Sunday, January 25, 2009

the human pretzel

i'm a little sore this morning, but i think it's from a more intense yoga workout yesterday and not my massage hour-long lotion application. i tried out a longer, more advanced workout than normal which had a ton of upper body work/poses. such as this one:yeah i'm pretty sure i'll never pull that one off. so i hung out in plank pose and chaturanga dandasana (below) until homegirl moved along out of the pretzel twist to something i could manage.

i went out for a "long" run this morning, as in 7 whole miles. it was nothing spectacular, just slow (which was a little depressing) but it was nice to get out and run. it's been weird only running 4 days this week. later today i shall soak up some time in the hot tub, which will hopefully put my legs in a better mood (and give my shoulders/back relief from yesterday's yoga).

week in review (1/19 - 1/25):
total miles: 21.90 (all super easy slow pace)
time spent running: ~3 hr 30 min
avg hr: 143
abs & yoga: 3 ab days, 2 yoga
off days: 3, all scheduled


  1. great job on the yoga... and i'll never pull that pose off either! Enjoy the hot tub!

  2. Okay...that first pose CRACKED me up. There will NEVER be a time I could ever do that. I'm SURE of it!

    I love yoga.

  3. I have practiced yoga for years, but would be permanetly damaged in undescribable ways if I ever attempted that first pose!

  4. holy, that pose looks impossible!

    good job sticking to the plan, especially the rest days. your legs will thank you eventually. :)

  5. yikes! that first pose is scary!!

    great job on the week back at running!

  6. That first pose is waaayyy scary.

  7. I have seen some scary yoga poses, but that one is by far the scariest.

    I have been thinking about finding a beginner yoga program. I have heard it really helps runners.

  8. I need to get back into yoga...felt super toned when I went (all of those 3 times).

    You deserve some rest - take it easy for awhile!

  9. Okay, that first photo? Is insane.

  10. Yeah, no one should really be able to do that first pose. That's just...just scary!

  11. I think my least favorite part about training is having to rest after a big race. Blah!

  12. Nice work on the yoga. That first pose is pretty nuts. I'd hang out in plank too. That's enough of a workout for me.

  13. Nice work on the yoga. That first pose is pretty nuts. I'd hang out in plank too. That's enough of a workout for me.

  14. Yea I would have been rocking the plank too. How in god's name is that girl doing that?
