Thursday, August 13, 2009

waiting on the tooth fairy

i survived. i am still alive. i wasn't too nervous, but man was i starving. stupid no eating rule!

the pre-op sheet you have to sign off on was real comforting, warning me of all the things that could go wrong. thanks for the confidence folks. hopefully the nerve along the bottom of my jaw and my sinus thingys weren't messed up.

the laughing gas crap did nothing for me, that was kind of a bummer. turns out i am allergic to the regular iv drug they use so (supposedly) they used a different one. guess i'll find out in a few hours/days if i have a reaction. go figure that soy shows up in las drugas too.

i don't remember anything from the procedure which is perfectly fine with me. i was awake and then i was awake again and feeling reallllly good.

apparently i asked for pancakes, told j multiple times that i was hungry and my whole body was shaking really bad. j thought i was having a seizure but the nurse said it was normal. oh ok, sure. i also cried, a lot. when we got back to the hotel i think i said something like "wisdom teeth!" to the front desk people, well i attempted to say it with the gauze in my mouth and of course i was still quite tipsy. when we got off the elevator i said screw running, i'm just gonna do drugs. :o)

i haven't puked yet, yay. hopefully it stays that way. the last time i puked my mom cleaned it up (aka i was little). i just know it wouldn't go over well if i had to see it and be responsible for cleaning it up myself. no, i never puked after drinking in college, believe it or not.

they may have taken my teeth but i got three cool souvenirs.
yes, i'm still wearing them.

i'm already feeling semi-decent already - still a bit groggy and my mouth obviously is a little unhappy but i think i'm recovering from the anesthetic pretty quickly. bring on the vicodin.


  1. wow, pretty coherent post for being so drugged up! :) Feel better soon Lindsay... hope you recover quickly! Oh, and I hope you keep running instead of sticking with the drugs. LOL

  2. gotta love them drugs. lol! i cried a lot too and my doctor was kind of a butt about it. whatevs we just had our teeth ripped out right? sorry. a bit graphic there. anyway, get well soon and have J wait on you for as long as you can!

  3. nice ekg bling! i think you should keep it on. speaking of bling, your ring is just GAWgeous!

  4. Sounds like things went pretty well. Bummer about the not eating rule - it's tough to not eat when you are a running machine (he he). OK, take a few days to recover and then get back on the training wagon! We have high hopes for you in NYC:) Ana-Maria

  5. Glad the procedure went well! You cracked me up! Hope you get back on the roads soon!

  6. sorry, I am getting too distracted by that ring! so pretty. glad you survived; maybe your grill being a tiny bit lighter will give you just the edge you need in NYC :) try not to party too hardy with the vicodin.

  7. Some down time is good. Don't worry about running. I'm glad you survived getting the teeth out.

  8. I'm glad the extraction went well! It sounds like you're set up for some quality rest days :) I hope the recovery process is nice and smooth!

  9. Yeah, I hate that no eating rule for various medical procedures. Hope you recover soon. Your engagement ring is just gorgeous!!!

  10. Only you could make going to the dentist appear to be fun! Glad you survived "puke free!" Feel better soon, and don't try to run while on the drugs. On second thought, maybe you should try it and let us know how it goes....(Don't you dare!)

  11. I wish I had a no-puking track record like that. I puke way too much.

    Sorry you had to go through all this, but I'm glad it seems like it went pretty well. At least it's out of the way!

    And good plan to forget running, that would have been a scary site, you running all groggily down the road with a mouth full of gauze!

  12. wow never puked since you were little?!? wish i could say i never puked in college (or ahem post college) from drinking ;)

    glad its done and you are feeling ok!!! hope you heal up very fast but enjoy your time off being lazy and eating ice cream with an excuse :) i loved that part!

  13. LOL! I cried and laughed hysterically... my friend thought I had lost my mind when I came out of getting my wisdom teeth pulled. And then when she dropped me off at my house I made her hide my pills and text me where they were at because I was "scared my roommates will take them all." Gotta love the drugs! LOL! Hope you make a quick recovery! Enjoy all the mashed potatoes, ice cream and yogurt you can handle!!!

  14. the comments while you were high. glad you are feeling better:)

  15. Hey, eat some ice cream for me. ha, ha. You're such a good a good encourager. Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. Hope you feel better soon. With a few days off with the way you've been running, you're legs are going to want to party on your next run.

  16. Poor girl! Eat popsicles and ice cream and rest up! My son was so, so funny when he had his wisdom teeth out last summer. He liked the drugs "a little too much!"
    Take care!

  17. Oh my! Feel better! Love the ring shot... so pretty... !

  18. Hope you feel better soon! Love the ring!

  19. Watch out for the vicodin "hardening" up the poop!!
    Glad to hear all went well, I remembered my 9 being pulled as I read, but I was awake for mine-I had 12 (yes that says 12) shots of novacain and then he grabbed the pliers and away we went. That sound of them being pulled (a few breaking in the process) was UNbelievable! I didn't want to look at them laying on the table after it was all over, but I just HAD too! Aren't ya glad I didn't tell this story BEFORE your procedure!!
    Feel better soon, now I have to go run today so I can actually claim a higher week of running total than you!! LOL!

  20. BTW......sweet pic of the ring! That could easily pass for some kind of "Sexy" jewelry ad! Or a ad for telemetry patches!

  21. Now how am I supposed to read this post with that big shiny thing blinding me?! It's okay, I wore sunglasses and got to read the rest of it.

    Can't believe you had such coherence with all the drugs in your system. Obviously, you weren't drugged up enough.

  22. Glad it went well. I was out for 3 days straight when I had mine taken out. Lots o' vicodin. Sounds like you're holding up better than I did.

  23. PS. Nice ROCK! :) Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  24. When I woke up from having my wisdom teetch out, my mom said I jsut kept asking if my jaw was broke! The things you say when under.

    Glad all went well.

    Your ring looks stunning!

  25. I'm glad those little puppies came out okay! Hope your mouth and jaw are feeling better!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement lateley. Yeah - I've been burned out a little. I had a decent run last night though, so hopefully I've turned a corner.

    Yes - Aerosmith is still popular with the teens these days. But bummer! Steven Tyler fell off a stage last weekend and broke his shoulder. The rest of the tour has been cancelled! Boo hoo!

    Now - where are the deep fried Snickers....

  26. Glad you survived! I didn't get to experience the wonders of vicodin after my wisdom teeth (mean, mean dentist!) but I've heard good things. Enjoy lots of ice cream and smoothies on your days off..your legs will probably feel amazing and rested when you get back to training!

    PS - LOVE the ring shot!

  27. Glad to hear it went smoothly and you are (a) alive and (b) not puking. Hope it stays that way!

    LOL @ pancakes. I hope you can eat some good food soon.

    " i said screw running, i'm just gonna do drugs. :o)" <~ this made my day.

    Take care of yourself. And milk it. :)

  28. Awww, what a day. Hopefully you get some pancakes soon.

    Beautiful ring!

  29. Glad it went well! Ugh. I hate people doing stuff in my mouth. Blech. Glad it's behind ya.

    Is this our first look at the ring? Must be--we're all bedazzled!

  30. Good to hear you're OK, but I can't believe you said 'screw running!' It's ok, it was probably the drugs talking. Get better so you can start running again!

  31. Oh my gosh. I feel like the no eating thing is actually worse than getting teeth ripped out of your mouth!

    And how did you never puke after drinking in college? Looking back, I think that was the main reason I didn't gain that much weight in college! Ha! I kid, I kid (kind of).

    Hope you're feeling better by now, chica!

  32. glad it went well, hope you're feeling better...and HELLO, NICE ROCK!!

  33. you must have looked so awesome going into the hotel with all that gauze in your mouth. why didn't you let J take a picture of you for the blog?! LOL

    how did you never get sick after drinking in college? i always got sick! i even burst a blood vessel the first time i was a complete idiot and mixed every kind of alcohol possible. good times. :-)

    i am very glad to have read from your more recent posts that you did not run after the wisdom teeth operation.
