Monday, August 17, 2009

cutback of champions

week in review (8/10 - 8/16):
total miles: 11.07
time spent running: ~ 1 hours 45 minutes
avg hr: 129.00
avg pace: 10:47/mile (avg temp: 72*)
off days: 4 (yes more days off this week alone than last month)

no, you are not imagining those stats. yes, diana you totally won. :o)

no shame here. i proudly cutback last week and totally milked the wisdom teeth excuse. ie, the appointment was thursday and i didn't run monday or wednesday... talk about lazy bones! i definitely counted the 1.07 mile walk i took on saturday to "beef up" my mileage even though it skewed my avg pace and heartrate.

post-surgery, i pretty much slept through the weekend. i figured at least you can't feel nauseous while you sleep. i'm still feeling a little nauseous today even though the only meds i'm taking is (yet another) round of antibiotics. this is like week 4 of being on antibiotics (with maybe a few days off in between rounds) - just doesn't seem like a good thing to me.

i thought i would be feeling good to go after such a laid back week but perhaps the meds are still throwing me off a little. the lingering nauseousness probably isn't helping much either. worst feeling ever.

since i don't have anything to say about my lack-of running, i'll continue to blabber about my teeth. i have (what i believe is) a piece of bone sticking out of one of the holes. it looks like a tiny piece of spaghetti noodle standing where a tooth used to be. the informational sheet they gave me says "small slivers of bone may work themselves out in the week or two following surgery" so i am hoping and assuming that's the case. it doesn't hurt - i just wish it would fall out already.


  1. whoa, that bone sounds like it must be pretty annoying. i'm glad to hear there's no shame involved in your cutback week! i'd say you had a pretty good excuse. you might even come back stronger for all the rest/recovery.

  2. A physical therapist once told me that a cold was probably the healthiest thing that could have happened to me pre-race, because it made me honor a taper and truly do NOTHING for a little while — so hard to do for a runner! Sorry you have to deal with the whole wisdom-teeth thing, but training-wise, it's probably really, really healthy to feel bad!

  3. Don't worry! You're just in a forced recovery/cutback right now. Your body will be so much stronger once your teeth is all healed up and you're back to running.

    Besides...i need your 11 mile cutback for me to catch up =)

  4. Agree w/the Lam -- this week will make you stronger. But, um, the spaghetti bone? That is creeping me a little. I hope it falls out soon!

  5. You poor thing. Though, you sound pretty low key about the bone, I'm not sure I would. At least it doesn't hurt. Also, I'm sorry you're feeling nauseous. I hope things feel better soon.

  6. Sliver, bone? Hope you'll be okay. I agree with everyone, sometimes these little set backs end up giving our bodies some needed rest. Soak it up, you'll be back to the grind soon. Also, thanks for always being so supportive, you rock girl!


    I know I will never be able to do this again, so bare with me while I make it last as long as possible!


    OK-I'm done!

  8. "I ran more miles than Lindsay," "I ran more miles than Lindsay," "I ran more miles than Lindsay!" OK, I'm done gloating. You are such a slacker. Seriously, the rest will be good for you. You'll see. I gave you a shoutout on my latest blog post. Guess I'm feeling guilty for kicking your ass with the running last week. Of course I'm kidding with all this, except I really did give you a shoutout. Feel well soon, spaghetti mouth!

  9. You have a bone sticking out of your mouth?? What in the world, you are turning into a what, a corpse?!
    And I am very proud of your hardcore tapering skills :)

  10. Whoa - 10:47 pace - you're running with me!

    Sigh - you'll be back to your ridiculous fastness soon enough though, leaving me in the dust.

    Spaghetti bone fragment thing? Gross.

  11. Hang in there! You'll be back better than ever before you know it!

  12. Just think of all the people that have never even ran 11 miles in their entire life! You kicked butt, I would have milked it more and probably not have ran all you're a champ in my book!

  13. It sounds like you are enjoying some much-needed rest, although the nausea and multiple courses of antibiotics are no fun :( I hope that sliver of bone works its way out and doesn't cause any trouble on the way!

  14. i bet your legs/body will pay you back for the rest with some kicka$$ speedy running when you're back at it. No worries! :)

  15. You poor thing. Nausea is the worst. I hope you enjoyed your time out though with a good load of trashy TV. I was off sick this week too and got out the old Oprah box set... :)

  16. Good job on your cut-back week! :) I would have been milking it too.

    That spaghetti noodle bone would totally freak me out. I hope it falls out soon! :/

    Also hope you feel better soon. Nausea sucks!

  17. Maybe I should get surgery to help me with my cutback weeks :)

  18. Ok, um, ouch! Bone?!?! That is nutters. Keep taking it easy for as long as you need to.

  19. Well, while you're dealing with all this nauseousness crap, I'll bet your legs are busy repairing themselves so you'll be faster than ever when you get back to full training. In the meantime, that bone piece sticking out sounds really annoying!

  20. BONE?! That's it, wisdom teeth are staying in forever.

  21. Oh, don't sweat the time off. You needed a rest, both mentally and physically. I foresee some awesome fast runs in your near future! Ana-Maria

  22. i think your legs will thank you after the forced break :) sometimes you just need a big excuse like this one to take a true cut back. glad you are milking it :) i know i definitely milk every ounce of these types of things hehe.

  23. Hope your mouth feels better soon. Just think how refreshed your body will be once you start running again...the break in running should be a-ok. )

  24. 4 days off in a month? I get that every week. Should I be bragging about that?

    But I have to echo everybody else, rest week = good, bone = icky.

  25. Very good thing you cutback! Yes please hang in there girlie your doing great!!

    Ewww on the boney thingy!!!

  26. "Small slivers of bone may work their way out..." That just doesn't sound fun.

  27. "small slivers of bone may work themselves out in the week or two following surgery"

    that gave me unpleasant goosebumps... you are getting closer and closer to running strong, though, so woo hoo!

  28. Hang in there Lindsay. Even Austin Powers was able to find his mojo again.

    All of you dentists and oral surgeons out there - seek out running clubs and running groups and offer "taper" discounts a couple weeks before any major marathon!

  29. youch,i think mie need to come out too-- but that doesn't sound fun. heal up! and don't worry about the cutback, you won't miss a beat getting back into it.

  30. Weird, I don't remember using any meds for that long after my wisdom teeth were removed. Then again, maybe I was given meds but just forgot to take them after a while..

    Hope you're finally able to run this week!

  31. OMG, ew. I will be SO happy for you when this is all over and done with! It just sounds miserable :(

    I hope that bone sliver thingy falls out soon, and you start feeling better!! Hang in there! :)

  32. I want to second the person who said OMG, ew. That was exactly what went through my mind when I read that part about the bone slivers working their way out of your mouth.

    Ok, let's say again, it bears repeating. EEWW.

    I hope by this time you've recovered nicely. sorry to be absent these last couple of weeks. I've been trying to be so good with my freelance stuff and not get distracted by blogs. (clearly not working well right now!)
