Monday, February 21, 2011

dancing for the presidents

josh found out he'd have to stay late at work so i grabbed clothes to runmute home. when i left work i realized i'd forgotten to grab one of our 374 spare keys, but i figured he'd beat me home anyway.

dum dum dummmm (doom music)

perhaps i should have taken this dead deer in mile 1 as a sign.

you're welcome

although the winds were whipping (20-38mph), i felt good and pushed the pace a little. i didn't even glance at garmin and just ran hard. since i was running with my phone (a precautionary when i'm runmuting) i decided to play some music for a change. i don't have headphones so i just turned up the volume as loud as it would go, although it was still a little hard to hear the music over the traffic.

too bad i didn't have one of these

i listened to hits by the black eyed peas, justin bieber (scream!), rihanna, lil wayne... you know, classics. it was a nice change though (i don't ever run with music) and i'm sure the beat helped me dance through the miles a little faster.

i arrived at home and of course, josh wasn't there. his dumb meeting lasted two+ hours, leaving me stranded on the front porch for over an hour. i was warm and sweaty at first, so i hung my shirt from the flag pole as i continued my dance party with flo rida, dj khaled, lady gaga, etc on the front porch. someone shot off fireworks a few houses down, either celebrating today's big holiday or approving of my white girl dance skills.

it's not easy trying to photograph yourself dancing
george, abe and thomas j were rolling over in their graves

it started getting chilly so i put my shirt back on, much to the dismay of the neighbors. they quit shooting off the fireworks. eventually josh came home from work and rescued me (and called me special).

monday (2/21) runmute: 9 miles, 1:13:33 (avg pace 8:10), 69*


  1. Nice job on the runmute. LMAO of the visual of you running down the road with a boom box though. ;o)

  2. nice job on the runmute and avoiding the deer.

    But I'm most astounded by the fact that there is no overbite in the dance moves....nice job!!!!!

  3. PARTY! Good thing it's not minus a billion degrees or you would not have had so much fun waiting outside.

  4. your picture makes me laugh! Great job on your run! Glad you had a good dance for the presidents!

  5. Ah, this Sunday we locked our keys in the car during a run. It does suck, doesn't it?

  6. Ewww! Look at that deer. I hope someone came and got it.

  7. locked out of the house?! You poor dear! (deer?)

    This post made me laugh. :)

  8. Justin Bieber? Seriously???

    You should have included the dancing in your workout stats. It had to count for some extra calories burned (aka excuse to eat more M&Ms.) :)

  9. You are much more patient than I am. I'm pretty sure I would have broken in! Ha!

  10. Justin Beeber? Seriously? haha, I had to do a repeat. Hey, to each his or her own right? I use to have one of those boom boxes. Very cool. Glad you enjoyed your run, next time, bring your own keys.

  11. You mean to tell me that you don't keep the back door unlocked like the rest of us???!!!
    Nice boom box! I remember those days!

  12. Great job on the "runmute." Wind running blows. Pun intended.

    Did you have on the apple bottom jeans and the boots with the fur, or them baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps? Either way, I'm sure shorty was hot like a toaster (once shorty put her shirt back on).

  13. Very entertaining post! And nice run too! When I'm bored I try to take pics of myself too. I don't why...but it is funny!

  14. Well, at least you picked a nice warm evening to be stranded on the porch! ;-)

  15. Girl you crack me up! I'm just glad your weather wasn't so bad that you turned into a sweatsicle!

  16. Oh, I hate dead things on a run! It's even worse if you have to run by it twice. There was something dead near our trail over the summer and we had to hold our breath as we ran by twice! Bleh!!!

  17. Yay runmuting! That 9-miler should help with the post-plague mileage.

  18. Ha ha! I laughed through this whole post! I'm sure they were approving of your white girl dance skills!

    You never run with music? Man, I almost ALWAYS run with music. Not usually in the actual race but always in training.

    That's a great pace for what I consider SWELTERING weather with high winds! Nice work:)

    PS-no shortage of dead deer around here! Smells delightful as you run by!

  19. Great run! Too bad Josh wasn't home when you got there.

  20. man, free show for the neighbors. youd should have at least considered doing a video!

    looks like the plague is out of your system now. great job on the run.

  21. Great story, but did you have to show the deer?

    Next time, do a vid of you rocking out on the porch.

  22. One long hyphenated word of advice - hide-a-key.

  23. bahahah. i hope you find a boombox and rock out with that on your next runmute. just sayin'.

  24. after you posted on my blog, it looks like you are, in fact, "buckling up" Great Run Lindsay!

    Funny post - thanks for the :)

  25. Ooh, I like runmute. Nice job, and excellent dance party. I'm sure the neighbors were super appreciative :)

  26. You can't fool us L.L. Cool Lindsay. We can tell from the picture you should have been on Dance Party USA :)

  27. Nothing worse than being stuck outside the house. Luckily you could entertain the neighbors. Good run, years ago my dad went running with a radio, listening to the news and sport while on his long runs.

  28. OMG, he called me special! That is too funny! I hate the wind. It is always here in wonderful Kansas.

  29. That used to be my nickname too! I knew we were meant to be good friends from the beginning! (Actually you've become one of my best friends.)

    and yes, the dead deer was definitely a sign. You crack me up.

  30. Oh, ew. I hate seeing dead deer. At one point there was a dear carcass on my running route at my parents', and whoever it is who's responsible for cleaning these things up just didn't clean it up. It stunk.

    Awesome dancing! Way to rock it out.
