Tuesday, April 10, 2012

running is hard


i just didn't think it would still be this hard five weeks into the 'swing of things'.

i still can't run two miles without needing a walk break. well, i could go further if i slowed down (apparently my run pace is about a 9:30) but i have a hard time making myself do that. i ran a slower pace once with friends and it wasn't as uncomfortable (and i didn't have to stop to walk).

it still burns in my lungs (i've been blaming it on the pollen), and hills, ohhh hills. don't even think about making me run up the slightest incline.

maybe it just takes longer than five weeks to get back in shape (does it?). afterall, i did sit on the couch for 6+ months.

i have to remind myself that i've gone from a 0.25mi walk/0.75mi run interval to a 0.25mi walk/1.5mi run. i go out for 4+ miles now instead of 2.5. my average run/walk pace has gone from a 11:59 (first three weeks) to an 10:56 (past two weeks). i'm sure that's plenty of progress in just five weeks.

i know i've been overly conservative with this "run/walk every other day" plan - i need to be doing something on those other days, yoga/strength training/cardio. i certainly want to work out while i can (i am concerned about what will happen when i have to go off this medicine in august -- things could switch right back to how they were and i don't know if i could handle that again).

i'd also like to get back to the gym, since we've been generously funding them for the past few months (yes, i became one of "those" people), but look at all this fancy new cardio equipment i paid for!

a tv on every machine...
how did people ever find the
motivation to workout before?

oh, and forgive me for taking forever to random.org a winner for the zhip. the winner is tri runner! george, email me your address and i'll drop it in the mail to you.


  1. It is hard to comeback--I know just how you feel! For me, 10 weeks seemed like the magic mark where I quit sucking wind while running with my friends and where things fell into place. Just keep reminding yourself of how far you have come, each week. You'll get there, trust me!

    1. Thanks for the tip - 10 weeks or so, I can make it now that I have a rough idea how long to expect to feel so out of shape!

  2. Is that the Eastside Y??

    I am sorry that the comeback is going kind if slow. I can't even imagine... Well, only when I took a break from working out for 10 years... It took me like 9 months to get into something that resembled shape! ;-)

    1. A 10yr break from working out... I'm not sure if you can call that a "break" haha. :)

  3. It's definitely hard (duh, lol). Sounds like we're in the same lake, but your boat is a little faster - ha, I came up with that all on my own!!! You're getting there, it just takes time and stubborness!

    1. You're so punny ;) my boat isn't fast. I can't make myself go a reasonable pace when running, I'm a stubborn mule. I know I need to slow down a tad so I can build up the stamina to make it more than 1.5 miles at a time.

  4. I imagine it can take some time. The medicine could also have an affect. It sounds like you are making some good progress though.

  5. i'm with ken. just one more week! also, have you tried the elliptical cause that is a sure fire way to get some cardio back. i hate that thing but it's effective. i'm going on 3 weeks of no running right now so i commend you for going 6 months. you and red are my heroes.

  6. I've been back at this running gig for about 7 months now and I can't even get to a 9:30 pace, forget about ever BQing again. I find it so frustrating... but I have to remember that at older than dirt age, this thing just takes a LOT longer and a LOT more work than it once did. Anyway, that was just a little whine-fest on my part, never mind me :). You're doing so well, even though it's hard to see it all the time from your perspective, but from us out here looking in, it's amazing. Keep plugging forward, that sub-4 min/mile is just around the corner :).

  7. Forget just TV while you work out. I'm waiting for the day when TV is a translucent holographic screen that can be in front of us at all times no matter what we're doing...or not

  8. You are doing a really great job!! Keep looking at the progress you are making. Baby steps add up faster than you think. Keep up the great work. Hugs!

  9. Crazy! I can't even run half a mile without stopping. Keep at it girl!

  10. Ohh 6 weeks. Good thing I didn't give up just yet. Surely I can make it through this week...

  11. It's elusive and you'll have good and bad days,but you're doing it, so you might as well enjoy it.

  12. I love the name of your blog! FYI, we're hosting an open dinner for Kenya's Boston Marathon elite runners on Thursday, April 12. If you happen to be in the Boston area and would like to hang out with the champs, register at www.runwithkenyans.com


  13. When I've been off for awhile I've found it takes ages before I feel like I'm making progress. Then one day I wind up saying to myself, "Hmm, that didn't feel as bad as last time." Unfortunately for me I haven't been able to get back whatever speed I lost in the downtime. :( I hope your running legs come around soon!

  14. don't beat yourself up over the slow pace. be patient. think of it as if you had never been a runner before and take it slow and steady!

    1. It is hard to pretend I've never done this before!

      I am so thankful to be running / moving period. I didn't mean to sound whiny about being slow; I honestly don't mind the pace. I just wish I didn't feel so out of shape and didnt need walk breaks - I just want to run! :)

  15. Maybe when you feel faster at running I'll catch on to the whole swimming thing. Good luck. You are moving forward.

    I have never worked out to a tv. My gym is very low tech!

  16. Thanks for doing the contest! I just sent you an email.

  17. I think you need a bike ;)

    Great progress on the running though!

  18. Running is VERY hard when you get back to it but then, suddenly, one day it clicks and then it's not so hard anymore!!! Keep up the hard work buddy, you're making GREAT progress!!!

  19. Only 6 weeks in - you're doing great. You'll be back in no time. Don't rush it and get injured or I'll never speak to you again.

  20. It seems slow at first and frustrating but it will come back. I found it took about 2 months to start getting some cardio back again. Keep it up

    1. It's definitely frustrating because you know what you were once capable of, and now 1-mile is an ordeal! Still, it feels good to have the old familiar burn in the lungs and legs again.

  21. Progression IS the key to everything. You are making progression, it's nice and slow, which is perfect. Just keep up with your plan, don't rush.
    That picture of the gym makes me gag. People can't get away from the TV for even a short time???? They have to bike with a TV screen right in their face.....this world is so f'd up. You know I could go on and on and on!!!!
    The best thing you could do for yourself would be to STAY away from the gym. They are evil and they DON'T give a shit about your health. Go play on some monkey bars, do some squats, do some one legged squats, use your body to workout-it's the perfect weight for your joints.
    OK, I'm going to stop now before this gets carried away....:)
    OK, one more thing....the only "gym" you need is shaped like a cannonball with a built in handle! Now I'll stop....:)

  22. That is great progress. Knocking a min/mi off and increasing the distance. That is terrific. Just keep doing what you are doing and you'll be golden.....even in August.

    Maybe have Josh lay out a trail of M&M's for you to follow that goes out a little further and I guarantee that you are faster and for longer.

  23. I have the fancy schmancy gym like that too, but everytime I'm there I forget to bring headphones :(

    Don't forget that Galloway is always an option while you're working back up to it - maybe start at 3min run / 1 min walk.

  24. Progression is key I think and that you are having the right attitude. maybe its that we all think about too much of what we use to be able to do when we fall out of shape some, but once a runner always a runner. It's there, and it WILL come back. Sorry I haven't been commenting. Im trying to catch up now. lol. Take care and keep on going.

  25. Way to stick with it... seriously, it has to be tough starting all over again. Demoralizing. Frustrating! But it will all make you stronger. Right? Isn't that what they say??
