Monday, October 12, 2009

one good run

week in review (10/5 - 10/11):
total miles: 26.33 (yeah...)
time spent running: ~ 3 hours 44 minutes
avg hr: 157.00
avg pace: 8:45/mile (avg temp: 60.3*)
off days: 4 (yes, 4)

at least i covered the marathon distance in a decent time, it just took all week?

i took monday off thinking it would be my scheduled rest day for the week. i sure didn't plan for an insane amount of nausea/whatever to take over for a long, extended weekend? i don't wish it on anyone. suckssss.

i'm feeling better, but i'm not 100%. the chiro helped - i could definitely tell i felt better, but then after attempting an easy run on saturday i slipped backwards on my progress. i spent a lot of time in bed saturday/sunday watching hbo (madagascar 2, marley & me, kung fu panda), random movies on lifetime, saved, knocked up, watching hbo replay the same movies... so i'm pretty sure i got the "take it easy and rest" part down. i went back to the chiropractor today to get realigned, again felt better, and limited myself to a 30-minute easy test run this afternoon. it was alright, but not normal still. today i also started to think that part of this nausea has to do with my less-than stellar nutrition lately. i can't remember exactly what i've shoveled down over the past week but i know i've been rather lenient on the crappy-carb intake. here's to more greens/vegetables and less chocolate/chips/pretzels.

i really only got in one good run last week. my wednesday quality workout went well, until i got "sick" anyway. the workout was supposed to be 3x(1 mile interval pace with 1 minute easy), 3x(1000 interval pace with 2 minutes easy), and 3x(400 repetition pace with 3 minutes easy), plus warmup/cooldown. the nausea/crapness kicked in during the last 1000m so i nixed the 400's, but i figured i'd gotten through the meat of the workout anyway.

3 x 1 mile: 6:43, 6:37, 6:36 (goal pace: 6:31-6:40)
3 x 1000m: 4:11, 4:14, 4:10 (goal pace: 4:03-4:15)
the 1000m's were actually 0.64, so they're supposedly even (slightly) better than they look.

i do wonder if this workout pushed me over the edge, as i haven't quite been on top of my quality workouts, but it didn't feel like death. it wasn't easy of course, especially with such short recovery periods. it was more of a comfortable strain, if that makes any sense.

originally i was hoping to hit 55-60 miles this week, but i'm just going to play it by ear instead. i really want to get in one last "true" long run this weekend, so hopefully i'll feel better by then.


  1. Your previous post: You made the right decision – Don’t look back. This is one of those things that are out of our control. Last year I spent 6 months getting ready for an inaugural 100 mile race in AL only to get the flu 48 hours prior with a 102 deg fever. I was totally bummed, but realized running this type of endurance race was hard enough on the system with all cylinders firing. There will always be another race, but not another you!
    Enjoy the cooler fall temps and hope you are able to keep up with the training during the outage. This is my last week and the refueling outage will be over. I can’t wait to see daylight again!
    Southern Nuclear Company / Plant Vogtle

  2. Boo to feeling yucky.

    Sometimes sickness is just your body's way of telling you to slow it down. You're smart for listening and taking it slow this week. Plus, doing that will usually speed recovery time as opposed to pushing yourself and making things worse.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Don't worry the miles will still be waiting for you once you get yourself right. Take your time.

  4. Remember what you said to me when I was feeling like crap a few weeks ago? Right back atcha girl! It's better to happen now than in a few weeks, remember? Just take it easy and you'll come back from this.

    By the way, totally unrelated, but in April, please know that J is welcome to stay at my house too - that goes without saying.

  5. Remember what you said to me when I was feeling like crap a few weeks ago? Right back atcha girl! It's better to happen now than in a few weeks, remember? Just take it easy and you'll come back from this.

    By the way, totally unrelated, but in April, please know that J is welcome to stay at my house too - that goes without saying.

  6. So sorry you had a tough week. It stinks to feel so sick and so off your game. I hope this week is better!

  7. You'll be fine...I'm sure you've accumulated a "surplus" of training miles by now anyhow! I've had a stomach virus the past 2 days also, so I'm feeling your pain! RELAX, go back to healthier eating, and you'll be as good as new in no time. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog, by the way.

  8. Maybe you are pushing too hard and that's why you are feeling sick? I know that I am pushing too had when I feel like crap all the time. Maybe take it down a notch?

    Regardless, I hope you bounce back quickly!

  9. Maybe you are pushing too hard and that's why you are feeling sick? I know that I am pushing too had when I feel like crap all the time. Maybe take it down a notch?

    Regardless, I hope you bounce back quickly!

  10. Glad you are starting to feel better. Keep resting and taking in lots of fluids. You'll be good to go for you long run this weekend, just don't push too hard.

  11. Smart move. You will feel better. I think for whatever reason your body is just pooped out. Whether it is an infection, crappy diet, too much stressed, whatever, you just need to get things in good working order for the big day. Don't listen to the 2 week fitness myth. You don't just lose everything because you sit out for that time. It doesn't go from 100% to 0%, maybe know. So just rest and feel better!

  12. Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Chilling in bed and watching lots of movies is sometimes the best thing you can do!

  13. Watching movies all day sounds fun to me. :)

    Hope you are feeling 100% soon. What, M&M's aren'y good for you?!

  14. Glad youa re feeling better. Taking care of yourself is more impoprtant than running. DOn't worry about the low mileage, think of it as a recovery week. You are doing great!

  15. Glad you are feeling better. One thing I thought about that you might consider is getting checked by a doc since you've mentioned getting "sick" before like this more than once recently. One blogger friend of mine had a similar experience and it turned out she was pregnant (although she thought for sure she could not be). And, in the past, I have also had bouts of dizziness and nausea and it turned out that my poor college diet had made me quite anemic.

    Hope you figure it out one way or another!

  16. Take care of yourself!

  17. Excellent movie choices...Saved is hilarious!

    I'm glad you're feeling better...don't feel too bad about the week not going as planned! You did get in one pretty awesome workout, and I don't think losing a few miles is going to hurt, especially if you're resting up from being sick. Hope you continue to feel better and rock that long run!

  18. Keep taking care of yourself. Get well soon!

  19. I'm sorry you're sick. I hope you can get in some good rest.

    Speaking of junk food - maybe I should put my bag of chocolate chips away now!

  20. You kicked @$$ on your intervals, sick or no.

    Rest & recover. Keep taking it easy on your body!

  21. great job! that's a tough workout and you did well. keep resting and taking care of that body!

  22. Sickness = bummer. Big bummer!

    Glad you are feeling a little better, though. I hope this is totally behind you!

    Do you take vitamin d? I'm a big believer in it. I load up to try to ward off colds/flu/funky-weird sicknesses. That and vit. c, too.

  23. Yeah, that's like my average weekly mile, lol. Even though it got cut short, the intervals you did do are very impressive. Some fast splits! Good luck on that long run this weekend and again, feel better!

  24. Hm. I hope you are getting better. Staying in and resting was a good idea. I love all of those movies. LOL!

    Keep us posted and definitely rest if you need to.

  25. YAY! So glad you are feeling better! That's the most important thing EVER!

  26. Poor thing! My immune system always suffers when training is at its peak, no matter what I've been eating or doing to recover. Good job focusing on getting yourself well rather than missed mileage, and feel better soon!

  27. Glad you're feeling a little better. I have to say, I'm pretty jealous of your movie day! I'm sure your body is thanking you for all that rest. :)

  28. Just today I was thinking I'd like a movie day...not so sure I'd want the nausea to come with it! Sorry to hear you had to cancel out on the relay but it definitely sounds like you made the right decision. Considering it was a last minute event for you it isn't worth sacrificing your health since you've got bigger fish to fry!

  29. Sorry you're not feeling well. I hate when getting sick prevents me from working out. In fact, it really derailed a fitness program I was on once and I never got back to it.

    It sounds like you're keeping a good perspective though. Give yourself a nice break and come back strong.

  30. I'm glad you rested, too. I will say I like those splits for your mile repeats, and that recovery was pretty short...but if you were handling it ok...
    Just hope you feel better.

  31. Hope you're feeling better! I know the flu is ravaging people these days. I caught the creeping grunge there right after Labor Day and was pretty much out of commission for a couple weeks.

    Lindsay - thanks for all of your kind words and encouragement these past few weeks. I'm still in a litte shock - this time it was such a positive experience. I'm bummed I didn't hit my goal time, but hey - now I have something to work toward.

    Your question about training program - I think you hit the nail on the head. This plan left me tired most of the time. Even during taper. And 24 weeks was a long time. Burn out definitely set in aout week 18. The next time (like starting 11/25) I'm going to do an 18 week plan. And choose Higdon (he's an older guy - takes it easy on us elderly folk).

    My only question for you - how do you run so f'n fast for so f'n far?

  32. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  33. glad you are feeling better!
    55-60/week - wow!

  34. nice "week long marathon" time...ha

    glad you're running again, don't push the mileage, just take it easy and enjoy your runs...

  35. haha I love when the miles add up to marathon mileage. Great time for the week!

  36. I always get sick when I my mileage peaks.. plain sucks. Still your distance and pace are really good. You are such a strong runner!

  37. Illness happens and you did the right thing by taking it easy. Hope you're well enough for a last long run.

  38. Everyone is right... you're making the right choice to take care of yourself, resting to get better. It's just so damn hard! :-)

  39. Glad you're feeling better! Rest a day more than seems necessary and take care of yourself, and better now than later right?!

  40. Aw man. Sorry you're still feeling kind of crappy. At this point, rest and fluids are your best friends. Do not even think about running long if you are still feeling like crap this weekend! The important thing is to make sure that you get better in time for NYC. Feel better, chica!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hope you're feeling better by now!

  43. Intervals CHECK!!!

    Feeling crappy UNCHECK!!!

    How are you? I hope your feeling better Lindsay!!!

  44. Hope you feel better, girl! Sickness is definitely the body's way of telling you to slow down. Take it easy. I'm sure the down time will help you come back all the more stronger.
