Wednesday, August 1, 2012

july 2012

miles run: 15.30. it's hard to run when you strain your lower back! (but it's improving)

other workouts: bootcamp (x12)

days off: 13

netflix (/tv) obsession(s)/fail: pawn stars and of course the olympics!

artistic/creative outlet/new thing i tried: finally finished (my first ever) water color attempts to hang in the living room. i've hinted at these in the past; i'm finally content with how they turned out.

actually hanging them on the other hand may take 2-6 months

new food i tried: actually cooking for a change - egg cupcakes and coconut flour pancakes.

book(s) read: none. slack.

number of blog visitors: 671 (you guys are always rockin')

number of doctor visits: 5 (+numerous chiro visits)

number of postcards received: 11! thank you andrea, ginny, diana and non-blogging friends!

unlike june, july wasn't as kind to me what with straining my back and then trying to do too much too soon. i still got in a few good workouts and august will surely be better! it certainly can't be any worse than august 2011.

i think i've had my share of hurdles over the past year but i will continue to fight to get back up. i still have 40 more states to run and a sub-3 to achieve!


  1. Great month!!!! Love the painting!!

  2. Good month with your back and all. Hope it is much better already. I like the paintings!

  3. The paintings turned out great! Good job! And I hope that back continues to feel better!!!! Go easy woman!

  4. Hey, you beat me... I got in 14 miles for July! :-)

    I hope your back is feeling better. I gotta admit, I was intrigued by the pancakes!

  5. Nice month! Love the new painting hobby! I had 36.7 miles for July-one can hardly call THAT marathon training! Although considering we had a crap load of days over 100 degrees and a gazillion days in the high 90's....I'm surprised I even got that many miles!
    40 states yet? I'd love to do that Gettysburg marathon in that state on your list?!

    1. Still need to do PA! Gettysburg sounds good to me. Can't believe it's been hotter in the mid-west than down here in the South! We "only" have mid-90's!

  6. You HAVE had your challenges this year! Here's to August being the month that turns things around.

    Great watercolors!

  7. Yeah this has been a hard month for you with hurting your back! But, you did great with the boot camps and with the new paleo diet, so you're still out accomplishing a lot. You will get the rest of your states in, you have years and years to run. That's one thing I try to remember :).

  8. DANG IT I meant to pick up a postcard for you in Lake Placid and I forgot. Sawry! Still love me?!

    Here's to more miles and less doctors in August!

  9. Doing too much too soon, hm, I know nothing about that...hand over the ice for my left shin! Hope August will be super for you! Did I miss a post about your reasoning for going Paleo?

  10. I think I missed the Postcard thing but I am often travelling, let me know your addy!

  11. Will you paint me a picture of the Colorado mountains for me when you come and run here next month??? Great art work :)

    Pawn Stars - hahahaha. I got suck into that once and was glued for about 4 hours. Then I got sucked into Storage Wars - totally stupid show, but another 4 hours down the drain I'll never get back.

    So August wasn't too bad, better than February, right? Here's to a fantastic August and some answers to the health issues.

  12. Keep fighting!!!

    MI has a great marathon in October ;)

  13. LOVE Pawn Stars! I got hopelessly addicted when I went home for Christmas. Hang in there, I couldn't run a step last fall and am back at it.

  14. The post card thing is way cool!

  15. I see the post cards I sent you on that picture! I am glad you did get them!
