Sunday, September 2, 2012

august 2012

miles run: 4.5. oh yeah, you're impressed.

re-strained back and spent too many days benched or on the stationary bike. it is amazing how much you can't do when trying to heal back muscles. also i am still having an odd glute pain (not constant). time to self-diagnose (i can't believe i haven't gone to see dr. google yet for it).

other workouts: airdyne (stationary bike) too many times; bootcamp (baby workouts); walking

days off: 8

netflix obsession(s): white collar (season 3) and pretty little liars

artistic/creative outlet/new thing i tried: still haven't even hung the water colors

new food i tried: sweet potato brownies and coconut flour pizza dough (with sauce and cheese, not plain dough, i'm not that weird). i thought i was missing cheese during the past month of clean eating but having full fat mozzarella on my pizza just wasn't satisfying. it is good to know i'm not addicted to cheese anymore.

my dough-making skills leave something to be desired.

book(s) read: does a book for work count? "global oem principles to save time and make money" - a training requirement for work. zzz.

number of blog visitors: 719 (you guys are always rockin')

number of doctor visits: 2, i think (+numerous chiro visits); the count is going down! and hopefully staying down.

number of postcards received: 1 from jess of cuban running crisis; thanks jess!

though august was consumed by rehabbing my geriatric back, i've been able to do more intense workouts (...than stationary biking or walking) the past few days. i'm trying hard to stay smart, lose some stubbornness, and get back into a regular workout routine without setting myself back, again.

i did a good wod friday morning that i really liked -- 10 martian makers (light weight due to back), 75 wall balls, 75 (modified) burpees, and 10 martian makers. the fact that i'm still sore from it today makes me like it all the more. it appears that "martian makers" may be a made-up term because i can't find a video to demonstrate them, but they're basically a hang clean-squat-thruster. i don't do as deep of squats because of the back/glute and i step out/in for burpees instead of jumping legs out/in. i was going to try to run a couple miles today but i may just spend the day rolling my sore muscles instead.


  1. "lose some stubbornness".......hahahahahahaha, when you find out how to do this, send that information over to me!!

    1. Maybe I'll be awarded the Nobel prize upon my discovery! ... If I ever learn the secret.

  2. I don't even know what a "hang clean-squat thruster" is so looks like martian makers are out for me, phew! I like things that make me really sore...definite sign we're working something, right? Just pisses me off when I can't run for days after because I can't move. Eventually the muscles catch up and the soreness isn't as intense as they were in the beginning of these crazy workouts, but I'm not even close to being there yet.

    At least you haven't signed up for a marathon for like next month or anything. I'm sure it's coming though! :)

    Great month, it!

    1. I know you're trying to be a bad influence on me but so far it's not working... No marathon in 2012... I think ;)

  3. I should send you a postcard :). I actually saw some cute ones today so if I can get back to the store I'll get one and send it so you get more than one in September hehe :). I'm glad the number of doctors appointments you have is going down at least! That's good to hear... coconut flour pizza dough sounds pretty interesting.

  4. What postcards do you still need?

  5. You know what, 4.5 is more than 0!!! September you'll be back at it, keep the faith and for the love of good stop re-straining your back!!!

  6. Ugh. Backs can be a real pain (no pun intended).

  7. Are martian makers anything like martini makers? Twenty would be really impressive at one go then.

  8. I hope your back sorts itself out completely soon. Here's to great September for you!

  9. I think you need to write a book review for that one. :-P

  10. oh gawd - i HATE the airdyne!! The coach at my gym (Alpine Training Center) LOVES to torture us with the airdyne. Hope your back gets better soon!

    1. It was ok the first few days... But it got old fast! And they kept making me do EMOM workouts on it, holy crap it was hard.

  11. That's my kind of spin class right there. Hey boys!

    "hang clean-squat-thruster" explains it just about as well as "martian maker" for me. Sounds bad ass either way.

    Glad your back is coming along - here's hoping for no more setbacks!

    1. LOL! I'm literally LOL'ing at work thinking of you flirting with those sexy men. Get it! I wont tell Maurk...

  12. So does this mean your possible idea to run a marathon this year is out of the question? Or are you still considering it?

    1. That idea is pretty much gone. There's not enough time left to get in shape, right? (Keep telling myself that...) 2013 will have to watch out!

  13. Yay you got it. Glad to hear. :)

    1. Yep! And I totally meant to email/blog you to let you know but forgot. Thank you!!!!

  14. Sorry to hear your back is still bothering you :( And yummm....sweet potato brownies. (Can you tell I get easily distracted?)
