Thursday, October 14, 2010

why yes, i do still run

i haven't talked running much lately, but i am still chugging along. i don't know why it's harder for me to write about running as much as i used to. hopefully you don't mind hearing about my random ponderings in the meantime. i guess i just don't feel like my runs are very post-worthy, but then again, neither is my life (zzz).

alright, running:

week in review (10/4 - 10/10)
total miles: 20.85
time spent running: ~ 3 hrs 12 mins
avg pace: 9:19 (woot!)
off days: 3
  • mon: easy 30 minutes after work
  • tue: 2-mi tempo (+warm-up/cool-down)
  • wed: afternoon bike ride - almost 21 miles at 15mph
  • thu: easy 45 minutes after work
  • fri: yoga and abs
  • sat: long run - 8 miles, best 'long' run in awhile. avg pace 8:52!
  • sun: absolutely nothing - couldn't move after learning about the death of my friend. i literally sat on the couch in my pj's all day.

october goals:
  • 30 minutes everyday (12x) - missed 1 day (see above)
  • tempo runs (7:30-7:45) - 2mi and 4mi
  • speed work - 4x800; 3x1600
  • 12 core workouts (5x)
  • long runs - 8mi and 10mi
  • 90 miles on the bike (20.85)
  • lift 5 times (2x)
  • lose 5 lbs
making progress! only 1 total-day-of-rest, the "do at least 30 minutes" goal is making me get up and move as i'd hoped.

tuesday evening i set out to re-attempt my 2-mile tempo - this time with success! i sped through the two tempo miles and decided to add on an extra half mile of tempo. the two were tough, but i knew i needed to stretch it out if i'm going to hit a 4-mile tempo later in the month. i couldn't quite add on a full third mile, i was tired.

tuesday (10/12) pm run: 4.3 miles, 35:57 (avg pace 8:22), 80* what? you say it's fall?
2.5 mile tempo - 7:40, 7:24, 7:46 (1/2 mile)


  1. funny, you are trying to reduce days of total rest, and i'm trying to increase mine...

  2. good to hear you are still running! I did wonder if you had given it up for biking...

  3. Oh my God I write my comment but the computer did not run!!!

    Again. I said that it's true you lately don't write about week in review but I don't mind. I like your style!

    BTW, what your next marathon?

    You're great run or non-run!

  4. you are doing great with your goals!!! congrats on the tempo and also on a great long run!!!!! how are you liking yoga? i forget is that new to you?

    80 degrees huh... wowzers. you should come hang out over here it was like 45 this morning. feels really refreshing tho! the only thing i don't like is when i have to make the transition from bed/ pjs to real clothes... TOO COLD! lol.

  5. Don't worry about runs being post-worthy Lindsay...they all add up and counts and are just as worthy as other people who do X more miles. They are YOURS so if it's important to you, they are important to us too!

    Sorry about the death of your friend! It really makes what's important a little more poignant!

    Keep on running Lindsay!

  6. i like random ponderings. i do that a lot myself because my runs have been not-blog-exciting. sometimes i wish that something dramatic would happen just so i have something to blog about ahahah

  7. Glad the do 30 minutes goal is working for you!

    P.S. It's your blog and I think you can write about whatever you want!

  8. Way to push it on the tempo! You are getting those workouts in.

    I like the tribute to Rick on the side. :'(

  9. You don't need to apologize about not having "post worthy" runs. Running isn't some continuous font of amazingness. There are lags here and there. We go through phases with it. I imagine the same can be said for BLOGGING about running. Sometimes it just dont hit the sweet spot, so you don't bother.

    AND, it looks like you ARE having a productive month, actively crossing things off that goals list.

  10. Girl, you are awesome!! Nice pace on ALL your runs. I always enjoy reading your blog, no matter what your writing about!

  11. You my dear are doing juuuuust fine! While you're at it could you drop 5 for me too?

  12. Nice week! Daily exercise with one rest day and lots of cross-training.

  13. You know I have been feeling the same way lately about my posts being worthy. Of course, when someone dies and you reevaluate things, like you and I have stop worrying about that stuff. People who are invsted in you and your blog will be there (like me) and people who aren't don't really matter.

    Now I must take my own advice!

  14. You are doing great!!

    I have been really sad about Rick's death as well. I wish I would have known him "in real life"

  15. I am sure your tempo was speedy fast!

  16. One of the reasons we enjoy reading you is because of the funny way you inject your personality in your writing. You're fun to read whether you're talking about running or something else.

    As for running, I hadn't noticed you'd stopped writing much about it. When I start back up, it will be from the middle of winter.

    I'm sorry about your friend's death, it does make us pause and reassess a lot of different things about life.

  17. Hoo Ya! Consistency any way you can get it will bring you back in the game. Great going with the 30 mins a day method!

  18. A little selfish I know, but I totally dig your time spent running, because that's my birthday.

    And, doesn't matter how you look at it, 8 miles is still long. Be sure you take care of that extra .15 next time you're out on the bike. I'd at least spin the wheel for a minute to round it up.

  19. Lindsay

    Keep on running like the fact that you have set your self some goals for the month I will have to get better at that myself.

    One other thought on Chicago marathon- I don't know if you ever listen to podcasts but there was a very good interview with Carey Pinkowski the chicago race director on Marathon Talk - worth a listen - Chicago must be up there as one of the best marathons in the world. Link


  20. Ponderings are great. That's what makes your blog so endearing.

    In your weekly run-down (pun intended) you don't note how much time you are spending updating your blog. It's A LOT of work. Nice pace!

  21. i'm really sorry to hear about your friend, lindsay.
