Thursday, June 17, 2010

choose you

ok so, like three weeks ago (when i lived in a different state!) i said i had a giveaway coming soon. well i did, i just wasn't very organized. my bad. let's just get on with this already, shall we?

about a month ago i was contacted by a representative of the american cancer society to help spread the word about their new "choose you" campaign. i received a fun package in the mail from them full of goodies and have an extra prize pack to giveaway!

"choose you" is a new nationwide movement by the american cancer society to help encourage women to put their own health first in the fight against cancer. as a woman myself, i know i sometimes get caught up in ensuring others' needs are met - whether at work, at home, or with friends, and i'm not even a mother with kids to look after! (thank goodness, as they'd probably be eating a diet of m&m's...)

the "choose you" campaign asks women to pledge to reach an individual health-related goal from one of five categories: eat right, get active, get health screenings, protect your skin and/or quit smoking. as the avid runners/workout addicts we are, we probably have 2 of those 5 down already (being active, not smoking). most of you probably have your eating in check, but we all know that i could use quite a bit of improvement. i'm sure most of us could improve our sunscreen use, except jill because she bathes in it. :)

giveaway details: the winner will receive one "get healthy" gift bag of goodies (including a stainless steel water bottle, t-shirt that's totally work appropriate in my book, neutrogena sunscreen, gift card to walgreens and more)

to enter: share what healthy habit you want/need to kickstart right now and what thing(s) are holding you back from declaring victory (and get on it already!). you could also share what motivates to you to stay on top of your personal health maintenance or how you make time to make your health a priority.

for a bonus entry: give me something funny to say in my maid of honor speech this weekend!! (pllllease!) :o)

to my canadian and overseas friends - sorry but this giveaway is restricted to us residents only. i hope you will still take a minute to comment though!

this prize pack will be mailed out in a timely manner because i will not be the one mailing it (it will come directly from the acs)! you can rest assured future winner.

disclaimer: all the information about "choose you" was provided to me by the american cancer society, but my opinion on the program is solely my own. the acs also provided the gift packages for myself and my giveaway winner.


  1. I have nothing for you on the speech front... Maybe you could launch packs of m&ms into the crowd fir a distraction. They would love it ;)

    ACS... Too many things to choose... Diet soda is a problem for me. I should definitely keep trying to cut back.

  2. I think the launching of M7M's is a good idea!! I've never had to give a maid of honor's speech-wouldn't know what to say but try to be funny!

    As for "me" I have stopped drinking soda! What I should do is stop drinking my glass of wine during the week-I'm sure I'd drop some weight. I try to eat healthy-I'm a vegetarian so Veggies are high on my list.

    It's the skin cancer that has always freaked me out. I'm very fair skinned and live in a horribly sunny state, california, and have skin cancer in my family-melanoma. So I try to be vigilant-but no matter what, if you're out in the sun you are getting sun! But sunscreen is my friend!

  3. I definitely need to start drinking more water before I end up dehydrated on the side of the road ;)

  4. I have GOT to stop buying loaves of dessert breads. One of my many weaknesses, but certainly the worst!

  5. this prize pack will be mailed out in a timely manner because i will not be the one mailing it

    This is why I won't be doing anymore giveaways. I'm incapable of doing anything in a timely manner.

    As for me, I guess I should try to bump up my fruit/vegetable daily servings to 5-7 from, oh I don't know, maybe 1 on a good day?

  6. I bathe in sunscreen AND wash my hair with it. LOL!

    I love the ACS... such a great organization. While my mom and I support breast cancer fundraising since that's hit our family the hardest, we also have a strong connection to the ACS because we feel that everyone affected by any form of cancer is battling hard and the ACS helps them!

    My biggest thing I need to work on is fueling myself adequately for the running I want to do.

  7. OK, so I was a soda addict in grad school, I used to drink at least 1 2 litter bottle/day. Now I drink 1-2 cans/day but would like to give it up. The thing is, I crave it after hot runs, and can't figure out what to replace it with - I crave the carbonation, and seltzer does not do it. So, a work in progress.

    As far as the speech goes, it is tough bc I don't know the person. I say, do a google search and I bet you'll find great ideas!!!

  8. No help on the speech...sorry about that one. :)

    I *seriously* need to get better about applying sunscreen. Fair skinned, burn all the time, and never seem to learn. It's time!

  9. I'm a huge fan of any Cancer Society.
    I need to work on the sunscreen stuff. I never use it and I'm sure my skin looks like shit under one of those "cancer screening" lights!
    I vow to work on that!
    And I guess I could work on doing more workouts to stay healthy!

  10. I've cut back on my coffee but increased diet soda. What is holding me back? I guess I use it as a way to curb hunger that doesn't have calories plus it satisfies me in some way! I am excellent at using sun screen. Have been for years now.

  11. Wow! That's an awesome giveaway.

    Healthy habit...I really need to stop snacking. I am generally good about it, but when I work from home, I tend to stuff myself with everything in sight.

    What holds me back...I have no self-control!

    What motivates me: Since I started running, I feel lousy if I don't eat right or exercise well. That is my biggest motivation.

    Maid of honor speech: Sorry, I have nothing for you. I find alcohol provides inspiration...hope that works for you!

  12. I eat plenty of healthy foods, it's the portions that are out of control.
    I do my best (pretty much) to stay healthy because my genetic deck is not stacked in my favor with history of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and the like.

  13. I say let the best man handle the speech. Just stand there and smile. Or better yet, eat m&ms!

  14. I have not heard of Choose You but it sounds like such a great idea. Women need to realize that they cannot wear themselves too thin or there will only be counter productivity. I'm glad I stopped by!

  15. What motivates me to stay healthy and run? Travel. I travel in my job and if I didn't run, I would be a fat traveler. I'll pass. Plus, running gives me sanity. Well, maybe it just makes me less crazy.

    Maid of honor speech? Start with a joke. I only have one joke but I think it's totally appropriate for the venue. Here goes: How do you know when your girlfriend is getting fat? She can fit in to your wife's clothes.

    Ouch. Terrible right? They will love it. Trust me on that one. :-)

  16. I need to wear more sunscreen. I have Neutrogena on my dresser. They should include someone to force me to apply it in the gift basket.

  17. The prize pack looks awesome!

    Well, as far as the speech goes, my former pastor (gotta love the Methodist church, pastors always move away) used to do something where he always told us to look to the people around us and say something, it was always the theme of what he was going to say. That gave him time to gather his thoughts and put his nerves to rest. I always thought it was pretty cool, so maybe you could do something like that?

    As far as the health habit... since finding out I'm anemic, I'm just trying to follow a diet, get enough protein, and remember to take my iron supplements each day. I also promised my coworker I'd go to the doctor when I didn't feel good (as she'd been bugging me to go to the doctor for over a month about how I'd been feeling, and I really should've listened to her sooner).

    Amy Lauren

  18. "to my canadian and overseas friends"

    You're a awasome person Lindsay. Believe me! You're great.

    A like your sense of humour about 'your' child diet :))

    All my love from Spain

  19. I'm a TERRIBLE pubic speaker, in fact, I suck at anything where I'm the center of attention :(

  20. I dont know if this counts as being healthy, but I started drinking 2 oz. of mineral water @ night before bed. In the morning, I have plenty of time for reading in the bathroom. Seriously, I limited my daily intake of fatty foods. I am also limiting my red meat and balancing my diet out to fish, chicken, etc. Eating more fruit. (not fruit cups) lol And, as of 2 weeks, I have not had Soda at all. Now, the taste of coke infuriates me and makes me feel Uggh just thinking about it. I know you asked for just one, but Im on a role. My mid section needs an over haul. Just thought you should know, the word verification is - ....drum roll plz.........clegrons. What the hell is a clegron? You tell me. Could we import that as a running slang term?

  21. no ideas for your speech, but good luck with it!

    habit i need to break (or reduce): soda

  22. I'm on the giving up gluten thing right now. Trying a lot of different recipes. Including bread made from tuna.

    I bought a couple a sex position a day calendar, then wrote a speech talking about the different positions. Isn't as bad as it sounds, for instance, her name was Susan, and there was a position called Lazy Susan.

  23. I'm kind of late here, but wanted to see if anyone already commented what I was thinking, which is that this reminds me of ralphie on the simpsons "I choo-choo-choose you" valentine's day card.

    in the spirit of things, I really want to get in the habit of stretching my hamstrings but never do it. mine are short and I'm not flexible at all...I know it would be good if I worked on that, but it's like abs...I just don't care that much, though a 6 pack and abs might be lucrative, JUST KIDDING.

  24. As you know I am pretty obsessive when it comes to making time for my daily exercise and have been known to get up at 4am in order to get me run in before helping out at a race. I will do just about anything to fit exercise into my daily routine.
    Eating habits could use some improvement for sure. I do eat healthy but I don't eat enough. I have always struggled with consuming food during the day, it's not that I don't want to eat, I just never have an appetite before 5pm. This is usually OK but can become a constant struggle during marathon training. Over the years I have gotten better getting enough nutrition but it is a work in progress.
    And I am also guilty of not always wearing sunscreen. Living in the desert of SoCal this is definitely not a good thing and I see victims of the No Sunblock Generation every day... I now leave little tubes of sunscreen everywhere as a reminder.

  25. I want to get back on track eating my veggies! what is holding me back - pregnancy hormones and being turned off by veggies! Hope your speech went well this weekend.

  26. I've been remembering to wear sunscreen more and more! And something that I just kick started... I'm not using the tanning bed anymore! YAY ME!

  27. This is a kind of cool campaign. I want to try to limit the sweets I'm eating. Sometimes I got a littttle bit overboard.

    And sorry, I've got nothing for the speech.

  28. I eat pretty well. Like tons of fruits and even veggies, only lean meats, and only whole grain breads or brown rice. I also drink a ridiculous amount of water and can't stand soda. But on the flip side I love to eat! I probably eat two servings of peanut butter and another two servings of nuts everyday! That's 700 calories of nuts! Yikes...and just in general I eat A LOT! So I really need to work on my portion control.

    Right now I'm using the pregnancy card as an excuse. The truth is though, sometimes I eat when I'm not really hungry, especially at night. I love my night time snacks.

  29. I want to eat less sugar but my (our) love of M&Ms is killing me. And also my schedule.

    I think the best speeches are the ones that are the most personal. Tell a great story about what makes the couples work.

  30. What a nice idea for a giveaway! I may be too late for it, but I pledge to try one new fruit or vegetable per week as part of my CSA program. And good thing I'm too late for the MOH speech ideas ... I've got nothing!

  31. I'm going to stop using running as an excuse to eat junk.
