Tuesday, February 15, 2011

candy aisle clearance

i returned to work monday after failing to convince josh that the flu/plague lasts 5-7 business days and saw they had freshly salted the sidewalks. good thing! the high was only 72 degrees today. safety first.

i got this sweet gift in the mail from genesis! i just know i'm going to get excited about finding an m&m on my shirt at work one day and try to eat it. then i'll be a little disappointed, but hopefully won't break any teeth. thanks gen!

after work josh and i went for a valentine run. i still have a rumbly cough, but uh, i've run three whole days so far this month. i need to move. we did a short and easy 3 miler; i only stopped 3 times to hack up a lung.

the best part of valentine's day? february 15th.



  1. HAHAHA yes the candy is CHEAP! Love the necklace!

  2. You crack me up! Bargain central! Hope you are feeling better soon!!

  3. Glad to hear that you are back to running... even if it's still interupted by hacking!

    The weather sure was gorgeous yesterday and it makes me all giddy for spring! ;-)

  4. Mmmmm, candy! Like the choc chip cookies and brownies I've inhaled this last week haven't been enough....

  5. I like the way you think! Hope those lungs clear up for good asap.

  6. Yes, safety first. Glad you are feeling better!

  7. 5-7business days sounds reasonable to me...

    I don't want to talk to you about the temperature and the salt. REALLY?!

  8. day after holiday candy clearance completes me. you better believe I'll be at every pharmacy I can find today.

  9. lol, i didnt even think of the chances of you possibly mistaking the necklace for a real m&m ;)

    oh man, that reminds me, im gonna hit up walmart for some serious clearance candy.

  10. Good luck in avoiding the cracked tooth. Hopefully you aren't moving offices one day and decide you need a snack.

    BTW - you think there are carbs in those 2/15 candies?

    Get healthy girl. You and #1 fan are both illin' right now and she has barely run as well.

  11. Never looked at Feb. 15th as being the day after until now! LOL

  12. So good they salted the sidewalks. Or maybe that was just a salt lick to balance all the sugar?

  13. LOL - I can just picture the excitement & disappointment over and over from the m&m necklace!

    Get well, being sick sucks!

  14. Wait, Feb 14th is a holiday? I always though that it was celebrating Feb 15th: discount candy day!?!

    Cute necklace :)

  15. That necklace is awesome! I would totally try munching on it. Found candy! Woot! :)

  16. Awesome, you are so right! YAY candy clearance (although I think I'm looking forward to after EASTER - Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs... nom nom nom)

  17. You nailed it. Discount candy is the reason I have never, ever had an issue with Valentine's Day regardless of relationship status. I've already got my eye on the pink-themed Hershey's Kiss Special Darks that were looking suspiciously unpopular on Sunday. I hope you are back at 100% soon!

  18. Easter candy is my favorite! I may or may not have already had two full bags that I bought last week. Ken always tells me it is a good thing I run...

  19. I LOVE V'Day candy! I usually stock up the day after as well, but I'm really trying to be good. I may have a relapse though :)

  20. You crack me up :D

    I don't have to go anywhere for candy - each kid brought a full bag home.

    I knew they were good for something ;)

  21. Salted or sugared sidewalks....you need to be adopted by WillyWonka!

  22. Feel better, hon! And yes, I totally hit up Target this morning!

  23. Well, if you aren't 100% yet, that candy sure is going help!

  24. Hi, this is the JILL from CO (since you get us all mixed up! :)). Ok, I get it....you hate the actual holiday where society tells you to buy something for your loved one, but you love the day after said holiday - for the half price sales!! I got it now!! :)

  25. That cannot be a photo of a candy shelf on Feb. 15 - too neat and full!

  26. the day after a holiday is my holiday. candy sales = god's gift to us

  27. Yeah. I don't let myself near candy aisles this time of year - it's dangerous.

  28. Oh man, I'd be in big touble with a valentines clearance aisle. Instead, I'm sipping wine. Not sure if tha's much better. :)

  29. Sweet (no pun intended!) gift!

    I grew up on "day after" candy sales! My dad always bought bag after bag after bag of those conversation hearts! There's nothing better than day after candy!

    Here's a raise in my M&M container to your lungs getting better ASAP!

    BTW.......Green Bay is official sold out!! I'm hoping they have the Lombardi Trophy out for all us to touch as we cross the finish line! LOL

  30. Safety first-ha!

    You don't even need candy clearance! You just need 3 kids who have Valentine's parties in school! I have a bottomless pit of FREE candy around here!

    Hope your lungs clear up!

  31. I love the after holiday candy sales. I raided the nerds, skittles, starburst and sweet tarts. And then went into a sugar coma.

  32. hilarious, all of it. safety first indeed. wowza. love me some post-VD candy.... um.... right.

  33. I was so proud of myself today, I went to Target without buying clearance bags of M&Ms. Must be the looming race.

  34. Cha Ching- I heard your voice say it- I laughted at my desk OUT LOUD- and I dont even freaking know what you sound like. Feel better yo'!

  35. Yes because generally the actual holiday of Valentine's Day sucks. I've always thought that. Just another day made up by Hallmark to get you to spend money and act like a sap!
