Friday, July 9, 2010


i'm only a few weeks late here, but i've joined in on kerrie's (of mom vs. marathon) summer of weight loss (sowl) from now until september 22nd. or well, hopefully i'll survive that long without giving up and gorging on m&m's. i've hopped in a few of these friendly challenges before with mixed results, and of course i'm hoping this one will go down successfully.

and now for some embarrasing stats. yes, i'm putting it all out there. i hope you'll still be my friend.

bust: 36.5"
chest: umm. i have no idea where you measure this one as a female.
waist: 33.5"
hips: 39.5" (including as much junk from the trunk as possible)
midway: 36.5" (guess i need a tummy-bra; kerrie defines this as the largest area between your hips and waist -- for her it was leftover baby tummy... i don't even have that kind of excuse!!)
left thunder thigh: 23.25"
right thunder thigh: 22.5"
left calf: 13.75"
right calf: 13.75"
right upper arm: 11.25"
left upper arm: 11.25"

and to further stock you up on blackmail:

no, i'm not pregnant. i swear.
the tank top used to fit in college, now my buddha belly pokes out the bottom.
no, i'm not sure why i still own it.

when i suck in, i don't look quite as bad.
you'd think i'd have a 6-pack with all the sucking-in i do...

so, here's to the next 10 weeks!


  1. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you want to track your food intake i have a site to recommend: i've tried different sites off/on to just log things like food/exercise and this one is by FAR the easiest to stick with. i use it now without really thinking about it and it has really kept me on track.

  2. You are a brave woman!!! (not that you have anything to be ashamed of)

    LOL at the sucking in. I should totally have a 6-pack by now too.


  3. I'm behind about posting about this too! Ugh, guess I'll do that sometime this weekend!

    Good luck and btw, I think you look great already!

  4. Honestly, you look great to me. And in the belly pic you look like you are pushing your belly out. Anyhow, good luck with this challenge. I agree with what others have said, tracking your food is helpful. Once in a while I use daily plate (there is an iphone app which make tracking easy) to see if I am getting enough protein and fat (I always get too many carbs:).

  5. Yay...another joiner to the challenge! ;) We can do this! Have you completed your challenge for the week? I am having a hard time, any suggestions?

  6. Hooray for challenges you will conquer (duh)

    Hooray for Friday!


    HOORAY FOR WINNING- you won the wrist cuff! Send me your email!

  7. Good luck with the next ten weeks! So you are giving up the M & Ms!?! Say it isn't so:) I love your cute! Actually, if it makes you feel a little better, I have a little bit of the chub/chub on my tummy that is there for life. It will not go away:(

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Good luck with the next ten weeks! So you are giving up the M & Ms!?! Say it isn't so:) I love your cute! Actually, if it makes you feel a little better, I have a little bit of the chub/chub on my tummy that is there for life. It will not go away:(

    Enjoy your weekend!

  9. It's great you are doing the before after photos/measures. I'm always too ashamed to do the before ones and then afterwards I kick myself b/c I can't really tell how much I've improved.

  10. Will you believe me if I say you look good? we are our own worst critics for sure. Anyway good luck--I should be joining you...

  11. Good luck! When I measure clients we just do "abdomen" instead of waist and midsection.

  12. I'm pretty sure I have a 6 pack from all the sucking in I'm doing...too bad it's covered up by all the stuff I'm sucking in...

  13. That's awesome you are doing a challenge. I may have to check it out myself. Me and Mom just started Weight Watchers (online) this past Tuesday. I'm blogging about our progress hoping to keep us motivated.

    Good luck to you!

  14. I just had Terron take before pics of me yesterday for my next round of P90X/Insanity... I'm like Lisa, hard to see progress when I never do the before's! Have a great weekend!

  15. You rock. :) I hope this goes successfully for everyone! It's motivating when you do something as a group and I'm counting on that for sure.

  16. I might need to get in on the sowl thing. I definitely thing the biggest factor between me and faster running times is all this dead weight I'm carrying around.

    I always have trouble when I'm taking before and after pictures with the whole sucking in and pushing out thing... I don't want to suck in cuz that's "cheating" so then I push out instead...

  17. Look at those slim tapered runner legs! You look great already!! Have fun doing the challenge but don't be afraid to be nice to youself :)

  18. Internal RBR dialogue: "Oh good, another gorgeous skinny B that says she needs to lose weight. If you need me I will have my fat head stuck in the oven"

    Outward PC comment: Good luck, girl! You look FABULOUS.

    You do, though, look fabulous, that is. :)

  19. Hey, best wishes losing weight, if that is what you aim for, but you know what Sir Mix A lot likes. lol. Seriously, best of success to that. Maybe I should really try and lose these last 20 pounds so I can find an ab or something. And as far as winning anything, hmmm, since you did sponsor the rocket man theme, hmmmm, let me think. You like m&ms right? Oh, yeah, you are on a mission. Take care and Baby Got Back is in, if you are not a runner that is, or unless you are me.

  20. I agree with RBR on this one....I'm not seeing what needs to go, but we see ourselves differently from "outsiders".
    Good luck with your challenge!

  21. Good Luck! I should join too!

  22. Your photos cracked me up! Good luck with your plan.

  23. you have such fantastic legs!

    I heard tbest way to improve a tummy is to sit AND stand with great posture. Next comes the whole eating right and exercising thing.

  24. I used to have my own personal weight loss plan when I ran in high school: run hard and burn lots of calories 7 days a week, race 1-2 times a week, and eat like there's no tomorrow after races and on the weekend. It seemed to work out pretty well. Probably not anymore now that I'm older..

    Anyways...good luck on your SOWL, we'll be cheering for you all summer! :)

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