Thursday, August 27, 2009

nailed it

this week so far in one word: blah.

i think sunday's problematic, cut-short long run rubbed me the wrong way. i was extra tired on monday and had a headache, shoulder aches etc so i took the day off and went to bed early. before the sun went down early. tuesday i was not in the mood to run but i headed out anyway and got in 8 miles; felt accomplished. i still felt a little "off" during the run but i took it easy. uh, wednesday... yeah. i lasted for two whole miles. just wasn't feeling it. i half wanted to cry while i was running and the other half just wanted to stop and sit down. i did neither, the tears weren't really there and i knew if i stopped i would have to eventually get home somehow. i don't know what's been going on in my head lately but i've been in funk land so far this week.

tuesday (8/25) pm run: 8.10 miles, 1:13:04 (avg pace 9:01), avg hr (160), 84*
wednesday (8/26) pm run: 2 miles, 17:48 (avg pace 8:54), avg hr (138), 87*

the funky mood was still going strong today, especially when i got to work and found out that google reader is now blocked for "social networking and personal websites". thank you websense. i was soo annoyed - a) now my reader is going to get wayyy backed up and b) what the heck am i supposed to do for the 10 hours i'm at work? ;) anyway, so if it takes me a few days to catch up with you, i'm sorry. i think i'm already two days behind as it is... sigh. work is cramping my style.

after a blah day at work and still feeling depressed about google reader, i forced myself into my quality workout. it was a good one - 14 miles with 10 at threshold pace. i know, it sounds so fun you're dying to try it out yourself. like last week's mid-week workout, it went a lot better than expected. i hope this helps turn the mood around 'cause i have been down in the running-dumps.

thursday (8/27) pm run: 14 miles, 1:47:20 (avg pace 7:40), avg hr (176)
[avg pace of the 10 threshold miles 7:14]

it felt much easier than previous threshold runs but was definitely still a challenging workout. i know i needed a good run for my spirits and i feel a little revived mentally. physically my legs are tired and my lower back is achy, but they'll get over it. ...i hope.

don't forget, tomorrow is the end of the great gu giveaway!


  1. For once I can say I know *exactly* how you feel. this is the firs tm that I've gone through this type of running fun. I kinda see that as good sign tho - it means that at least *something* is happening.

    I've been really confused though the past couple of weeks. the brain says do it and the body says no. Then the body says do it ad the brain says no. Oh well. I'm going to just do it.

    Six more weeks to go for me!

  2. Blah! Sorry you've had such a funky week! Sometimes it goes like that and I feel for ya sista'! Chin up and keep working hard...funk land can only last so long!
    Tomorrow is Friday!

  3. OK that is an AMAZING 14 mile pace, way to go!!

    FYI since your reader is down I have a Shorts Giveaway with lots of entry options on my Blog if interested :)

    Hope you get through the BLAHS.. I have had a case of those this week myself, thankfully my next race is a 5K..

  4. I'm gonna go out and say that your funk is just residual from last week and your Thursday run is a really good sign it's over. Awesome threshold pace!

    Since you kept asking about when I'm finally gonna start running longer distances like a "real", I have registered for my first half marathon! 10 week plan officially starts a week from Sunday!! And I partially have you to thank for that! Hope you're happy! :)

  5. I can definitely relate to the funkland feeling. At least you got back out there and did 14 miles. WOW. As for the websense... ugh. I am not a fan of the people who invented that one!

  6. Sorry you feel so crappy!

    I am not the one to say this, but maybe you need some rest? Just throwing that out there.

    Nice on the 14 though!

  7. wow that is an awesome pace for 14 miles, way to go...

    sorry about google reader getting blocked at work....

  8. Awesome 14 miler!!! If we hang in there we can breakthrough the blahs!

  9. Hang in there. What a solid and speedy 14 miler. Sorry to hear about work and the google reader. I hate when they do stuff like that. I say we should only have a 30-35 hour work week. That way people have more time to live their lives and do what they want.

  10. Awesome 14-miler to chase the blahs!

    I've been hit-or-miss with this running thing. I keep thinking that I'll start cruising soon, but I'm still waiting.

    I'd cry if GR got blocked at work.

  11. Sorry it's been a bad week! I can definitely relate, having had my share of those, especially this summer. But wow - you nailed that workout! So all your hard work is paying off for sure.

    I've got my fingers crossed for that gu :p

  12. thankfully it's friday -- hope next week will be a better one for ya. Awesome run though!!

  13. Don't sweat the blah runs. Your body was still recovering and warming up to running again. The later in the week AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME tempo is proof that this is what was going on. You are back on the fast and strong running track! Ana-Maria

  14. I hate when I have blah runs like that! Gotta take the bad with the good! Hang in there, it'll get better.

    Major bummer that they're blocking google reader...What about if you used and added your google feeds into it? Surely they wont have that blocked too?! I use iGoogle to read all kinds of stuff, without actually hitting those websites. It works really well and it's got some pretty cool apps on it as well. Worth a try!

  15. When you find the "cure" for the "funk"....please send it my way.
    Nice running.

  16. I hate those damn employers, cutting off our access to the free world wide web. (nice workout, though!)

  17. Sorry about your funky mood :( I feel ya! Hope your weekend gets better!

  18. Aww.. hope the funk ends soon, I've been in them week after week! that stinks about being blocked at work :(

  19. Hey, great run. We all go through the blahs, just something to work through. Hopefully your workout has gotten you through them.

  20. How dare they take your google reader away from you! Haven't they seen the study that showed that allowing access to "social networking" sites actually improved worker productivity?! See here:

    I'm sorry it was such a funk-tastic week, girl. Hang in there . . . you nailed a crazy-hard run, so I bet things will be better soon :)

  21. BOO on WORK. Ugh, that would kill me.

    Sorry about the (mostly) crummy week. You rocked that threshold run (smokin' pace!) so hopefully it's out of your system now.

  22. You are so right in saying that has a seriously limiting effect on life. I am sorry to hear about your blah week, but it is great to hear that the Thu. workout went well.

    Have an excellent weekend and I hope you get back in the groove,

  23. Hopefully you have an awesome weekend to make up for it!

  24. Seriously, I'm with Glenn Jones on this one...I had that same feeling this week. Busy with work and such, but just wasn't feeling right. Well, I hope you have a great weekend!!

  25. Sorry for the blahs. I was hit with a bit of them this week, too. Dunno why.

    GREAT job on the 14 miler -- 10 at threshold. Just great!!!

  26. daaaaaaaaaamn. 14 miles with 10 at tempo?! i'd be screaming from the rooftops about that run if i were you.

    but, sorry you've been having the blahs :( and sorry stupid work blocked Google Reader. that sucks. i think they were talking about blocking Facebook at work, but they seem to have forgotten.

    hope your weekend gets you out of the funk!

  27. That TOTALLY sucks about work! My work blocks a lot too and it annoys me, but then again I rarely have time to look at stuff but still sometimes it blocks things I need haha. Sorry about the blah running week, maybe take a few days off so you can love it again when you start back up?

  28. Haha, yes, 14 miles with 10 at threshold pace just sounds like pure heaven! But there's nothing like one of those going well to lift your spirits.

    Hope next week treats you better.

  29. I had a few blah days this week too. Maybe it's the season change. Who knows...I hope things brighten for you. Ya, I'd agree with everyone else here that that's a nice clip for a pace, though, to carry that through to 10 miles.

  30. Very nice, very nice!

    Earth to lindsay - we have nine weeks to go...9 weeks. Just in case you didn't know.

    Have a great weekend!

  31. Glad you were able to nail that 14-miler. I think we all go through periods of ups and downs in training and the important thing is to keep plugging away to get back up again. Well done!

  32. I hate when things get blocked. My husband's work just blocked the entire Firefox browser and it makes me so mad because the action SCREAMS incompetence to me.

    My work can't get away with blocking anything, once of the advantages of working in academia... people think they need freedom for anything and everything.

  33. I hate the blahs! General or otherwise! Glad to read you forced yourself out and ended up with a good run. Shame on the work blockage - I have the same thing.

  34. Oof. Good to know I'm not the only one to have a nasty long run physically bring me down for days after. I'm sure your body will snap out of it soon. For now, good job being smart and not pushing it, which seems to only extend the "blah."

  35. You poor thing! I would have died of boredom without blogs at my old desk job.

  36. Sounds like you finished strong though.
