Monday, September 10, 2012

no more suffering

i went for my first 'real' run in awhile (since june) and jesus came with me. typically, top 40 hits will pop in my head during a run, such as b.o.b's favorite call me maybe, but during this run it was the chorus of arise my love by newsong.
arise, my love.
arise, my love.
the grave no longer has a hold on you
no more death sting
no more suffering love.
if you've been reading my blog for any period of time you would know that i don't push the bible on anyone (i'm far from perfect myself), but i had to post about this run. if i lose a follower so be it. i felt great throughout the run (no, i am not saying a song made me feel great) and had goosebumps as the chorus played in my head and i charged up the last hill of my route. it was a cool moment.

i choose to believe that i will have no more suffering (and running setbacks) from my skin problems. a little hokey? sure, maybe. but it's a positive way to think about it and this song popped into my head from nowhere (i haven't heard it in years vs. hearing 'call me maybe' every other hour).

anyway, i had a great time and enjoyed being able to run more than 2 miles. the first week of september was a success all-around (...and then i tried to run sunday with a 100.7° fever, i still haven't found the key to being un-hard-headed).

miles run: 15.25
bootcamp workouts: 6
burpees burped: 307


  1. I'm a Christian but I don't typically run to Christian music, although I have some Avalon on one of my running mixes. But then, I don't run to music very much anymore now that I have this decrepit, super-glued ipod nanoIII. Nice to have you back running, now if only I could say the same for myself!

    1. i very rarely run with music (/an ipod/mp3) - i just "play" whatever comes into my head. the few times i do run with an mp3 player i tend to play top 40/hop/pop stuff - need the beat to put a pep in my step.

  2. That's it, I'm unfollowing you! ;)

    When I couldn't run with my heel problem and a slew of personal issues causing me to eat 60,000 kcals/day, I knew one day that all the suffering would be gone - eventually. I had to believe this otherwise, where would live be without hope? I think you've paid your dues and it is your time, girl! :)

    Just PLEASE stay in bed and rest when you have a fever!!

  3. Didn't lose me;) I know those cool moments!

    No running with fevers though!! And on a sidenote-Jill cracks me up. Her 60,000 kcals.....

  4. LOL, I have my Gospel playlist that I use to get me going some days.....

  5. Everyone should be able to speak up about whatever topic they want w/o fear of backlash! Anyhow, very happy for you--you deserve a break after all you've been through!

    1. i agree. sadly there's a lot of the 'backlashing' in the blog world, but luckily i haven't experienced any of it yet. (i believe it's because of my super awesome readers, of course) :)

  6. I usually start my long runs with a Christian song...just to set me in the right direction about who is in control and where my strength comes from!! Love that song! And excuse me missy but fevers equal curled up in bed with a chick flick!!!

    1. i love that mindset! and don't worry, i spent the rest of sunday on the couch/in bed and i'm repeating that activity again today :)

  7. You won't lose me that easy, sing on sister! So happy to hear you had a great run!

  8. Awesome! I don't run with music but the only songs that ever get into my head while running are gospel songs.

  9. This sounds like a great run. I am on a break with running and I wanted to get back together with it this weekend but now I'm not feeling well. I'm sitting on my couch with a potential fever too. :( No fun. I do plan to take these puppies on a walk later.
    I never feel offended or off-put by someone who mentions their spirituality. Glad you shared.

    1. i feel like people get too easily offended these days, glad you're not one of them! hope you are feeling better too.

  10. Yay! In the midst of a comeback myself so I know how wonderful those moments are.

    Except I'm still eating 60,000 kcals today, must stop...

  11. Preach on girl... I often mix my music up with some recent Christ like music. Good for my soul.

  12. Very cool. Ever since the glass started falling out of my shattered iphone, it doesn't come with me on runs/rides anymore. Rather than sing real songs, I either blog in my head, just think about whatever pops into my head (that may or may not be redundant with item #1), or usually when I'm suffering I'll start singing some godawful stream of consciousness song of complaint. I'll be pretty humiliated if anyone ever sneaks up behind me and hears all that.

    1. shattered iphone... i've never had that problem (...more than 5 times). ;)

      i rarely take an mp3/i-anything with me on a run so my brain takes me on it's own journeys of thoughts and/or random songs. i've definitely 'written' up a few blog posts in my head on runs too!

  13. Not hokey AT ALL. I love this post and think it (and you) are awesome. :) I am so excited to watch your comeback.

    And who cares what the backlashers say. I was told today that I was "dishonoring God" by wearing my Brooks uniform top. Eh. What can you do?

    Keep rocking girl!!

    1. thank you erin! (uh, a little ridiculous about the top though)

  14. Awesome! So glad it went well for you!

  15. still here...and 100% agree with Zippy!!! she is wise...
    and happy you are running....but with fever...not so much....

    the it is

  16. Jesus freak :-P haha! Kidding!

    Jennie and I were totally just rocking out to Our God Is An Awesome God in the car ride to Ohio on Sunday (arm movements and all).

    1. i think the world needs to see what these arm movements are. time for a k&j music video production!

  17. I handed my "f'd-up" life over to God about 3 months ago.....and I know that if I hadn't, I wouldn't be here today. I have not blogged about it but I have put a few little innuendos on it.....I have blogged a few times about it, but they're in my "draft" basket waiting for God's approval of whether or not I'll post 'em!

    Blessings for peace in your (and all our) life!

  18. Great to read that Lindsay!!!!

  19. Still here! Love that song, and so glad your run went so well!! Keep it up, believing with you!

  20. I'm all for positivity and things happening for a reason. Here is hoping this is the end of your woes!

    Your M&Miversary approaching can only bring good things.

    1. i mean duh! it has to! maybe this time they'll finally contact me and offer me a sponsorship... maybe?

  21. :) Still here. Hope you're feeling better! I'm sick too. Boo.

  22. You know, I think at some point suffering becomes optional. But it takes a lot of suffering to get us to realize this. And yes, don't run with a fever.

  23. I am not at all familiar with the song, but I am going to check it out now :)

  24. I'm not familiar with the song either, but I'm really glad you had a great run!
