Tuesday, June 22, 2010

my best friend's wedding

busy weekend. no running (and no guilt over it). lots of fun times. too much champagne. married off my best friend (and didn't have to give a moh speech after all).

bachelorette out on the town

en route to the church
not sure who was more nervous - me or her :)


[i forgot to put an end-date on the choose you giveaway, so let's go with thursday, 6/24]


  1. Very beautiful bride, groom...and maid of honor :). Glad you got out of the speech part, that'd probably set me over the edge!

  2. I'm with Jill. The speech would send me over the edge. You looked very beautiful all cleaned up!

  3. Ahhhh what a big weekend! Your hair is freaking fab. I've been lurking Chasing the Kenyans for a long time so I'm adding you to my brand-new rookie blogroll. Hope ya don't mind :)

  4. The bride looks gorgeous and you look hot! I am loving your dress and hair! I am glad that you had fun at her wedding:)

  5. Weren't you just complaining about not having anything to wear??? :)

    Isn't your big day coming up soon?

  6. so after all of that you didnt have to give a speech? Whew!!

    I hope it was a fun weekend!

  7. Gorgeous pics!

    No Maid of Honor speech? WTF? You are supposed to have to stammer and sweat and accidentally spew out embarrassing details about your best friend's life. Not that I have ever done that...

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  8. Great pictures, Lindsay. Your day is coming...and you still won't have to make a speech, thank goodness. I love your smiles and aren't best friend weddings the best?

  9. what did you wear for shoes? Trainers or racing flats?

  10. Next wedding picture you will be the protagonist!

    Fun post..champagne in a run diary blogger! Woooo....

    Good time with good friends

  11. Sounds like a great weekend.

  12. You both look beautiful! Glad you had a good time and don't feel guilty about the running.

  13. Looks like a great wedding with a beautiful Maid of Honor.....now back to running!!

  14. Love that you took a break from running and had no guilt. Trying to get better at that but I'm not used to having a plan that I follow.

    I fear that every time I miss a long run (or even a short one) that it spells doom for my goals.

    Thanks, Lindsay!

  15. Congrats to your best friend! You're next! ;)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Wow, you look absolutely stunning. Way to spend a weekend. Looks like you had a blast anyways. Lets see if I can use the word verification in this as an actual word. Lindsay [rests] over the weekend. lol. Congrats on not having to give a speech. Take care.

  18. Woo hoo! Nice. You clean up awfully well. Wonder what your old pals in Kentucky would think now?

  19. ohhhh how pretty! and fun. that kind of weekend totally wins over running :)

  20. GAH i wish i could get out of the MOH speed at my brothers wedding next month :-/

    you guys looked awesome! glad you had a great weekend :)

  21. Congrats to the Bride & Groom and you look Fantabulous!!!

  22. Look at you in the dress! Great pics, love the blue sashes on the dresses.

  23. oh i Love her dress w/ the sash and your dresses too - you look gorgeous! How did you get away w/ no speech! nice: )

  24. Everyone looks so pretty all dressed up. :o)

  25. Glad to see you still allow yourself time to have fun! I JP a wedding this past Friday and Saturday, so I too had fun. Hmmm, all my "I" comments sound like someone we know, huh?! "I" now must go back and see what else you wrote that "I" can comment on!
