Wednesday, August 19, 2009

product review: sugoi moxie shorts

the sugoi moxie shorts are perfect for setting the summertime, hangout, be casual mood. while they are not the ideal running short, they are run-able with two front pockets, an inside key pocket, and a mesh liner. they make excellent shorts for lounging around, hitting the beach/pool, running errands around town or hitting a cardio/yoga class at the gym.

my former running buddy got married recently, and pre-wedding she was on the hunt for "cute, loungy clothes" for the honeymoon and her new married life. personally i feel i'll put even less effort into my appearance once i've tied the knot, but i can understand the honeymoon-clothes excuse. i would definitely have recommended these shorts to her as they are very cute and comfy.

i haven't personally run in these shorts, but if the laundry ever runs low i wouldn't hesitate to. they've been great shorts to hang out in and the local kroger shoppers have been envious of my style while i food-shop. unfortunately the other night i was trying to enjoy some vanilla ice cream and managed to dump the entire pint-sized container in my lap on my nice, new chill-out shorts.

this picture doesn't do it justice (nor does it make my legs look very good). the ice cream was all over the place, including a drippy trail from the desk to the bathroom. i'm not having much luck lately without having an incident in my shorts huh.

other than the ice cream mishap - these shorts are terrific! so comfy and very cute. boys, i know you don't have much use for these (other than maybe steve) but you could always hook your wife/girlfriend up with a pair!


  1. LMAO at the 'ice cream' incident... The shorts are definitely cute, and I think I'd be like you... wear them to hang out and lounge around, but I'm not a 'shorts-wearing-runner. I get the chubrub on the thighs. it sucks.

  2. Heh, ice cream incidents happen to me all the time. Still, they are worth it. Only few things are better than ice cream on sunny days.

    The shorts are great!

  3. How in the world did you manage to dump an entire container of ice cream on yourself?? Hilarious! But, it looks like your shorts made it through the hazing, so A+ to them. :)

    Hey, your legs look fine..and completely tan! (jealous)

  4. Yeah, I need some running shorts. I don't know if you saw my response to the comment you made on my blog about me losing my key when I tried to tie it to my shoelace. But yeah, I currently running in basketball shorts. It just seems like running shorts won't make that much of a difference when running, like mine aren't that much heavier that it's going to slow me down.

    But if you say your shorts are comfortable and actually has an inside pocket (which I need!), I suppose it's something I should get.

    Great review, sucks about the ice cream though, what a waste!

  5. I never thought to do a "stain test" when reviewing apparel! Creative idea, and great review-honest and sincere (Wink-wink)

  6. ha, dumping the ice cream like that sounds like something i would do...hey you could use the shorts to clean up the mess...

  7. I love that they actually have pockets. I mean I know running shorts can't have many seems, but surely they can invent away to get more pockets in there. The RaceReady shorts are ok, but not too stylish!

    Any idea if they make a men's version? Without the ice cream, please.

  8. Those shorts are super cute! since they are comfortable makes me really want a pair.

    Sorry about the ice cream accident. Sounds like something that I would do.

  9. They look cute, comfy, and obviously now they smell like ice cream. YES!

  10. Good review--it made me want to pick up a pair of those shorts. Of course I think part of that has to do with my naive belief that if I buy the shorts my legs will automatically look like that too :)

  11. I love a good pair of comfy loungy shorts! Bonus if they can double as running/exercise gear.

    LOL at the ice cream pic...

  12. i like the shorts! i like sugoi products in general actually. i have a pair of tights by them that are the best tights i've ever had.

    i definitely lol-ed at the ice cream incident. nice work there!

  13. Those shorts are very flaterring. I wouldn't wear them running (I prefer tights) but they are cute to wear as regular shorts. Ana-Maria

  14. Those shorts ARE cute...You have a cute butt, haha! Is that weird? I would have def. taken a picture of myself dropping a pound of ice cream on myself...but how in the heck did you manage to do that??? ;)

  15. I was thinking your legs looked good actually! What is it with you and messy shorts though? LOL!

  16. So did you call J to come lick the ice cream up off your foot? Kin-keeee!

    Yeah - I definitly have my set of loungyclothes. Comes frm working for yourself. I get to wear them a lot.....

  17. Ooh...they look so good (not with icecream on them, ha ha). Thanks for the review.

    Glad you liked the idea of a detox day. To answer your question, I always start the day with oatmeal and orange juice, and I decided to keep it that way this time, so the bowel movement was not affected. You don't want to do anything drastic, but as long as the diet does not consist of just raw fruit and veggies (throw in some boiled veggies to settle the stomach), I think your body will be able to adapt well. I didn't feel hungry or tempted to cheat at all during the day....and felt properly nourished. It might help to rid your house of M&M's before you start, though!!!

  18. Hahaha, the ice cream incident is totally something I would do. Hilarious! Also, those are some VERY cute shorts! I love them--and am SOOO tempted to buy a pair! Darn it, why did I have to quit my job?! Just . . . Say . . . No!

  19. Man, you're legs looks great!! Those shorts are nice too. I can't wear those running unless I'm wearing vaseline too.Ha,Ha, Maybe 15 pounds from now. But actually those would work well for weight lifting work-outs and lounging around. Too bad about the ice cream. I would be devastated.:)

  20. The shorts look cute! They look a bit on the short-short side for me, though. But, I have bigger thighs/hips than you :-)

  21. Definitely cute shorts! They may be a tad short for me to be lounging around in, but I like the look otherwise!

    Oh my, I would have been crying over all of the dumped ice cream!!! Love that you thought you should take a picture to inform us though!

  22. wouldn't it be awesome if my legs had even half the tannish color of yours?! (wait until you meet me in february, and you'll understand. i bring whole new meaning to the word "pale" especially in the dead of winter.)

    those shorts do look awful comfy. and yes, when you do get married, you will find a whole new level of "comfortable" around your husband. LOL he will see you in ways you never thought possible, when you first started dating.

  23. Thanks for the review. These shorts look like something I would want. I like rocking around in comfy shorts, but my husband makes fun of me for always wearing workout clothes. These could pass as NOT workout clothes :)
