Tuesday, February 14, 2012


  1. Please start running! LOL.. Who has that much time??????????

  2. Incredible! You are awesome. Now I must watch this 767 more times.

  3. Pretty sure I just peed my pants watching that. HILARIOUS!

  4. OMG Linds, you are a genius. LOL'd way too loudly at my desk!!!! LOVE IT.

  5. Definitely Grammy material! You rock!

    Had the most strange dream with you in it last night...we were doing a 50k together but stopped to eat at some restaurant and got sidetracked by earring shopping. I think that's a sign you'll be running soon! :)

  6. that was actually...


    I think you should do this more often....create your own style of music video!

  7. Replies
    1. Not that long really. Many of the drawings were recycled or just added on to... And it was kinda fun anyway!

  8. That was the best video EVA!!!! - I love your take on the song. Brilliant!!

  9. YES - DJ CTK is back.

    I don't give a $hit if you ever run another step again as long as we get a video like this once a month. I am in tears from laughing so hard at this.

    Seriously did you pull down the lyrics and then start drawing? I am in awe and so impressed. This is awesome.

  10. I can't believe you made that! It is truly amazing! So so clever! You really have a talent for things like this, Lindsey. Have you thought about pursuing it?

  11. This is awesome! You are so creative and talented!

  12. Replies
    1. I think this intimidated him and he isn't going to give me a reference anymore.

  13. Lindsey...that was cool. Will you make a anniversary video for Jeff and I???
    I think that song was playing at one of our lessons...hard to "hear" the music when you're counting steps!

    I'm sure that video took a lot of time to do.....turned out really neat! I wish I was reading about your runs, but this is just as good!

  14. This was incredible - Love it. You have an unique talent for this stuff. Great side job for extra $$$ to personalize for special moments.

  15. wow! so creative and talented. love it! too funny

  16. I gotta learn this MS paint thing...or some way to put words on my photos. all the cool kids are doing it and I want to be able to do it too!

  17. haha I just realized that the video had sound to it. the first time I played it, my computer was on mute and I was like, hm, what an interesting sequence of pictures!

  18. So so fabulous! Love it!
    Love that you're still sugar free too.I wanna be like you!

  19. HAHA Oh this is so funny. That little fart boom was hilarious!

  20. Beautiful, you have a great talent!
    .....and I love coca cola.
