Friday, August 24, 2012

this ish is bananas

hello world! i'm popping in because i haven't in awhile and i just know you all missed me dearly.

i'm still nursing this back strain which (i think) is re-healed after i brilliantly thought it'd be ok to do 65lb deadlifts and set myself back a few more weeks. i can sneeze without pain again but a weird, sometimes sharp, pain pops up in my right glute depending on how i move. i'm rolling, massaging and stretching my lower back, glute and hamstrings in an attempt to get back out on the streets and cross fitting asap. yep, another month of no-running, this is not fun.

i went to a super sweet j.crew warehouse/sample sale. it was crazy and required camping out on the sidewalk at 3am, but i got a lot of new clothes for way less than advertised.

there are no dressing rooms so you try stuff on over your spandex. but everyone's doing it, it's totally normal.

my car broke, but josh saved the day. some cable came loose and the shifter thingy wouldn't change  (clearly i moonlight as an automechanic). josh figured it out and luckily it was an easy fix. i also got to use my emergency car kit for the first time ever (well the screwdriver, not the flares).

and now for something entertaining since you've endured the above drivel.

i found this banana slicer on pinterest. somehow it got review bombed and they're hilarious; please enjoy your friday workday reading the reviews.

oh, and i'm still eating clean too.


  1. Hahaha. I had no idea how stressful and complicated slicing bananas could be

  2. I love that slicer! Glad the car was an easy fix. Have a super weekend!

  3. My banana-cutting anxiety finally has a cure! What's next, soap on a rope?

  4. My mom used to go to a clothing sale like that with my cousin every summer called hit or miss. They always wore their swim suits so they could comfortably try clothes on out in the open. I was never old enough for them to want to drag me along. :/
    That banana slicer is awesome.

  5. Haha, I will say I love my apple slicer, it makes cute little slices but is so hard to push over the apples sometimes! I wouldn't use it for bananas though, definitely not. Glad your car is fixed and you got some new clothes.

  6. I always wonder who buys crap like that! Like something you'd see in a SkyMall catalog! So funny. My favorite stupid kitchen gadget? The Hot Diggity Dogger. Just awesome:

  7. Everytime I try to do deadlifts I end up with lower back pain. SO I don't even try anymore. Glad your back is a bit better. That banana gadget ad is awesome. Pretty soon there will be a gadget to do the chewing for us. XO

  8. I am so glad you are feeling better! I'm also glad you checked in because I was wondering if you had just given up over here and stopped blogging!!!!

  9. 65 lbs???? Man, I am a slug! I deadlift with 50 and am sore for 2 days after. But since I'm not walking around with a strained back, I guess this is a good thing :). Glad you're feeling better-ish.

    All I can think of with the banana slicer is that it'd be a pain in the ass to clean between those slicer thingies...and I'm all about minimal cleaning. Might make a great blog gift exchange gift for a certain someone though???

    Next time, use the damn flare!! :)

    Happy Friday. Text me someday!

    1. The blogging world better watch out in this year's blogger Christmas exchange...

      Hopefully this gadget is dishwasher safe. Let's be honest Jill you don't really do dishes anyway ;)

  10. Oh dear lord. I am shuffling through the reviews on the banana slicer, and I'm busting a gut here. This is, by far, my favorite so far:

    4 of 9 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars Reckon they put directions in there for a good reason after all ..., August 20, 2012

    By three deep (Hickory Holler, AR) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Victorio Kitchen Products 571B Banana Slicer

    "Folks, lemme tell ya ... I done bought this here doohicky thinkin' it might be good fer some kinda other use. Down here in the Holler, us fellers gets lonesome sometimes and what with the recession the adult book shop done picked up and left town. The ol' ridin tractor just ain't gonna get me down the next town, so I figger I oughta check out ol' Amazon fer new toys. The missus is always bein stingy with her lovin and half these girls 'round town got me figgered out, so's I always keep me a toy er three next to my stack'a Playboys. Well, I figgered, if this here is good on a 'nanna, she oughter work wonders on my peter.

    Boy howdy, that was about the dumbest idea in Creation. 'bout skinned her clean like a trout. I got ta shoutin' and hollerin so bad I done set all them coonhounds down the road yowlin' an carryin on like they done saw a whole herd'a raccoons draggin raw steak round. Well, things is healin alright on account of washin down the whole business with the leavins from ol' pappy's still, but even so I reckon this ain't so good fer takin' care of business. Jus' use what the Good Lord gave ya, alright? "

    1. !!! I hadn't come across that review - that's hilarious.

  11. Wow...nothing like slamming the ALS, parkinson's and blind community by pretty much saying they're too stupid to cut a banana!

    That's got to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Damn good thing I never eat bananas anyways.

    For all your other comments...anyone who has back pain from doing deadlifts is a sign that they are not being done properly. Doing a deadlift is the best thing for a back. One must make sure the glutes are doing the work and NOT the back....there's my free KB lesson!

    I would have totally taken out the flares, lit them and placed them around Josh as he fixed the car!

    1. Sad thing is someone actually invented it and there are people out there who use it...

  12. Thanks for the laugh on the banana slicer!

  13. Good thing it was nothing serious with the ol' carro and that you are starting to feel better. And thanks for the laugh.

  14. Oh THAT'S what I needed to complete my morning...a banana slicer!! I've been to a JCrew sale like that before...great deals!

  15. Sorry about your back. :( Hope it's better soon.

    That banana slicer is the shit yo. Imma get everyone that for Christmas. Hollla! (Not sure why I went ghetto here but it seemed to fit.)

  16. Wow, I strained my back yesterday and I attribute some of it to deadlifts! I think you could have fired up the flares to inform people of your problem, just saying.... I've never been able to find a knife sharp enough to cut bananas, so I see using that tool........ LMAO!

  17. Ha, hysterical, thanks for sucking up my Friday night.

  18. OK-I need a warehouse sale! There are not even any friggin' stores here in no man's land much less warehouse sales....

    These banana reviews definitely made me and my oldest kiddo laugh! Thanks for the Friday night fun!!

  19. because who doesn't need a banana slicer? awesome.

  20. That's hilarious! The banana slicer, clearly, not your back. Or the car, though I think we have a similar level of automotive knowledge.

  21. You clearly need some glute voodoo. Alas my glute guy (don't we all have one?)skipped out on me. He's been spotted in CO. I will hunt him down. But first I need a banana slicer.

  22. I mean, if you eat a lot of bananas... They have apple slicers, right? I feel that this is some sort of banana discrimination.

    1. LOL, poor bananas can't catch a break. They just want perfectly even slices too!
