Saturday, October 31, 2009

summary of training - nyc marathon

the ing nyc marathon is hours away. i am excited, but not too nervous... just yet. maybe tomorrow morning. i still need to figure out exactly how i'll get from the hotel in times square to the ferry but that's a minor detail.

this is a summary of my training for the 2009 nyc marathon, a journey from may 18th, 2009 through october 31st, 2009. i'm comparing some of the stats to my training before the atlanta marathon (my bq, nov 2008) which i ran about 16 weeks into training for the goofy challenge with a mini-taper --

# of runs - 145 (usually 5-6 runs/week)

miles - 1,114.29 (atlanta: 710)

average mpw - 48.21 (atlanta: 44.03)

highest weekly mileage - 68.16 (atlanta: 58)

runs missed due to injuries/sickness - 17 (some laziness; wisdom teeth surgery; recent nausea) (atlanta: 1 day); another injury-free round of marathon training!

# runs of 15 miles or more - 11 (atlanta: 7 runs over 13 miles)

hours of running - 164 (atlanta: 104)

average pace - 9:00 (atlanta: 8:44)

races - 2 and a dns (va beach rnr half, horsey 5k, dns bourbon chase)

pr's - 0, :(

quality workouts - 21 of 36 workouts (yeah about that)

other workouts: (aka, major slacking)
bike - nope
yoga - 5 times (2hrs)
abs - 19 times (crunches/planks/fit deck)
pushups - 2,532
you have to admit - those are pathetic stats for yoga and abs over a period of 24 weeks/168 days! definitely need to attack the non-running workouts.

compared to atlanta, i believe i have a lot of potential for a nice pr. i've run many more miles, though i don't feel like i ran as many speed workouts this time around. the main question is whether or not i can stave off the crappy-feeling on race morning. we'll see how it goes down.

i have a couple time goals in mind, depending on whether i'm having a 110% kind of day or not. the most important goal is to enjoy the run, atmosphere and sights and hopefully stay dizzy-free long enough to find the finish line.

thanks for all the good-lucks and for following along the past 24 weeks of ups and downs. see you on the other side!


  1. Sounds like you're ready for tomorrow! I saw your name listed on Tall Mom On The Run's High Five Friday. I'm running tomorrow too, but it's my first time! Like you, I'm excited, not too nervous yet, but think it'll hit me in the morning. If you're in Times Sq. you can take the R down to the Ferry. There is an exit right in front of the Ferry dock. Good Luck!

  2. I've been thinking about you. Have a fantastic race! You've worked hard for this--enjoy every minute of it . . . can't wait to hear about it!

    Rock it, Lindsay!

  3. Good luck in NYC! And it looks like the weather will be perfect for running. I'm sure you'll do great.

  4. Looks like you'll have good conditions for an excellent day tomorrow.. good luck in NYC!

  5. Hope you have a great run. Looking forward to reading all about it. Hey, trust your training to get you through, you've done plenty for it.

  6. YOU are awesome, and I know you'll rock this racee :) Go in with a smile!

  7. Good luck Lindsay, I hope you have a fantastic race!

  8. Good luck tomorrow! I am sure you will have a great race. I am very impressed with your record keeping! I need to be better at being more detailed keeping track of everything.

    I'll be thinking about you!

  9. You'll have a blast and DO 150%...enjoy every minute and smile a lot! Don't dwell on deer nor the past, just move forward! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  10. Lindsey. you have really put up the miles and worked through a lot of adversity. Best of luck tomorrow!!!

  11. You've trained hard. Best wishes for a good race. Have fun out there!!!

  12. The job´s done since many days ago. If you see this before the race, good luck from Spain.

  13. good luck, lindsey!! seeing your training summary was uber-inspiring. you've put in such hard work. enjoy the race!! can't wait to read about it!

  14. Congratulations on a kick-ass training cycle. Those are some serious numbers. Hope to see it all pay off tomorrow and most of all I hope this annoying dizzy thing doesn't get in the way.

    Most of all, have fun and enjoy that AWESOME city.

    Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear about it.

  15. OK, can I make a prediction? I think you'll go between 3:20-3:30; if all stars align you can go 3:10-3:20. GOOD LUCK! Awesome training. And those push-ups, WOW!!!

  16. I'm pumped for you! You've worked hard in what sounds like a rough situation (living out of a hotel, etc) and I've enjoyed following you as you documented it. Have a great day tomorrow and know a lot of people are wishing you well from afar!

  17. You are more than ready to kill this tomorrow girl! Will be tracking and cheering from Florida! Good luck!!!

  18. very cool comparison! You're a rockstar! Now go rock it!!!

  19. Go, go, go!!!!!

    I'm sending you TONS of fast-running vibes for tomorrow. Have a GREAT TIME!!!

  20. Hi - I'm a new follower and new to blogging. You're probably getting up in a few hours to run the marathon, but I wanted to get in a last minute good luck!

    P.S. Your push-up stats are impressive!

  21. Best of luck in the race-you're gonna do great! What a training period, maybe I better re-think my goal of a marathon?!!!
    Looking forward to post report!

  22. Dang, Lindsay - your stats are IMPRESSIVE!

    I think you're lined up at this point - GOOD LUCK & HAVE A GREAT TIME :D

  23. Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll do awesome!! I wish I had your last name so I could track you during the race. I'm already tracking another friend who's running it!!

  24. Wow what a recap.. I just watched the race on my DVR.. AMAZING!! I hope that you had a 110% day.

  25. Honey, you did so awesome today, I was so proud of you. I ran a 5K this morning and then when we got into our car afterward, Bill was like "here comes the twitter box" and the first thing I did when I logged on was to see if anyone had any updates on your progress. Luckily for me, Brian and Glenn were online and gave me updates as fast as they could get them.

    How I would love to have your speed and stamina. You'll be our female ringer for Ragnar! (we're still doing it, aren't we? please say yes!)

  26. Those are really cool stats, really like reading that kind of stuff. Maybe when I start training for my first marathon, I'll try to keep info like that too!
