Monday, September 6, 2010

cherry stalking

i don't actually like cherries unless they are on top of cheesecake, but i was recently tagged by grace (grace, it's amazing) and katherine (forward foot strides) with the "cherry on top" award. thanks ladies!

as usual this award comes with stipulations -- answer a question that has nothing to do with cherries, pass the award on and thank those who tagged you (done, see above). simple enough.

however, christina (lazy bones running) was also tagged with this award and posed an interesting thought - who thinks of these "chain email" awards that eventually get distributed to everyone?

i was curious (and bored) enough to try and track down the history... five times. here are my results:
of those 22 people, i had never heard of 19 of them before; there sure are a lot of running-bloggers out there. unfortunately the train stops at tasha, and she did not truly start the award. she saw it on another blog and started her own wave, which has been pretty effective thus far. until now anyway, after all that blog linking i don't know if this post can handle six more links.


  1. LOL! LOL! This is the most entertaining award post I've read. I also noticed that you didn't actually answer the question. Sneaky and/or clever?!:) Have a great week!

  2. Thats funny. Here is an award, now answer a question and pass it on. Sounds more of a hassel than anything, but that's my opinion. If it was running related I would do it, but not for a cherry thingy wingy. Thanks for that reply on the brick thing. Looks fun.

  3. The running blog world's own six degrees of separation! And where's your answer?

  4. hahaha. nice. i enjoyed this activity :)

  5. interesting discovery... and no answer to the original question. ;-)

  6. I am impressed and amused by your blog-stalking research. That sounds like something goofy I would do, too. I'm going to have fun clicking through all these other blog links! Woooo!

  7. I too enjoyed your detective results! Funny! I NEVER do any of those chain email requests I get no matter how good the cause but yet I do these running ones! I guess someone must just choose to start one. You could probably start a real funny one.

  8. Wow amaizing research!
    I will take a look!

  9. You crack me up!! I'm glad someone tracked it...and notice my name never popped up in there?? Yah!! :). Actually, Char did but I'm ignoring her. Hehe. Have a great week, Greenie!! :)

  10. Thank you for stopping the buck here. (The Internet thanks you also.)

  11. AWESOME! That's quite the sleuthing you did there, Lindsay! This is why I love you so much, your sense of humor resonates with me!

  12. You are too funny. You actually tracked down who had it each time. That's awesome.

  13. Congratulations for your award Lindsay and thank you for your mail explaining me the meaning of 'brick' in context.

  14. Way to dodge the question with a bunch of tangential links. Nice.

  15. That is too funny- very entertaining! I actually was tagged 3 times just this week. I honestly like it but have always wondered the same thing, like where do they start and etc...

  16. Haha congrats on the award and I do sometimes think those awards are like chain emails, but sometimes it's fun to hear what the blogger has to say on some random topic.

  17. HAHAHAHA!!

    Link me next time, Help a girl out! I've been accused of spreading bad rumors about my mother on my blog, so at least send some readers in my direction so that I can commit the crime that I already paid my dues for... What is that called?... Double Jeopardy or something?


  18. Who is this Tasha and why is she starting all these chain questions?!? Really she doesn't start them? Where do they all come from?

    Missed out on commenting on your brick workout so I'll take liberties to do it here. Yes, your legs feel like spaghetti and bonking is much more likely but a good 5 miles for your first brick is WAY TO GO! worthy. Really, way to go.

  19. haha, this is very funny! i'm going to start calling you inspector gadget...or just not give you any more awards! haha

  20. Ha! I've always wondered where these things start. Thanks for doing the investigative work for us!
