Saturday, October 10, 2009

much ado about nothing


i didn't participate in the bourbon chase. huge bummer, and i felt like a loser friday night/all day saturday.

i got "sick" (for lack of a better term) wednesday evening during my speed workout. i was nauseous, light-headed, and my vision was off (similar feeling to what happened on two long runs 4-6 weeks ago). i completed 6/9 planned intervals and knew i needed to cut it short. i stopped and just stood there, trying to calm my senses down and ward off the nausea. eventually i trotted the 2 miles back to the hotel. i was shaky, dizzy and just feeling off. it's hard to explain.

after a light dinner, i called the team captain to commit to the relay. i figured i'd feel better by friday as i've had this crap-feeling before, and of course i thought it'd be a fun time and wanted to do it.

i still felt off thursday. i felt nauseous sitting/walking around work, couldn't focus on anything on the computer, and felt like throwing up (thankfully, never did). i skipped my run for the day and went to pick up some warm "running" clothes from walmart for the relay. (starter brand anyone?) i was still being hard-headed about running the thing even though i feel like garbage.

friday morning came and i didn't feel any better. i considered going to an "urgent care" type facility, but again, what are they really going to do with a symptom of nausea. i made an appointment with a chiropractor over in lexington. the appointment wasn't until 4 and i needed to meet up with the team at 1:30. i called the team captain to let him know my dilemma and that i felt like crap. i felt horrible backing out on them, but i was also afraid of collapsing somewhere on the side of the road in the dark (my first leg wasn't going to be until late at night). i also didn't want to get motion sickness riding around in a van all night.

continuing my hard-headedness, i rescheduled my chiro appointment for monday morning. i decided to try some pepto bismol and dramamine and hoped it could help me survive the night. (that was my first sampling of pepto, disgusting!) i was en route to meet up with the team when the captain called back to let me know they were able to get a replacement for me if i wanted it. i figured the cards had fallen into place, i needed to rest up and feel better.

so here i am, all bummed out, spending the day resting and watching movies on hbo. i've seen a couple of the bourbon chase teams today here at the hotel which makes me feel even more loserific. i guess this is a smidgen of how it feels to train and train for something only to get injured or sick right before the big day. (i say smidgen since it was such a last minute thing.)

i am feeling mostly better now, thankfully. i was able to re-reschedule my appointment with the chiropractor which seems to have cleared up the nausea. i did have some, umm, bathroom emergencies friday night though, which would not have been friendly out on the road with the team. isn't pepto supposed to prevent/stop those sorts of things? needless to say, my mileage is shot for the week with taking three days off. i am just hoping i can get in a solid long run tomorrow. quality over quantity, right?

to whomever my teammates were going to be, i'm sorry to have ditched on you. i really really wanted to run! :(


  1. Aww that sucks! I'm sorry you can't run, but think about how much worse you would feel if you passed out during the race and your team couldn't complete the relay. Get well!

  2. Your body must be telling you something....I'd be getting a nice physical to make sure all is well. You've mentioned these symptoms too many times for me to feel comfortable. Not to scare you or anything, just my opinion.
    In the meantime........enjoy a nice rest with the feet kicked up and a good old chick flick on the tube!

  3. I agree with Diana. Sorry you're feeling like sh*t. Pepto is GROSS. I haven't had it since I was a kid. It always made me feel worse. Feel good soon.

  4. You probably just over trained. I do the same thing all the time. Take a few days off then get back at it.

    Btw I've done a few of those overnight relays and the night van ride is often a very nauseous motion sick riddled experience so you dodged a bullet there.

  5. Something like discretion is the better part of valor. Anyway, you made the good choice. Just like seejessrun said, if you had problems during the race, you might have stopped everybody from running.

  6. Aww, I hope you feel better! But feeling like puking when you want to run...ugh, that sounds awful. Probably a good choice to take some time off in that case. Get well!!

  7. Ugh - you've got a bad case of something. Good thing you sat this relay out.

    Get some rest.

  8. I'm sorry you couldn't make it, but you did make the right decision. Some time these things happen.

    I'm also wondering about the whole shaky, nausea thing...maybe you could take a few tests to make sure it's nothing serious. I mean, not being able to see correctly on your run and then at work isn't the flu.

    Well, I hope you feel better.

  9. Smart decision, though surely tough! I had some random nausea followed by bathroom trips on friday, too. Must be a virus. Feel better!

  10. Bummer, I'm glad you're feeling better but I wonder what it was? I think you need a check-up!

  11. Aww thats kind of weird and a HUGE bummer, but I think your decision was for the best. I'm glad you're feeling better now...and NO swine or anything, haha. Enjoy your loooong weekend :)

  12. Sorry to hear you missed your race, but I think you hit the nail on the head in saying having stomach distress "would not have been friendly out on the road with the team". Its worth calling it a day and coming back to run another day ..

    And yes ... I like the "quality over quantity" .. ;)

  13. Oh gosh, that sucks! I'm sorry you got sick and had to drop out of the relay...I know you really wanted to run. Having said that however, I'm also glad you didn't because I think nausea is something you can ignore and run with. Symptomatic relief with pepto only goes so far!

    Hope you truly are feeling better. Don't worry about the mileage anymore. We're in taper mode so we're beyond training. You need to rest and recover and get ready for the big day.

    Good luck!

  14. Sorry to hear you were/are feeling crummy. Hoping you are doing better by now and were able to get in your long run you wanted!!

  15. BUM-MER. Sorry it didn't work out. I wonder if you had some kind of bug? Ugh. Either way, glad you are feeling better. Hope the run went okay!

  16. ouch, well at least you're on the upswing now! Rest up, it's most likely your body giving you the signs that it needs the rest anyway!

  17. girlie dont be so hard on yourself... you were definitely smart to back out and rest. i mean you could have gotten much more sick being out there running around at all hours of the night and that wouldnt be good with NYC 3 weeks out. hang in there, hope you are feeling better soon!!

  18. Sorry you missed out on the relay. Sounds like it could have been pretty miserable though, had you decided to run anyways. Glad that you seem to be feeling a little better after the chiro appointment.

  19. Glad you're at least feeling better. The last time I had pepto was in college. I took the recommended dosage and a minute later had a glorius pink projectile vomit into the sink in my dorm room. It tastes even worse on the way back up (not unlike the Apple Pie flavor of Clif shots).

    I'm sure you'll get the chance to do a relay again (perhaps not in Kentucky) so don't get too down on yourself. The cool thing is that the teammates didn't even know you so they'll just unwittingly let you on their team next time without even knowing you were the one who bailed on them!

  20. I'm glad you are feeling better! Tell us how you are! I hope it's just that you overtrained and nothing's serious :)

  21. Sorry to hear that Lindsay! Sounds like you had a touch of a bug! I can't believe that was your first pepto moment--I lived off that stuff in college--mainly due to drinking too much. I'm glad you made the smart decision. Hope you are on the mend!

  22. That sucks but you made the right decision. Passing out in the middle of the night would not be ok. I'm sorry you're sick-- that must be so frustrating.

  23. Well, I think it's VERY flattering that someone would look you up from a previous race to ask you to be on their relay team. Glad they could find a replacement, though, so you could get the rest you need.

    Hope you can figure out this nausea stuff soon!!

  24. Even though I know you would have killed it in the relay, there are more important things you need to worry about, getting better and rocking NYC. It must be pretty annoying getting sick at such random times, hopefully it goes away soon!

  25. Yuck. Pepto is the WORST. Ugh. I'm so sorry that you were sick and couldn't run the relay--what a bummer! But the important thing is that you rest up and make sure you're feeling good for NYC in a couple weeks! You made the right choice, chica.
