Monday, August 31, 2009

august 2009

can i make this font any smaller? no? how about i make it white so it looks like there's just a big blank space... ok fine, just skip this part and go down to the monthly rundown - it looks a smidge better.week in review (8/24 - 8/30):total miles: 35 (yeah, i know. not marathon-training mileage)time spent running: ~ 4 hours 56 minutesavg hr: 158.00avg pace: 8:40/mile (avg temp: 82.67*)off days: 3...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

winner winner chicken dinner

thanks to everyone for entering the great gu giveaway and again for following along in my little running journey. i know that part of my growth as a runner has come from the support and motivation i get from your comments and blogs. i wish i could send everyone gu but i only have so much... because...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

nailed it

this week so far in one word: blah.i think sunday's problematic, cut-short long run rubbed me the wrong way. i was extra tired on monday and had a headache, shoulder aches etc so i took the day off and went to bed early. before the sun went down early. tuesday i was not in the mood to run but i headed out anyway and got in 8 miles; felt accomplished. i still felt a little "off" during the run but...

Monday, August 24, 2009

churning out miles

week in review (8/17 - 8/23):total miles: 56.15time spent running: ~ 8 hours 18 minutesavg hr: 158.00avg pace: 8:51/mile (avg temp: 80.17*)off days: 1 (easing back into the swing)i kind of wanted to jump right back into the 60+ mpw groove but i didn't think 11mpw to 60 was a great idea. clearly i did a great job of holding back and "only" did 56... that's way different than 60. my new garmin and shades...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

the great gu giveaway

exactly one year ago today, chasing the kenyans was born with a simple post and one reader (ol' faithful mr. j). like many of you started out, this blog was simply going to be a journal of my training runs and races. i'd been keeping track of my data for the past four years, and j convinced me to start...

Friday, August 21, 2009

my future's so bright

i've been needing/wanting a pair of running-sunglasses for awhile now. i already wear a hat, but i often still find myself squinting.last thursday i came back from surgery and promptly fell asleep for a couple hours. i woke up, felt ok for the most part and got on the computer to catch up on blog reading....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

back to the grind

yo hip flexors, what gives? you practically had a whole week off and you're gonna start aching? not cool.the nausea seems to have (finally) passed for the most part and i also finished off that round of antibiotics. so i'm drug-free again, for one day so far anyway.the ol' legs and i had two very easy and short runs monday and tuesday where i logged more miles than all of last week, not that it was...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

product review: sugoi moxie shorts

the sugoi moxie shorts are perfect for setting the summertime, hangout, be casual mood. while they are not the ideal running short, they are run-able with two front pockets, an inside key pocket, and a mesh liner. they make excellent shorts for lounging around, hitting the beach/pool, running errands...

Monday, August 17, 2009

cutback of champions

week in review (8/10 - 8/16):total miles: 11.07time spent running: ~ 1 hours 45 minutesavg hr: 129.00avg pace: 10:47/mile (avg temp: 72*)off days: 4 (yes more days off this week alone than last month)no, you are not imagining those stats. yes, diana you totally won. :o)no shame here. i proudly cutback last week and totally milked the wisdom teeth excuse. ie, the appointment was thursday and i didn't...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

end of the streak

i'm feeling pretty good and it's not because of the drugs. i took pain meds every 4 hours on thursday (day of surgery) as prescribed and drew that out to 6-7 hours thursday night/friday morning. i haven't had anything but a couple ibuprofens since 9am friday morning, and thankfully my mouth just isn't...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

waiting on the tooth fairy

i survived. i am still alive. i wasn't too nervous, but man was i starving. stupid no eating rule!the pre-op sheet you have to sign off on was real comforting, warning me of all the things that could go wrong. thanks for the confidence folks. hopefully the nerve along the bottom of my jaw and my sinus...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


week in review (8/03 - 8/09):total miles: 61.50time spent running: ~ 8 hours 38 minutesavg hr: 156.50avg pace: 8:33/mile (avg temp: 81*)off days: 0another week hanging out in the 60's. i would have liked a few more miles but i was having a hard time logging miles early in the week. my motivation (to run period) picked up at the end of the week for a strong finish. this coming week is going to be a...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

when you're running down the road...

...and you can't control your load; diarrhea. see, i recently started a new round of stronger antibiotics for the lump in my mouth (that the root canal should solve, should i ever actually get to have it) and one of the side effects is...(drumroll)...diarrhea.for the record, should you ever be prescribed clindamycin - strongly urge your doctor into a different antibiotic. perhaps one...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

product review: mix my granola

mix my granola is a fairly new health food/company out on the market. i think i've actually been a member of the facebook group for over a year now, but i think it still qualifies as "new". back in july i was offered the opportunity to mix my own granola (mostly) on the house. with my various food allergies,...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

blah runs / exotic m&m's

week in review (7/27 - 8/02):total miles: 61.10time spent running: ~ 8 hours 56 minutesavg hr: 154.33avg pace: 8:49/mile (avg temp: 79.20*)off days: 0my long run/quality workout on sunday did not go over too well. i had an easy 20 on the schedule, but my legs never kicked into gear. i kept giving it...