Friday, January 2, 2009

courting the pain

races always evoke some dread about pain that will come. but we can't escape the fact that the more discomfort we accept in a race, the faster we will run. successful racing means courting the pain.

-john elliott
this time next week i will be picking up race bibs, chips, shirts, and swag at the disney world marathon weekend expo. i'm growing a little nervous, as always, but i'm constantly playing some of my favorite motivational quotes and songs in my head. i will run a sub-1:38 half and i will survive the full. i want to put a time goal on the full too, but i'm not so sure how many muscle fibers i'll have left after the half. sub-4:00 would be good, sub-3:50 would be better, another bq would be flippin' awesome... but i'd take a sub-4:00 (if i ran a sub-1:38 half).


  1. Crazy it's already here!
    You will do great!

  2. I think you will be amazed by what your body will do. I'm with Kim, you will do great!

  3. ok, im just putting two and two together. you are going to run the half one day then the full the next? gulp. swallow. blink. Wow, thats crazy incredible. I cant wait to see how you do.

  4. The Goofy challenge both terrifies and intrigues me... can't wait to hear how it goes.

    Countdown is on!

  5. I'll be rootin' for ya to blow your half PR out of the water - go kick ass and take some names!

  6. You will do amazing :) Looking forward to hearing all about it!!

  7. I can't believe the race is next weekend! You are going to do awesome. You have trained well for it. I know you will sub 1:38. I'll be thinking of you!

  8. My leg muscles just spasmed when I realized you're doing the half AND the full.

    You're gonna rock it!!
