Monday, August 24, 2009

churning out miles

week in review (8/17 - 8/23):
total miles: 56.15
time spent running: ~ 8 hours 18 minutes
avg hr: 158.00
avg pace: 8:51/mile (avg temp: 80.17*)
off days: 1 (easing back into the swing)

i kind of wanted to jump right back into the 60+ mpw groove but i didn't think 11mpw to 60 was a great idea. clearly i did a great job of holding back and "only" did 56... that's way different than 60. my new garmin and shades may or may not have put an extra bounce in my step.

after getting over the nausea at the beginning of the week i felt fine for the remainder of the week's runs. i took thursday off and did some weights for the first time in months. i then walked around like a 90 year old man for the rest of the week and took a good 10-minute shuffle warm-up at the start of my runs. other than the doms, i felt pretty good.

friday (8/21) pm run: 8 miles, 1:11:50 (avg pace 8:58), avg hr (156), 77*
verrry stiff and sore legs shuffling through this run

saturday (8/22) mid-day run: 8.8 miles, 1:18:16 (avg pace 8:53), avg hr (147), 72*
slightly less stiff and sore but not by much

sunday's long run was, well, another story. my body felt ok - legs had a little lingering soreness but were otherwise fine. i was running slow splits from the start but assumed maybe i was just a little tired after practically taking last week off. the weather seemed ok, 72* partly-cloudy and semi-humid but it's definitely been a lot worse so i didn't think it was a factor. i took a sip of water at each mile for the first hour and then refilled my bottle with raspberry gu20 (the predecessor of gu brew, an electrolyte replacement).

the miles ticked away slowly but i figured at least i was getting in a long run and time on my feet. luckily this week's long-quality run was "just" an easy 20 miler (i might have secretly wanted 21). around mile 14 i started to feel different but i couldn't quite figure out what felt off - legs felt ok, lungs felt ok, upper-body form wasn't sucking yet. i was running through a park with fishing ponds and was tempted to stop and ask some of the picnic-ers if they had an ice cold water to share. i chickened out and stopped for some free, regular temperature water instead. i continued on my run and felt alright for another 2 miles.

before i hit mile 16, i started to feel like my vision was off or something. i could still see clearly, but it just wasn't normal (hard to explain). i was a little light-headed, but not nauseaus. because head-fuzziness just isn't enough, i rolled my left ankle ~mile 16.25, graceful. short of mile 17, i stopped and slumped over. a nice old man in his driveway nearby asked if i was ok and told me to not push it too hard when i told him i was just tired (might have been a lie). i began running again, but found myself stopping about every .30 miles. i didn't think about cutting the run short until a few stops later when i started feeling dizzy, couldn't see straight and wanted to throw up.

after puking from the meds last week, i wasn't afraid of having to do that again. i was worried about the dizziness and trouble focusing my eyes though. i took a shortcut back and still had to stop a few times to keep from falling over into the passing cars. at mile 17.97 or so, i rolled my left ankle again. nice. i stumbled into the hotel, struggled to finish off the gu20 and refilled my bottle with cool water. i slowly made my way down the hall and up the stairs, stopping a few more times to try and contain the dizziness, and promptly collapsed on the floor of the room. i wanted to take an ice bath but the desire to lay down was stronger. i showered, put forth a very shoddy stretching effort, and crawled under the covers.

unfortunately i forgot to put on my hr monitor so i don't have that data to look at and see if anything funky was going on there. i also forgot my road id, probably not the best day for that, but thankfully i made it home. perhaps it was just "one of those runs", or maybe i can (still) blame it on the meds from last week. i'm sure my diet for the past 11 days didn't help - soft foods don't have the best nutritional value. i just started eating some normal foods again thursday (veggies, rice, chicken etc.) and it is well worth spending 15 minutes flushing my wisdom holes out with a syringe.

anyway. a tough long run in the books; i'll take 18 miles. this is already the best training i've ever done for a marathon period with higher base mileage and more/longer-long runs. i'm hoping my stronger aerobic base will contribute some brownie points come race day and that some of my "speed" will decide to show up as well.

sunday (8/23) mid-day run: 18 miles, 2:46:27 (avg pace 9:14), 72*
looking back, i ran 20 miles faster than this 2 weeks ago.


  1. Only 56 miles? What's wrong with you? I kid, I kid. GREAT WEEK! Sorry your long run was so tough. Did you eat enough before?

  2. i think you're a champ for getting in 18 out of the 20 miles so soon after the surgery! sorry to hear it didn't go so well, though. i'm sure it'll be better next time when you've had more time to recover, eat real foods, etc.

  3. I'm glad you made it back. It sounds like low blood sugar if you want my purely non-medical opinion. I had this happen to me once during an erg workout. The exact same symptoms right down to the fuzzy vision. I managed to stuble over toa couch before I passed out. Two Lipton Brisks later (full of sugar carbs) I was okay again. It was strange though.

    And even though I couldn't stop by on Saturday - happy birthday CTK! Yours is one of the blogs that gets a religious reading.

  4. Yikes! That definitely sounds weird/scary. Good call heading back when you did and stopping when you needed to. You still got some great mileage for your long run and for the week! Hopefully that was just a 'blip' and you'll be rocking another 20-miler next time.

  5. Geez - be careful out there!

    So you ran your 20 faster than that 2 wks ago. You also ran your 18 faster than I can run 10mi :)

  6. ugh that sounds awful; sorry it didn't go the way you wanted but I'm so glad you made it back safely. I definitely think you can blame it on the soft food diet not to mention the major jump in miles for the week. Don't worry about it but be careful out there!!!

  7. That run concerns me.I'm not sure I've ever had that happen to me...I wonder how many calories you had before and during your run...also electrolytes and water. Maybe next time bring extra of those things. Good job on the mileage, though. Let's last week I ran...26 miles, and we won't mention the pace.

  8. No bueno girl! You got me worries about you over here! Take it easy woman! And perhaps go visit hte doc!!!

  9. I had similar symptoms at the beginning of a long run about a month ago. I stopped in a park and downed some Clif Shot bloks. The dizziness went away after that and I was able to continue on. So, I guess that would support Glenn's diagnosis.

  10. Something in the air? We both had issues with the long runs. I get the vision issues during runs and with me it is usualy nutritional (blood sugar to low). Probably this is what happens to you (headache is also a sign) since you had mostly a liquid diet due to the surgery. I bet next week's run is going to rock!!! Ana-Maria

  11. Hey, sounds like a tough week. Make sure you give yourself a little more rest. It sounds like you were pretty sore and stiff, before your 18 miles on Sunday. Take a power nap, maybe even get a massage. Hope you feel tens times better! Keep it up. When is your next marathon?

  12. Nice week! I'd be milking that oral surgery for AT LEAST a month. :o)

  13. Great mileage!! What a long run! Glad you survived it!!

  14. WOW, that's excellent! You are awesome!

    I've only gotten to 60 mpw a couple of times in two separate training cycles each. And, man, was it hard! Looking back, I remember being exhausted and tired a lot ,and I can't believe I did it! So, respect, girl! RESPECT!

  15. That long sounds a bit scary. Hope you haven't had any residual effects!

    Great week!

  16. You're such a slacker. I can't believe you only ran 56 miles last week....I really expected better.
    :) Just kidding you crazy thing!

  17. Eek! glad you went back to bed..hope you're doing better and great attitude on the 18've already been doing so much!
    be well!

  18. I LOVED Lisa Frank too!!! The best haha.
    I'm sorry about your tough run I think you definitely made the best decision stopping- 18 miles is still impressive and better to have trouble during a regular run than a race right?

  19. Yikes, sounds maybe like low blood sugar to me too (that's happened to me before). Glad you were able to make it back safe to your hotel!

  20. You made the right call to turn back. You're still a superstar... !

  21. I hope you are ok and it is good you turned back! I probably would have kept trucking until I was passed out!

  22. Dang, L ... you almost wound up on somebody's obit page after that run. Gutsy, very gutsy.

  23. So glad you turned back, and am so impressed with your mileage!

  24. Way to still hit those 18 miles, sounds like it was a tough run. I still can't picture myself running 2+ hours, let alone even 1!! We'll see how I do soon..

  25. you sound really sick? I hope you feel better soon

  26. Glad you're okay! It's always good to balance out our stubborn ambition with some good old common sense!

  27. Wow, big week after surgery, nice job! Sorry about the long run thing, but we gotta have a few tough ones every now and then I guess.

  28. I`m thinking long runs and blurred vision/nausea don`t mix. I hope it gets better from here.

  29. Glad you stopped before it got worse! You probably just haven't been able to fuel correctly after the surgery. You'll bounce back.

  30. Great week! PS Have I told you how jealous of your new garmin I am!

  31. I would be sooo happy with 56 miles!

    You are doing so good with your training. Sorry about the long run. Glad you made it back OK.

  32. Yikes, I'm so glad you're okay! You were definitely really smart to cut the run short at 18. I'm betting the irregular fueling was to blame for the dizziness, but take care of yourself and listen to your body over the next week or so. Hope you feel better soon, girl!

  33. So your 18 mile run, where you were dizzy and felt like sh*t, still resulted in a 9:14 per mile pace. I hate you. I'm glad you're ok though... :-)

  34. Even when you feel crappy you are waaay faster than me. Glad you made it home ok :) I am impressed that you run so much every day!
