video. A. DORABLE.

      I hate when nature puts me on speed dial. (It's so much easier to deal with in the winter.. when it's more likely to be dark out...)

    25. Nice mileage! LOL about "speed dial". Yeah, I've been there...

    26. Feel free to bring some of "your" brand of GU to Green Bay-I haven't seen that flavor around these parts!

    27. Never heard the speckled frogs song before but it's awesome. I must teach this to my nieces.
      Wow! 10 miles on a treadmill sounds challenging. But then again, so does 19 outside.

    28. I busted out laughing @ your speckled frog song, or haiku, whatever that was. The Dr. is sitting in the next room, and I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy. First of all, 10 miles on the treadmill = torture. I can't comment on the 19 miles, my legs have never been that far. They don't think they want to either.

    29. Still can't stand running longer than 4-5 miles on the TM, no way I can ever do 10!

      The first time I did a 20-miler, I remember feeling super faint during my drive home (only ~3 miles away, but boy was that a dangerous ride!) Awesome job on the 19-miler, despite the potty break and hallucinations..

    30. Hahaha. That's great. Congratulations on an awesome running weekend!
