Friday, April 13, 2012

there's a reason they call him coach

because believe it or not, he knows what he's talking about! (at least some of the time)

i'm not following a plan to get back in shape, i just head out and try to make the run-intervals a little longer than they were the day before. thursday evening, after another long (11hr) day of work, i ventured out for an 8pm run/walk.

i did my usual 1/4-mile warmup walk and started running, aiming for a 1.5-mi run interval. i reached 1.5 mi and felt good, so i kept going.

a little shy of 2-miles i felt a little tired, but i knew i could push to round out the mileage so i kept going. i reached 2 miles and felt better, so i kept going.

around 2.5-miles there were some people standing around a sketchy van, no way was i stopping. in fact i sped up a little here, just to be safe (it was dusky and i always let scary thoughts take over when i see sketchy strangers on a run). this made me more tired, but i kept going.

once i got to 3 miles (of non-stop running!) i was tired, but i wanted to see how long it took me to run a 5k and surely i could handle another 0.1. the 5k mark was in the middle of a short hill and i wouldn't allow myself to stop in the middle of it, so i kept going.

at this point i figured it wasn't much further to my 1/4-mile cooldown walk, so i kept going. the run finished on a hill that i normally dread, but on this day i enjoyed it. i had just run 3.85 miles without needing or wanting a walk break! as jon would say, it was epic.

surely that is how the 10% rule works, right? from 1.5-mile run intervals to 3.85-miles straight? don't worry running-moms, i will make sure my next run is a run/walk so that i don't overdo it.


  1. Don't believe him, you just had a good day! LOL........

  2. Nice run Lindsay! Really good to see you doing that. Have a super weekend!

  3. Nice job Lindsay!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Congrats on your run! As far as the 10% rule goes, I agree increasing mileage and intensity all at once isn't a good thing, but you were listening to your body and you ARE a marathoner. I think moderation is especially important for those just getting into exercise, but for those of us recovering from injuries, we're more in touch with our bodies as athletes so just doing what feels best is probably a good idea.

    Glad you were able to get this in!

    1. Thanks AL! This was a confidence boost I needed; I was yearning to run and not run/walk. It's nice to know the cardio is coming back, slowly but surely.

      I am still doing every-other-day runs and I'll be sure to take the next one easier (take walk breaks). I know that was a bit of a jump to almost-4-miles! (but it was awesome and I loved every step of it)

  5. that's awesome! good for you, and you know your body best, so if it felt good, that's awesome. :) happy weekend!

  6. Personally, I think the 10% rule only works if you are maybe in training. If you are regaining your fitness, and have ran before, some weeks you might do the 50% rule. Your body will surprise you, I know, mine surprises me all the time. Great job on your run. Run Lindsay Run! Very exciting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......Now go and get some nutrition with an all natural chocoturd!

    1. It's been so long since I've had chocolate... I would love a chocoturd!

  7. YAY!!!!!!! Great job! I'm jealous :)

  8. This is so awesome, Lindsay. I'm so glad you're slowly but surely coming back to running health!

  9. Glad you felt so good!! Yay!

  10. This post makes me happy! So glad you had a good run.

  11. Why didn't you stop at 2.54 and say "hi" to your fellow Ragnarians? Haha. Good run! I'm starting to think we may be co-dependent.

  12. Great job!!!! You deserve some M&Ms!!!

  13. So excited for your run! Milestones like this are great reminders that you are an athlete, though your body is not always cooperative, and that your tenacity and endurance were always your best asserts. Go, Lindsay, go!

  14. Of course we're all happy for you Lindsay, but I'm sure that our smiles are NOT even close to being as big as yours!
    Great news! Congratulations!
    Now that those legs are feeling better, it's time you get Josh to take you to the dance floor!! :)

  15. Great Job Lindsay. I remember how great that feeling was when I started coming back from my hip. I broke a few of those rules too. From 1 mile to accidentally 3.5 but so hard to not go with it when you're feeling good!!! Congrats girl! I'm sure you feel great! Smiles for you!!

  16. Nice work! 10% rule doesn't apply under 10k or is it 50k?

  17. Hellz Yeah! The 10% rule is like the 5 second only apply it when it works in your favor. This time it didn't so f it.....kinda like an M&M falling on the floor in your kitchen. If it took you 6 seconds to find it you saying you would throw it out? Hell No! Eat it and enjoy 3.85 miles.

  18. Great job Lindsay!!! just keep running!!!! I'm so happy!!!

  19. You are an inspiration! Running at 08.00 p.m. after 11 hours of work is something of special.
    Great job!

  20. Wow! I'm so happy to stop by and hear epic! WTG!

  21. I love that you quoted Jon as saying epic. Heh! Good job on the run girl, I love hearing the smile on your face through the excitement in your words! THIS is how shit gets better. :)

  22. I am late to the party on this one, but whooooooooo hooooooooo!!!!!! Copngrats on the awesome run...who needs conventional running wisdom anyway :)

  23. Sometimes you just gotta RUN with it! Unfortunately I am 6 weeks late reading this and I already know how the story ends at your 5K race. :)
