Wednesday, September 8, 2010

list love

i am a list-nerd. i like making "to do" lists for the enjoyment of crossing things off. sometimes i put things on the list that are ridiculously simple just so i can have more things to cross off. i usually don't ever finish everything on a list though, go figure.

lacey recently overcame knee surgery, and with some serious dedication to her recovery is back to running 6-minute miles or something crazy like that. she's kept a goal list for each phase of her recovery/training and i thought i might try it out myself for mini-monthly goals. it certainly can't hurt, and being able to cross something off my list just may be the motivation i need some days (especially on speed days).

september goals:
  • lift 8 times (hopefully ~2x/week and not all crammed into the last 8 days of the month)
  • do core at least 12 times (1x)
  • do yoga 4 times
  • go for 3 bike rides (1x)
  • do 5 speed workouts (1x)
  • run 10+ miles 7 times (per training plan) (1x)
  • run 150 miles (more is ok of course)
  • get my sleepy butt back in a morning-run routine with at least 6 early morning runs
i need to get rolling since we're already a solid week into september. *cough* lifting *cough*cough*


  1. I"m a list person too. I would love to write - run with no heel pain and have it come true because it was on my list! Sorry I am in the middle of a pity party. Good luck meeting all your goals!

  2. I too love me a good, easy to cross off stuff, list! Good luck with your Sept goals!

  3. Well, cramming in wt training the last 8 days of the month is better than doing 2-a-days the last 4!! So no need to stress (or cough) just quite yet!! :)

  4. Love making them, can't follow them. Or more often I lose it somewhere.

  5. Linday you have absolutly control about your workouts! I see you are an organized people. I'm not but it doesn't make me problems... (more or less).

    I like your targets and I'm sure you will do it.

    Good luck and write over it in next posts.

    Greetings from Spain litte girl

  6. To make to-do lists is one of the signs of well organized people. If on the top of this you add running marathons and sticking to tough training plans, the you are a number one.

  7. i'm also a list freak. i find that with a list like the one you have its even more gratifying to list each of those workouts as a separate items (so the list will be quite long) but then there are more days when you get to cross things (sometimes multiple) things off the list :-)

  8. I am a list-a-holic too. Good luck with the Sept goals and thanks for reminding me that we are over a week in. **sigh** it is going too fast.

  9. I'm such a list person too. I love the satisfaction of crossing something off...good luck to you!

  10. Lists are great--and you've crossed a few off already, right? Good luck with the rest.

  11. Making this life definitely qualifies as your first week's heavy lifting.

  12. Best of wishes to your september goals. I am sure you will be marking them all off. Im not a list person, but I think I should incorporate that idea of thinking. I might go somewhere some day. lol

  13. WOOOOO! list looooooooooooove :) wait til you start the crossing off... it's addicting :) you have made HUGE progress just since returning. and it hasn't even been long at all! take your time, remember, i'm on cycle 4... that's like... (ahhh math)... 84 days! :)

  14. Funny, I just commented on Lacey's blog about how much I love her lists. Mini weekly goal lists are such an obvious idea, and yet I don't bother. I need to start with this too. I think part of my problem is that I don't accomplish even 1/2 of what's on the list and then I feel annoyed... ;) I might steal your lifting/core goals. I like the idea of doing one monthly rather than weekly... more room for flexibility and procrastination.

  15. THta list sounds do able. I'm a list person too.

  16. I need a list myself... But it would be more on the lines of
    * no donuts
    * limit eating crap to once a week
    * etc
    * oh and some strength work would be needed as well

  17. I am a total list nerd! I have lists for my lists for my lists!

  18. I'm in the list-nerd club too!

    As I was reading this, I was thinking I should comment that you'll have to get moving since we're already a week into September... but then you beat me to the punch in writing that!

  19. I am an organized person, I really want things planned and in proper places. Also love listing things i want and i'm planning to have.
    ~vibram ~
