Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 report card: whoomp whooooomp

running - F
  1. run some marathons. preferably more than 2. D, only ran 1.
  2. race a half-mar. i wanted to prove to myself that disney wasn't a fluke. F, didn't even run a half-marathon.
  3. 5 pr's. C-, got 2 new pr's. had hoped to include:
    • 5k - sub-21 A+
    • 8k - sub-35 B i pr'd but didn't break 35mins
    • 26.2 - sub-3:30 F didn't happen
  4. run lots of miles. preferably more than 2009's tally. F- 3rd worst year ever at 873-ish miles.

non-running - X because an F would be too generous
  1. 30-minutes of activity per day. F
  2. abdominables: 25,000 abs / 250 planks. F actuals: 10,200 abs / 117 planks
  3. commute to work via bike regularly during daylight savings. F i think i biked once all summer and it wasn't to work.
  4. drop a few pounds. C although the only reason my weight is decent is because of the no-sugar for 3.5 months, not because i made better eating and exercising decisions all-around.

life - A+
  1. one weekend-getaway every month. A+ 
    cities i saw in 2011: ft. lauderdale, miami, key west, st. petersburg, rochester (mi), washington dc, hiawassee (ga), boston, milwaukee, green bay, bryson city (nc), knoxville, edisto island (sc), charleston, block island, niantic (ct), new york city, syracuse, clemson (sc), virginia beach, banner elk (nc), linville (nc). this was a fun goal and i highly recommend it. they don't have to be major trips, you could make a goal to see 12 new places in your state or try 12 new restaurants in your town.
  2. get the tree guy out to actually trim the trees. A+ 
  3. purge crap and not purchase any new clothes unless replacing something old. A, i did get rid of a bunch of stuff, mostly clothes, and i cleared out a whole dresser for josh. i was doing ok on the don't buy new unless replacing something old until september, and then went to banana republic practically every week. oops.

for anyone who thinks i'm being too hard on myself for giving myself F's (and an X) - lighten up. this is just a blog and running-talk, i'm not beating myself up for missing almost-all of my goals. it is what it is. life happens and things pop up that cause us to change our plans and i'm ok with that. i should have referred to these goals more often though - i could have done a much better job of 30 minutes a day and gone for regular walks. at least i'm winning at life?


  1. winning at life is the most important my friend....
    the rest you can fix..that is what I say. see me...I'd never trade an A in parenting over an A in running!

    wishing you a great 2012!
    and that next year at the same time you will still get A+ at LIFE!

  2. Winning at life is better than winning medals and races- just saying. And hey, even if you give yourself F's and X's, that means 2012 can only be better right?

    I gotta get better at purging stuff. In fact I might purge some stuff sometime soon, good idea...


  3. props to winning at life... BTW your 873 miles is still 100 something more than I did so you weren't dead last in that category :)

  4. Hey, you got A's where it counts! Lol. Happy New Year!

  5. Good for putting the disclaimer....I would have been all over you otherwise, it is not like you sat on you a$$ and ate bonbons and were lazy:) There were reasons why those things did not happen. A+ at LIFE, well that is reason for celebration.
    Happy 2012!

  6. I'm feeling the same grades in all of those areas! Ahh well, if running and working out are big F's...certainly glad life is an A+, eh? Happy New Year!

  7. I think you saw 12 more new places than I did this year. Traveling kinda took a backseat to training. Whoops.

  8. I'll take an A+ in life over any other goals, hands down!

    Happy 2012!

  9. 2011 = Whomp, whomp

    Yup I totally feel ya sister but hey guess what?!?? We have an "awesome" new R2R training plan and we're both going to get back on track right?!?!? :)

    Onward to 2012, good riddance 2011!

  10. A+ at LIfe =Winner Winer Chicken Dinner! LIfe is the most important. Well done my friend!! Happy New Year. You'll get all those goals and more in 2012~

  11. And if not....well, you're still cool in my book!

  12. Yay for winning at life! Good job :)

  13. With the things I see at work, we're definitely winning the game of life!!

    Rock on 2012!


  14. Winning at life is always good. :)

  15. too harsh? More like too lenient as you do know that you have letters Y and Z right?

    Maybe the lack of M&Ms made your forget that there were two other letters. Now that would have been hilarious if you had given yourself grades of M

  16. I dont think giving yourself harsh grades is beating yourself up.. its reality :) I think its great to have goals (I did) and its great to meet those goals (I didnt this year) so I would probably grade myself an F for failing to reach them, but going by what effort I did put in Id give myself a C.. :) I think if you only grade the good parts then you are fooling yourself. Heres to an A+ kind of year for us both *Cheers*!

  17. Yeah, Id give myself an F for running as well, but mainly cuz i was stupid and tried to run through injuries.

  18. Haha, I did think you were being too hard on yourself until I got down to the life part. But I'm glad to see you succeeded wildly in some areas! Happy New Year!

  19. Eh, the life stuff is what's really important anyway :)
