Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ketchup (october 2009)

i'm way behind on logging my stats. this isn't the most exciting, especially since i haven't been logging many miles, but i want to keep a full account of everything on here for my own entertainment. i'll try to get interesting again soon...

week in review (10/26 - 11/01):
total miles: 46.65 (end of the taper + race day)
time spent running: ~ 5 hours 30 minutes
avg hr: 177 (on race day)
avg pace: 8:36/mile (avg temp: unknown*)
off days: 3

while i didn't run friday or saturday, i did do a good amount of walking around nyc and i totally counted those miles into my weekly total. otherwise, i think you've heard more than enough regarding the marathon so, moving on...

week in review (11/02 - 11/08):
total miles: 6.25 (hahahaha)
time spent running: ~ 1 hours 03 minutes
avg hr: 164.50
avg pace: 10:01/mile (avg temp: 56*)
off days: 5

basically i ran on saturday (the trail "race") and then a shorty on sunday. my legs and all felt fine throughout the week, but i figured some excessive rest wouldn't hurt the three+ weeks of nausea/lightheadedness i've had going on.

yes, i did go to the doc for all that. my blood work came back normal for the most part - one of my liver numbers was up a little but after running a second test they couldn't figure out what was up. i am assuming it was elevated because i had just run a marathon (sunday, had blood originally drawn the following tuesday). i've been mostly not-nauseous since taking it easy. however, now that i've resumed a little working out it likes to come back when my heartrate jumps up (to like "interval-hr range"). wonderful. i feel like i'm the person all those signs in the gym/disclaimers on workout dvd's is for -- "discontinue exercise if you feel lightheaded or nauseous". but i've run multiple marathons! i can't be that out of shape... right?

week in review (11/09 - 11/15):
total miles: 11.50 (wooooo)
time spent running: ~ 1 hours 41 minutes
avg hr: 163.50
avg pace: 8:50/mile (avg temp: didn't check*)
off days: 4

initially i wanted to run more, but i took extra advantage of the flexibility of post-marathon running instead. gotta enjoy the guilt-free days off while i can! plus my shins/calves were sore from the trail race. funny how i was more-sore from that race than the marathon.


october 2009
total mileage: 154.52
time spent running: 23:05:19
avg pace: 9:19/mile
days off: 8 (thank you nausea)
avg resting hr: 55.60
avg max hr: 173.31


  1. I hope you can enjoy your time of rest. I always have the problem of wanting to run when I'm resting but then when I start going at it again I just want to take it easy. Bleh...

  2. I'm relieved that everything checked out alright with the doctor! Sounds like your recovery is going well and don't worry about being interesting, we just love to hear about you and your running-that IS interesting! Thanks for all of your bloggy support Lindsay!

  3. Hope that nausea goes away for good. Any big races planned in the near future?

    I wanted to take some days off, but then while at work, I read the race info for my next half and it sounds really fun. It's also a really fast course, so it's the perfect race for me to hit my goal. I think I forgot to tell you, but my new goal is to beat your PR! :)

  4. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..JK! Ha, I could actually run faster than you right now! So next time you run a kickass marathon and aren't up to par afterwards, I want to race you. Of course I'm just busting your ass right now. Rest, you've earned it. Have you heard anything about Boston yet?? It looks like most of my blogging buddies that qualified will have to wait until 2011 to run it. I hope you get in for 2010. Oh, and feel better slowpoke! :-)

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  6. Sorry the doc couldn't figure it out. Enjoy your rest time; I'm sure you have big plans in mind :)

  7. Glad to hear lab work is good, but your continuous symptoms still make me wonder. I hope all goes well and take it easy.

  8. Hope everything goes ok with the doc! I can't you believe you ran a trail race a week after your marathon though! Ouch, my legs would KILL after both of those!

  9. This is really random, but do you think it could be a vertigo type of thing? I have had random issues with vertigo . . . and sometimes they lead me to feel pretty nauseous/weird.

    At any rate, I'm glad to know that all of the tests were pretty normal; although, I know sometimes that can be more frustrating than anything since it doesn't help you solve the problem.

    You have definitely earned yourself some rest, girl. So take it easy on yourself ;)

  10. Glad the bloodwork checked out ok. I wonder what is causing you to feel lightheaded or nauseous. Maybe you just need to take things easy for a bit.

    Trail races always do a number on the legs!

  11. I love that you keep track of your stats- it is one of the things I plan to do in 2010. :)

    Btw- my word verification for this post is: expo!!!!

  12. I still don't get why they can't figure out what's wrong?!!? I hope it subsides sooner rather than later girl!

    On another note, you totally deserved a break and I'm fairly certain your body needed it!!!

    I can't wait to meet you in Boston!!!

  13. Milk the rest while you can!

    Seriously, what is UP with the nausea??!! :/

  14. Are you feeling better???

  15. happy the bloodwork came back ok, but at the same time, hope you get some answers soon! Hope you're feeling a bit better as you continue resting :)

  16. Hope you're feeling better! Enjoy your lazy not training for anything running! It's definitely the best kind!

  17. Glad everything checked out ok, but I'm sure you're anxious to figure it all out! Enjoy taking recovery seriously... I'm looking forward to that soon. Oct's stats were still great!

  18. Take care of yourself! Those are good stats to me! HA!

  19. So glad your bloodwork came back OK. Take care of yourself, Lindsay...a little more rest won't kill you. I sure hope the symptoms go away soon.

  20. I hope you figure out the problem and begin to feel well again. It just doesn't seem fair when you ar eTRYING to be healthy and have problems!

    Man I wish I could run as much as you. I'm lucky to get 20 miles in in a week.

  21. So sorry the nausea is sticking, but glad tests are normal (though that is probably frustrating, too). I wonder if your body is just too exhausted - you did what few could, with a tough training plan, demanding job, commute, away from family... I think you are doing the smart thing to rest!

  22. What a slacker! Run a marathon and then figure you can slack off (just kidding of course).

    I hope they can figure out what is going on with the nausea thing. You are much stronger that me - if I were in the same condition I'm not sure I could continue running.

    Oh- and likeyou I'd never wear gloves if it was 50 outside. I put them on becuase it was 48!!!!! :-)

  23. i took a solid month (til yesterday basically!) of unproductive running after my marathon before i finally felt like planning a workout again. i ran in between , but it was always kind of a whatever happens run.

    strange about the liver-- do they think that caused the nausea???? i had elevated liver #s at my doc appt over a year ago, and she said it wasn't really anything to worry about but of course i freaked out. i know birth control is processed thru the liver, as well as alcohol of course. and then something about high levels of exercise affects it. i should read up on that. :)

  24. I hate it when you see the doctor and get no answers. I wonder what is up??

    That is some ZWESOME mileage you put in there.

    I would totally log every mile walked in NYC..

  25. Congrats on another great marathon! I really want to do NYC someday.

  26. Lindsay – Enjoy the time off, take it easy, and your body will reward you later. I know what you mean by guilt-free days off! Go do some cross training if you need to take the edge off. I’m glad the blood test came back ok, but it still leaves you wondering what is going on. Maybe it’s time for a second opinion!
    As for the 70 mpw (soon to be 80-100): When I run, I run far (Shoot for 10m/day). Even on hill repeats, tempo, and speedwork days I will run 5 miles first before I start my workout, followed by a cool down. Some days I don’t get all my miles in (available time), but makeup for it on other days. And the long run makes up almost half (25-40), depending on my training plan. I always put my family first which means late night or early morning runs, and giving up on the extra hour of sleep. The hardest part is working a 12 hour shift, going home and spending time with family, and getting my butt out the door when I’m tired, it’s dark, and so ready to crash - But when I get going, I’m glad I did. Another good motivation is knowing you can’t fake a 100 mile race if you want a chance to even finish. It’s hard enough when I do get all my training in and having a good race day and night. That’s one of the reasons I love (but hate) these longer races is there are no guaranties you will finish even with the solid training. With marathons, I always knew I would finish, but it was a matter of how fast I could do it. It was still very demanding on the body because of the faster pace and pounding of the pavement. Ultras are more of survival.

  27. Lindsay, i'm worried about you. You are the last one any of us could say is out of shape. Hardly. Why are none of these tests showing anything? The liver thing you mentioned makes sense. but the nauseousness, I just don't get. At all.

    I'm sorry I've been such a bad blogger friend lately. No excuse.

  28. Did you mention to the doctor that the nausea seems to be related to elevated heart rate?

    Track your next few workouts with your HRM on, & see if the correlation between the nausea & HR continues. If that's the case, maybe you need to do a stress test or wear a holter monitor while running to see what exactly is going on with your heart rate.

    God I sound like SUCH a bossy nurse. SORRY!

  29. I LOVED your pics from the marathon. The commentary on each was very funny.

