Tuesday, January 3, 2012

calling all units

we have a 207/484 in progress.

last week

this week

i returned to work after the new year long weekend and found my new santa gnome missing. i'd really love to know the reasoning behind stealing random knick-knackery from someone's cubicle.

in other news, i received my blogger secret santa gift last week. here are my goodies from shelly of it's just one foot in front of the other:

thanks shelly!


  1. What! Your Santa gnome was abducted? Sound the amber alert!

  2. Who would steal a Santa gnome????

    I'm curious how that Snickers Marathon bar is. I usually eat Snickers on long bike rides and have seen advertisements for the marathon bar but never seen one at the store.

  3. That is a cute Santa gnome..was a cute...are there any suspects? Do you even want to go there? I'm annoyed for you.

  4. Really? The REAL Santa will never bring that thief anything ever again!

  5. I'm guessing he's on a really great adventure. He will return soon :)

  6. While I hope he returns..I hope there are pics of his adventures...

  7. Maybe he will reappear in Dec!!!
    He could have gone for a run!

  8. Um...what the heck are those little pieces of paper next to the bars? Is that Monopoly pieces from McDonalds?

    Very sad about your gnome...someone was obviously jealous!

  9. Love the little Army men...obviously they were facing the wrong direction and totally missed who the abductor was!
    Good luck with Santa gnome!

  10. Nothing is off limits anymore...

  11. Better the gnome than the sexy little wire figure.

  12. I am pretty sure that aliens came and are now sticking all kinds of probes in him. Gosh, that really sucks though. Who would steal a Santa Gnome? hard up..... Have a good one. Oh, thanks for the comment I would have to agree with my recent post. Take care.

  13. Seriously why in the world would somebody steal somebody else's sh*t? Just go get one of your own. That is just ridiculous.

    That being said I would talk to the platoon leader b/c those guys did not do their jobs.

  14. Who does that?!

    Seriously - some people are frickin' pathetic.

  15. ACK! That sucks!!!!

    (But I will add that I think I ate someone else's Chobani yogurt today)

  16. Someone stole your gnome?!? That is ridiculous!

    And good luck to Clemson tonight, if they win tonight then I win my bowl pool and $400, haha

  17. I love the word "knicknackery" and I will beat up the person who did it. Just saying.

  18. Sorry about Clemson, I was shocked at how many points there defense gave up. Just a bizarre game to watch. I still have a shot at winning my bowl pool if Arkansas and LSU win I guess.

  19. You should make a wanted poster!! One of those old fashioned ones bonus points if you use company time and resources to do it!

  20. Maybe he got hooked with the Expedia one and is on a beach somewhere?

  21. Here is to getting your gnome back!

  22. I love the gnome. Sorry someone took it! I hope they return it.

  23. Perhaps the gnome is travelling...

    Happy 2012 lindsay! May the year be filled with happiness, health, and prosperity.

  24. I'm amazed by the crap people do! Don't worry, bad karma is definitely coming the thief's way.

  25. If it makes you feel any better, one time around here people went around stealing all the lawn/garden gnomes and then a few weeks later they all appeared "playing baseball" at a local park.. Maybe your gnome is on a cool baseball mission like that..

    And Im kinda WTFing over the monopoly pieces?? Please explain?!?

  26. Lindsay, I was the one who stole the gnome. It's only a joke... poor gnome... or maybe he was running for a while ;-)

  27. RUDE! so unfortunate, someone couldn't resist.
