Friday, July 16, 2010

going to the chapel

i'm taking a mini hiatus... 'cause i'm getting married this weekend! i've been running around all week on some last minute errands, and not running-running 'cause i've been feeling like crap (great timing for that). i haven't slept all week either; not because of nerves or cold feet, but because of the feeling-like-crap part.

please pray for the weekend weather forecast

go figure it's been sunny and dry for two weeks... and then storms are predicted for this weekend. at least the high-temp should be less-intense than normal. we've been planning an outdoor ceremony/reception which would obviously be way cooler and prettier than the backup plan. so please rain, help a girl out.

our venue! <3

i'll see you all 'on the other side'. in the meantime, i've arranged a giveaway to keep you preoccupied in my absence :)

win a $60 giftcard
the csn stores giveaway is floating around right now in a few other spots, and i am lucky enough to offer you one more chance to win!

let's face it, there is always something we need in our lives, whether for the house, the kids, the pets, your sanity... well csn stores has it all! i know i have a pending bathroom renovation to get to myself, and i can browse csn's websites for a new toilet, bathroom vanity, mirror...

csn has over 200 websites with products available for this giveaway, so i know you'll find something to suit your needs.

to enter:
  • visit csn stores and tell me what you'd buy with your $60 giftcard. you can pick any product on any of their sites, the possibilities are endless.
  • for a bonus entry - guess where josh and i are honeymooning. if you are one of the few who already know the answer, please don't give it away! 
the giveaway will end sunday, august 1st. good luck :)


  1. WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! go get 'em! :) have a very very happy weekend, i wish you both the best

  2. All my best wishes to you! Have a great weekend!

  3. gosh, i can't believe you weren't planning on getting in an early run before the wedding. slacker. :P totally kidding!

    congrats congrats congrats!!! have a wonderful weekend with the hubs =) so excited for you!

  4. I was thinking of you this weekend!
    Have a great time and I'm sure the weather will be on your side!
    Just as I started to walk down the aisle, it started to storm and poured for the 20 minute service (thank goodness Lutheran services are short!) and it stopped just as we were walking back down! They say that's a good sign...I guess, it's now been 28 years!
    Have a great wedding, looking forward to reading all about it and don't forget the pics!!!!

  5. Yay Lindsay! Praying for no rain!!! I am so excited for you, congratulations and enjoy it :)

    I have no idea on the honeymoon... Hawaii? I was introduced to CSN just this week, I didn't realize they had so much... Love the cookware site, who couldn't use another gadget? Or maybe it's just me :)

  6. congratulations! crossing my fingers that the weather holds out for you.

  7. have an amazing wedding and honeymoon!!! cant wait to hear all about it :) a little rain on the wedding day is good luck anyways. (we had to move ours inside because of weather and it ended up being a perfect evening)

    eeeeeeeeeeee <3

  8. congratulations on getting married, hope you have a real special day...

  9. A wedding is like a marathon - you can't control the weather! If I can give you one advice about the actual day is to HAVE FUN and not worry about others as much. It is YOUR WEDDING! And welcome to the club, marrige is a good thing! I won't ask about kiddies for a bit, though:)

  10. Oh best wishes to the blushing bride and her groom! Your venue looks amazing!

  11. Congratulations, hope you have a wonderful wedding!

  12. Happy Wedding and Honeymoon!! I hope it's GREAT...the venue is beautiful!!


  13. Have a wonderful awesome spectacular unforgettable weekend, Lindsay!

    Best wishes, & catch you when you're all married ;)

  14. Congratulations on your wedding! Enjoy yourself!

  15. Congratulations! Have an awesome day!!

  16. CONGRATS Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay!!!!
    I hope your day is everything you both want it to be; fun and full of good moments and wonderful memories. BIG HUGS to you both!

  17. Congrats in advance! Fingers crossed that the weather holds out for you.

    Have a great wedding, honeymoon, and most importantly, marriage!

  18. If I won the GC I think I'd go for the immersion blender as I blew mine up in an unfortunate accident.

    As for the honeymoon hmmmm Martha's Vineyard?

  19. Congrats congrats congrats! Sending happy weather vibes your way!

  20. Hey girlie, I've been thinking of you throughout the day and hoping your wedding was wonderful! Woohoo!!

    I know you told me when the wedding date was but not the honeymoon...argh! I'm going to guess somewhere in the Carribean. Is tht too general?

    Congrat to you guys, very happy for you :).

  21. Yay! Many congratulations! I hope you both had a beautiful day. Can't wait to see some pictures :)

  22. CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding, L! I hope the day was spectacular, including the weather.
    As for your honeymoon destination, it would probably be easier to guess where you are NOT going: Kentucky!
    My guess is: Dominican Republic
    The gift card (should I be the lucky winner) would go towards the Delonghi Retro Pump Espresso Maker

  23. Something like this:

    A sandal that isn't too casual that I can wear with pants or skirts or shorts. I want to throw my black ones out a window. They are getting yucky.

  24. You probably aren't, but you should be honeymooning at Hershey Park where you can "Get a quick animated tour of the M&M factory".

  25. Yay!!! Best wishes and sunny skies to you!!! Can't wait to see pics!

  26. Congrats on your wedding! Hope everything went smoothly, Lindsay.

  27. Can I kiss the bride?

    My best wishes to you... I know you will go to get married BUT not now, yet! it's a GREAT new!

    I hope you have a big and awesome honeymoon, wedding and you will be very happy!

    Kisses and I hope your new post with a lot of pictures!

  28. See what happens? You've tols the whole world, but becuase I fell behind I was the last to find out.

    Hope you had a great Wedding Day and have a great Honeymoon! Throwing some virtual birdseed at you and the lucky man!

  29. Congrats on your wedding!! Pictures please.

  30. Congratulations Lindsay!!! I hope the weather cooperated and that you had a wonderful wedding day.

    Obvs I'd use the gift card to buy you a wedding gift since you didn't win the socks (so sorry). ;)

  31. Congratulations!

    I'd like to get the Diaper Dude diaper bag for my husband from CSN.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  32. How specific does my guess have to be? Europe??

  33. Woot Woot!!!! I cant wait to hear all about the "BIG DAY" I am so excited for you!!!

    I hope it didnt rain, just for you because I personally LOVE rain and that you were feeling better!!!

  34. The big day already!? Caught me off guard! Congrats and have a wonderful time!

    I've been told I need curtains, so maybe that from CSN. My guess: Napa?

  35. How did I miss that your big day was this weekend?!?!? For shame!!

    I hope you had a super-duper, absolutely wonderful wedding day!


    No idea where you are honeymooning, but I hope it is someplace relaxing. If I won the CSN card I would buy something boring like plates. Because mine suck.

  36. Congrats! I hope you had great weather! Post some pics when you get back :)

    I would probably buy a few rubber-covered free weights. My arms are pretty weak!

    Not sure where you went on a honeymoon....Florida??

  37. CONGRATS! so exciting, can't wait to see pictures. hope you're having a great honeymoon!

  38. Well, it's a little late, but congratulations! It must have been some whirlwind leading up to that special day. Venue looked awesome, hope everything went off without a hitch :)

  39. I would get the child size rocking chair for my library. The kids would love rocking and reading. :)

    Congrats on getting married!

  40. I would totally buy a magic bullet! Sounds odd, but they look so easy to use and versitile! I'd also probably find a few other things for our new apartment!

    Glad you had such a great wedding! Hope the honeymoon was awesome!

  41. Congratulations!! Hope you had a wonderful wedding, Lindsay!
